Education/Training from Bachelor
B.Sc.1993. Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, the University of Havana (Graduated with top honors) MSc. 2000. Nutritional Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Havana. Ph.D. 2007. Biological Sciences, University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. Specialist in Molecular Basis of Obesity. 2008. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Research and professional career
September 1993-February 1999: Solar Biotechnology Division, Solar Energy Research Center (CIES). Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (CITMA). Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Research Assistant: Cultivation of microalgae for nutritional purposes and obtainment of pharmacologically active substances. March 1999-March 2011: Teaching Assistant. Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology (CEBI). The University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Research on Mushroom Products and Applied Immunology.
April 2011-now: Titular Professor of the Biology Department (Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biotechnology). Faculty of Natural Sciences. The University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Titular Researcher. Responsible for Investigations at the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology (CEBI). Research on Mushroom Products and Immunonutrition. Coordinator of the University Network of Biotechnology. Research Interests: Research directed toward the evaluation of the immunomodulating, antitumor and antioxidant activities of natural products derived from microalgae, edible mushrooms, and plants. Interested in the utilization of these products in the fields of functional foods/nutraceuticals, dietetic supplements, and immunonutrition.
Teaching assignments: Teach courses in Biochemistry, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Biotechnology, Food Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics for Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy careers. Coordinator of the MSc. Degree Program of Pharmaceutical Services (University of Oriente, Cuba) (Professor of Physiopathology and Immunotherapy). (Program of Excellence according to Cuban Certification Board) Member of the Academic Committee of the MSc. Degree Program of Biotechnology awarded with the Prize for Post-graduated Education Quality by the Ibero-American Universities Association of Postgraduate Education (Asociación de Universidades Iberoamericanas de Postgrado, AUIP) (Professor of Microbial Genetics, Food Biochemistry, and Animal Models in Biotechnology). Professor of the Ph.D. Program on Molecular Biosciences of Havana´s University (Advanced Technologies on Biochemistry).
Supervisor of 24 BSc. theses, 18 MSc. thesis and 4 Ph.D. theses defended in the past 5 years.
Ph.D. promoted: - "Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of leaves extracts from Tamarindus indica L. as a premise for its introduction on complementary medicine" (Author: Julio Cesar Escalona Arranz, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oriente, July 2011). - "Evaluation of the antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities of a new tablet formulation of the standardized extract obtained from leaves of Tamarindus indica L.". (Author: Jesús Rafael Rodriguez Amado, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oriente, April 2012). - "Evaluation of the in vitro pro-apoptotic activity of Trichilia hirta L. extracts on human tumor cells" (Author: Edgar Hernández Sosa, Department of Biology, University of Oriente, December 2012). - “Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of bioproducts obtained from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.” (Author: Gabriel Llauradó Maury, Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology, University of Oriente, May 2016) (Joint Ph.D. with Prof. Paul Cos from the Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium in the context of the VLIR-IUC Cooperation Programme with Universidad de Oriente-Cuba). Participation Complete list of publications Note: All the publications in Cuban national journals referred below are indexed at least in SCOPUS, MEDLINE or SciElo
1. Morris HJ, Almarales A., Abdala RT. (1998) Influencia del tratamiento de la biomasa y la naturaleza de las enzimas proteolíticas en la hidrólisis de las proteínas celulares de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Química X(1-2):59-67 [in Spanish] English translation: Influence of biomass treatment and the nature of proteolytic enzymes in cell protein hydrolysis of Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 2. Quintana MM, Hernández L, Morris HJ, Fernández M. (1999) Vitaminas contenidas en cultivos de la microalga Chlorella sp. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 13(1):9-13 [in Spanish] English translation: Vitamins contained in cultures of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 3. Morris HJ, Quintana MM, Almarales A, Hernández L. (1999) Composición bioquímica y evaluación de la calidad proteica de la biomasa autotrófica de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 13(2):123-128 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical composition and protein quality assessment of Chlorella vulgaris autotrophic biomass. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 4. Morris HJ, Martínez CE, Abdala RT, Campos D. (1999) Adyuvantes inmunológicos. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 18(2):130-137 [in Spanish] English translation: Immunological adjuvants. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 5. Morris HJ, Sanz A, Almarales A. (1999) Utilización de un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris en la formulación de medios de cultivo de Bacillus subtilis. Tecnología Química 19(3):32-37 [in Spanish] English translation: Utilization of an enzymatic hydrolysate from Chlorella vulgaris in the formulation of Bacillus subtilis culture media. [Chemical Technology] 6. Hernández L, Quintana MM, Morris HJ. (2000) Obtención de glicerol a partir de la microalga Dunaliella salina. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 34(2):134-137 [in Spanish] English translation: Glycerol obtainment from the microalga Dunaliella salina. [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 7. Morris HJ, Martínez CE, Abdala RT, Cobas G. (2000) Evidencias preliminares de las propiedades inmunomoduladoras de la fracción polisacárida de origen marino PC-I. Revista Cubana de Oncología 16 (3):171-176 [in Spanish] English translation: Preliminary findings of the immunomodulating properties from marine polysaccharide fraction PC-I. [Cuban Journal of Oncology]
8. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Almarales A, Abdala RT. (2001) Composición bioquímica y propiedades bioestimulantes de un hidrolizado proteico de la microalga Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). Revista Cubana de Química XIII(3):28-36 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical composition and biostimulating properties of a protein hydrolysate from the microalga Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 9. Morris H.J., Almarales A., Carrillo O. (2001) Utilización de combinaciones enzimáticas en la obtención de hidrolizados proteicos a partir de la microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 15(2):85-89 [in Spanish] English translation: Utilization of enzymatic mixtures in the obtainment of protein hydrolysates from the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 10. Morris HJ, Almarales A, Romero K, Vidal M. (2002) Validación de un método potenciométrico para la determinación de nitrógeno amínico en hidrolizados proteicos de microalgas. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 36(1):56-61 [in Spanish] English translation: Validation of a potentiometric method for determining amino nitrogen in microalgae protein hydrolysates. [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 11. Morris HJ; Llauradó G, Marcos J, Rodríguez S, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2002) Immunomodulating effects of polysaccharide fractions from mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus. I. In vitro macrophage- stimulation activity. Biotecnología Aplicada 19(1-2):94 [in English] [Applied Biotechnology] 12. Morris HJ; Rodríguez S, Peñamaría A. (2002) La dimensión ambiental en la enseñanza de la bioquímica en la carrera de Licenciatura en Química. Educación Química 13(3):214-220 [in Spanish] English translation: The environmental dimension in biochemistry teaching in the career of BSc. in Chemistry. [Chemical Education 13. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Carrillo O. (2002) Aspectos bioquímicos de la intervención con un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris durante la recuperación de la malnutrición proteico- energética en ratones Balb/c. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 16(1):5-12 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical aspects of the intervention with a Chlorella vulgaris protein hydrolysate during the recovery of protein-energy malnutrition in Balb/c mice. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 14. Bermúdez RC; Donoso C; Martínez CE; Ramos EI, Morris HJ. (2002) Efecto de la luz en la concentración de micosteroles de Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 16(1):13-18 [in Spanish] English translation: Light effect on mycosterol concentrations of Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 15. Morris HJ, Morán L. (2002) Determinación del contenido de triptófano en suplementos nutricionales de microalgas mediante espectrofotometría derivativa. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(1):65-70 [in Spanish] English translation: Tryptophan content determination in microalgae nutritional supplements by derivative spectrophotometry. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 16. Guerra ME, Martínez CE, Morris HJ, Almenares JF, Cobas G. (2002) Obtención de un conjugado BSA- riboflavina (GV-BSA) y su evaluación como inmunógeno. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(1):51-58 [in Spanish] English translation: Obtainment of a conjugate BSA-riboflavin and its evaluation as immunogen. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 17. Rodríguez S, Fernández M, Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, García N. (2002) Growth of Pleurotus ostreatus on the wastewater of a mushrooms farm. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, Eds. J.E. Sánchez, G. Huerta, E. Montiel, February 20-23. Cuernavaca, México, pp. 391-397. 18. Rodríguez S, Fernández M, Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, García N. (2002) Purificación de la enzima lacasa a partir del cultivo de Pleurotus ostreatus en medios residuales. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(3):83-90 [in Spanish] English translation: Purification of laccase enzyme from the culture of Pleurotus ostreatus in residual media. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 19. Morris HJ, Marcos J, Llauradó G, Fontaine R, Tamayo V, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2003) Immunomodulating effects of hot-water extract from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium on cyclophosphamide treated mice. Micologia Aplicada International 15(1):7-13 [International Applied Micology] 20. Sarmiento R, Morris HJ. (2003) Marcadores para el diagnóstico genérico en la investigación criminalística de semen (reseña analítica). Revista Cubana de Química XV(1):55-62 [in Spanish] English translation: Markers for generic diagnoses in the criminal investigation of semen. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 21. Guerra ME, Morris HJ. (2003) La conjugación de haptenos a proteínas (Parte I) Revista Cubana de Química XV(2):30-39 [in Spanish] English translation: The conjugation of haptens to proteins (Part I) [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 22. Guerra ME, Morris HJ. (2003) La conjugación de haptenos a proteínas (Parte II) Revista Cubana de Química XV(2):40-52 [in Spanish] English translation: The conjugation of haptens to proteins (Part II) [Cuban Journal of Chemistry]
23. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC. (2003) Enfoque integral en la utilización de los métodos químicos de evaluación de la calidad proteica. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 29(1):42-47 [in Spanish] English translation: An integral approach in the use of chemical methods for protein quality assessment. [Cuban Journal of Public Health] 24. Martínez C, Cobas G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Pérez I, Morris HJ, Almenares J. (2003) Evaluación de la sustancia CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como inmunopotenciador con antígenos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biotecnología Aplicada 20(3):160-163 [in Spanish] English translation: Evaluation of the magnetically treated CM-95 substance as immunopotentiator with Pseudomonas aeruginosa antigens. [Applied Biotechnology] 25. Hernández M, Chávez MA, Báez R, Carvajal C, Márquez M. Morris HJ; Santos R, González JL, Quesada V, Rodríguez C. (2003) Nueva tecnología para la obtención de un preparado de bromelina de tallo de piña (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr). Biotecnología Aplicada 20(3):179-181 [in Spanish] English translation: New technology for the obtainment of a bromelain preparation from the pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) stem. [Applied Biotechnology] 26. Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, Donoso C, Martínez CE, Ramos EI. (2003) Influencia de la luz en la calidad proteica de Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 22(4):226-231 [in Spanish] English translation: Light influence on Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida protein quality. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 27. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Almenares JF, Camacho M. (2003) Inactivación de cultivos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediante tratamiento térmico y aplicación de formaldehído. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 22(4):232-236 [in Spanish] English translation: Inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures by thermal treatment and formaldehyde. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 28. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Carrillo O. (2003) Restauración de la inmunocompetencia en ratones Balb/c malnutridos con la administración intraperitoneal de un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 37(3) [in Spanish] English translation: Immunocompetence restoration in malnourished Balb/c mice by the intraperitoneal administration of a Chlorella vulgaris protein hydrolysate. 75152003000300007&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 29. Fong, O.; Morris, H.J.; Colón, M.; Berenguer, C. (2003) Interferencia de la hemoglobina en pruebas de laboratorio. Revista Cubana de Química XV(3):18-25 [in Spanish] English translation: Hemoglobin interference in laboratory tests. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 30. Rodríguez, S.; Fernández, M.; Bermúdez, R.C.; Morris, H.J. (2003) Tratamiento de efluentes industriales coloreados con Pleurotus spp. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 20(4):164-168 [in Spanish] English translation: Treatment of colored industrial effluents with Pleurotus spp. [Iberoamerican Journal of Mycology] 31. Morris HJ, Ramírez A, Martín MC, Borges L, Olivares G. (2004). Cinética de crecimiento y producción de polisacáridos por la microalga Porphyridium cruentum (Rhodophyta, Porphyridiaceae) en condiciones de radiación solar difusa. Tecnología Química 24(1):73-77 [in Spanish] English translation: Growth kinetic and polysaccharide production by the red microalga Porphyridium cruentum (Rhodophyta, Porphyridiaceae) under diffuse solar radiation. [Chemical Technology] 32. Cortina HJ, Ferro VR, Morris HJ, Hechavarría L, Poveda LA (2004) Estudio cualitativo de relación estructura-actividad de aldehídos aromáticos, potenciales agentes antisickling. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 23(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Qualitative study on the structure-activity relation of aromatic aldehydes, potential antisickling agents. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 03002004000100002&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 33. Martínez CE, Pérez I, Morris HJ, Fontaine R. (2004) Efectos de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente sobre células mononucleares. Biotecnología Aplicada 21(4):224-228 [in Spanish] English translation: Evaluation of the magnetically treated CM-95 substance on mononuclear cells. [Applied Biotechnology] 34. Morris HJ. (2004) La enseñanza de la Inmunología en la carrera de Farmacia en la Universidad de Oriente. Educación Médica Superior 18(4) [in Spanish] English translation: Immunology teaching in Pharmacy career, Universidad de Oriente. [Higher Medical Education] 21412004000400007&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 35. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Marcos J, Beltrán Y, García N (2005) Acerca de la funcionalidad de setas comestibles Pleurotus spp.: propiedades bioestimulantes de un extracto acuoso. Revista Cubana de Química XVII(1):102-107 [in Spanish] English translation: On the functionality of the edible mushroom Pleurotus spp: biostimulating properties of an aqueous
extract. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 36. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Llauradó G, Marcos J, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2005) Aqueous extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus spp. CCEBI-3024. Revista Cubana de Química XVII(1):166 [in English] [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 37. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Calás N (2006) Infecciones nosocomiales: Incidencia de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Revista Cubana de Medicina 45(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Hospital infections: incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. [Cuban Journal of Medicine] 75232006000100005&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 38. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y (2007) Immunostimulant activity of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from green microalga Chlorella vulgaris on undernourished mice. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40(3):456-460 39. Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Marcos J. (2007) A note on the In vitro macrophage-stimulating activity of water-soluble extracts from mycelium of Pleurotus spp. Food and Agricultural Immunology 18(1):31-37. 40. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC. (2008) Are the peptide sequences encrypted in food Chlorella protein a possible explanation for the immunostimulatory effects of microalgal supplements? Medical Hypotheses 70(4):896. 41. Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Llauradó G, Fontaine R, Rodríguez O. (2008) Aplicación de la técnica de aclaramiento del carbón coloidal en sangre periférica en la evaluación de la actividad inmunomoduladora de dos productos naturales. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 27(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Application of the carbon clearance from peripheral blood technique in the evaluation of the immunomodulating activity of two natural products. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 42. Morris HJ, Almarales A, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC. (2008) Utilisation of Chlorella vulgaris cell biomasa for the production of enzymatic protein hydrolysates. Bioresource Technology 99(16):7723-7729 43. Morris HJ. (2008) Cuba: Protein hydrolysates derived from green microalgae. Ind. Bioproc. 30:7. 44. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Almarales A, Bermúdez RC, Alonso ME, Borges L, et al. (2009) Protein hydrolysates from the alga Chlorella vulgaris 87/1 with potentialities in immunonutrition. Biotecnología Aplicada 26(2):162-165. [in English] [Applied Biotechnology] 45. Hernández E, Batista A, Portuondo D, Tamayo V, Mora N, Morris HJ, Martínez CE. (2010) Immunorestorative in immunossuppressed Balb/c mice and cytotoxic activity of water extract from Trichilia hirta root. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 9(6):457-464. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 46. Soria NE, Morris HJ, Rivera S, Gutiérrez E. (2010) Obtención y evaluación del líquido ascítico murino hemoclasificador anti-B en las líneas de ratones Ofbalb (F1) y Balb/c. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 29(4):454-462 [in Spanish] English translation: Obtainment and evaluation of the anti-B hemo classifier murine ascytic fluid in the Ofbalb (F1) and Balb/c strains mice. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 47. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Licea I, Rodríguez JA, Argota H, Cañizares J, Morris HJ, Sierra G. (2010) Chemical constituents of Tamarindos indica L. leaves. Revista Cubana de Química XXII(3):65-71. [in English] [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 48. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Llauradó G. Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Soria NE, Venet G. (2011) Effect of starvation and refeeding on biochemical and immunological status of Balb/c mice: an experimental model of protein-energy malnutrition. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 33(3):438-446. 49. Hernández E, Martín Y, Batista A, Portuondo D, Tamayo V, Morris HJ, Martínez CE. (2011) Leukocyte-stimulating effect and phytochemical screening of Trichilia hirta extracts. Journal of Medicinal Food 14(9):1057-1059. 50. Escalona JC, Rodríguez J, Pérez R, Cañizares J, Sierra G, Morris HJ, Licea I. (2011) Metabolites extraction optimization in Tamarindus indica L. leaves. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 10(4):369-378. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 51. Morris HJ, Pérez I, Llauradó G, Rodríguez O. (2011) Poster sessions as a learning tool in teaching immunochemical techniques. Pharmacy Education 11(1):126-129. 52. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Gutiérrez A, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Beltrán Y, García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I. (2011) Immunomodulating properties of Pleurotus sp. fruiting bodies powder on cyclophosphamide treated mice. In: Savoie JM, Foulongne-Oriol M, Largeteau M, Barroso G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7), October 4-7, Arcachon, Francia, vol. 1, pp. 329-338.
53. García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, Rodríguez S, Aguilera I, Morris HJ. (2011) Production of Pleurotus’s ligninolitic enzymes on coffee pulp by solid state fermentation. In: Savoie JM, Foulongne- Oriol M, Largeteau M, Barroso G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7), October 4-7, Arcachon, Francia, vol. 2, pp. 144-149. 54. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Marcos J, Castán L, Bermúdez RC. (2011) Plantas y hongos comestibles en la modulación del sistema inmune. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 30(4):511-527 [in Spanish] English translation: Plants and edible mushrooms in the modulation of immune system. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 55. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Almarales A, Llauradó G., Lebeque Y, Fontaine R. (2011) Oral administration of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from the green microalga Chlorella vulgaris enhances the nutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Journal of Medicinal Food 14(12):1583-1589. 56. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Llauradó G, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Taking advantage of malnourished mice: an animal model for evaluating the immunostimulatory potential of mushroom-derived food and pharmacological products. Micologia Aplicada International 25(1):1-2 (Invited editorial) [International Applied Mycology] 57. Rodríguez JR, Puente E, Larramendy D, Lafourcade A, Escalona J, Sierra G, Morris HJ, Keita H, Infante JF. (2013) Toxicidad aguda oral e irritabilidad de la mucosa oral de una formulación de tabletas de Tamarindus indica L. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 12(2):154-161. [in Spanish] English translation: Oral acute toxicity and oral mucosa irritation of a tablet formulation from Tamarindus indica L. [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 58. Alfonso YU, Morris HJ, Gutiérrez A, Rodrıíguez-Schettino L, Denis D, Steffen JE. (2013) Dewlap Color Variation Based on Pterin and Carotenoid Pigments in Three Subspecies of Anolis jubar of the Cuban Southern Coast. Copeia 2:205–209. 59. Hernández E, Mora N, Morris HJ, Delgado L, Martínez CE. (2013) Actividad citotóxica de extractos acuosos de hojas de Trichilia hirta sobre células tumorales humanas. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 32(1):93-101. [in Spanish] English translation: Cytotoxic activity of Trichilia hirta leaves water-extracts on human tumour cells. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 60. Hernández E, González B, Díaz A, González M, Morris HJ, Delgado L, Martínez CE. (2013) Evaluación etnofarmacológica de Trichilia hirta como una fuente anticancer en la medicina tradicional de Santiago de Cuba. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 12(2):176-185 [in Spanish] English translation: Etnopharmacological evaluation of Trichilia hirta as an anticancer source in the traditional medicine of Santiago de Cuba. [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 61. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Urdaneta I, Morris HJ, Camacho MI et al. (2013) Role of polyphenols in the antimicrobial activity of ethanol Tamarindus indica L leaves fluid extract. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas 12 (5): 516-522. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 62. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Reynaldo E, Quevedo Y, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Contenido de fenoles totales en extractos de Pleurotus obtenidos con solventes de diferente polaridad. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 32(2):121-129 [in Spanish] English translation: Total phenol content in Pleurotus extracts obtained with solvents of different polarities. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 63. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Gutiérrez A, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I. (2013) Phytochemical screening and effects on cell-mediated immune response of Pleurotus fruiting bodies powder. Food and Agricultural Immunology 24(3):295-304. 64. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Carrillo O, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Péptidos funcionales: ¿una contribución adicional al efecto inmunomodulador de los hongos comestibles- medicinales? Boletín Científico del Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud vol. 4, English translation: Functional peptides: an additional contribution to the immunomodulating effect of edible and medicinal mushrooms? dr-humberto-morris.pdf (ISSN 2073-9281) [Scientific Bulletin of the National Council of Health Scientific Societies] 65. Morris HJ, Hernández E, Llauradó G, Tejedor MC, Sancho P, Herraez A, Boyano-Adánez MC, García- Pérez AI, Diez JC. (2014) In Vitro Anti-proliferative Effects on NB4 Human Leukemia Cells and Physicochemical Screening of Pleurotus sp. (Higher Basidiomycetes) Mycelia from Cuba. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 16(3): 239–245. 66. Escalona JC, Garcia J, Perez R, De la Vega J, Rodríguez J, Morris HJ. (2014) Effect of Tamarindus indica L. leaves' fluid extract on human blood cells. Natural Product Research 28(18):1485-1488.
67. Morris HJ, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, García N. (2014) Mushroom science in Cuba: towards new opportunities for developing functional foods/nutraceuticals. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8), November 19-22, New Delhi, India, vol. II, pp. 422-432. 68. Rodríguez J, Lafourcade A, Julio Escalona JC, Morris HJ, Iraizoz A, Tavares Carvalho JC. (2014) Optimization of a novel tablets formulation using D-optimal mixture design. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 8(40), DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2014. 3887. 69. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Tamayo V, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Marcos J, Moukha S, Creppy E, Bermúdez RC. (2015) Haematopoiesis radioprotection in Balb/c mice by an aqueous mycelium extract from the Basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom. Natural Product Research 29(16):1557-1561. 70. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Ferrera L, Camacho M, Castán L, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2015) In-vitro antimicrobial activity and complement/macrophage stimulating effects of a hot-water extract from mycelium of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus sp. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 30:177-183 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifset.2015.05.002). 71. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Rodríguez J, Morris HJ, MWasi LB, Cabrera O, Machado R, Fong O, Alfonso A, Puente E. Antioxidant and toxicological evaluation of a Tamarindus indica L. leaf fluid extract. Natural Product Research (in press) Disponible en: 72. Amado JR, Lafourcade A, Escalona JC, Pérez R, Keita H, Morris HJ, Puente E, Fernándes CP, Tavares Carvalho JC. (2016) Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of a new tablets formulation from Tamarindus indica L." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2016, Article ID 3918219, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/3918219. 73. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Venet G, Fong O, Marcos J, Fontaine R, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2016) Oral administration of an aqueous extract from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus enhances the immunonutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 83:1456-1463 74. Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Batista PL, Perraud-Gaime I, García N, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC, Cos P, Hernández E, Diez JC. (2017) Mycelia from Pleurotus sp. (oyster mushroom): a new wave of antimicrobials, anticancer and antioxidant bio-ingredients. International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients. 2017;4:03 doi: 10.15171/ijpni.2017.03
Book chapters:
1. Quintana MM, Morris HJ, Gómez LM. Calidad de la biomasa. In: Quintana MM, Alfaro OG, Morris HJ, Ramírez AM, Gómez LM, Armas E, Leal A. Chlorella: cultivos y aplicaciones- algunas investigaciones cubanas. Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente; 2007. p. 71-101. [in Spanish] English translation: Biomass quality. In: Chlorella: cultures and applications- Cuban experiences. 2. Quintana MM, Gómez LM, Morris HJ. Bioproductos. In: Quintana MM, Alfaro OG, Morris HJ, Ramírez AM, Gómez LM, Armas E, Leal A. Chlorella: cultivos y aplicaciones- algunas investigaciones cubanas. Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente; 2007. p. 139-72. [in Spanish] English translation: Bioproducts. In: Chlorella: cultures and applications- Cuban experiences. 3. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Alfonso A, Fong O, Betancourt JE, Llauradó G, Almarales A. (2011) Nitrogen solubility, antigenicity, and safety evaluation of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from green microalga Chlorella vulgaris. In: Johnsen MN. (Ed.) Microalgae Biotechnology, Microbiology and Energy. Nueva York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; pp. 373- 386 (ISBN 978-1-61324-625-2). Cross-publicated in: Environmental Research Journal 2013; 7(1) 4. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, García N, Gutiérrez A. (2012) Productos inmunocéuticos derivados del hongo comestible-medicinal Pleurotus sp. cultivado sobre pulpa de café en Cuba. In: Sánchez JE, Mata G. (Eds.) Hongos comestibles y medicinales en Iberoamérica. Investigación y desarrollo en un entorno multicultural: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Tapachula, Chiapas-Mexico; pp. 309-318. (ISBN 978-607-7637-73-8). [in Spanish] English translation: Immunoceutical products from the edible and medicinal mushroom Pleurotus sp. grown on coffee pulp in Cuba. In: Edible and medicinal mushrooms in Iberoamerica. Investigation and development in a multi-cultural environment. 5. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, García N, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S. (2017) The use of mushrooms in the development of functional foods, drugs or nutraceuticals. In: Ferreira I, Morales P, Barros L. (Eds.) Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts: Functional Food Properties and Applications. First Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 123-157 6. Morris HJ, Llauradó G. (2017) Propiedades inmunomoduladoras y antitumorales de las setas Pleurotus spp. En: Sánchez JE, Royse DJ. (Eds.) La biología, el cultivo y las propiedades nutricionales y medicinales de las setas Pleurotus spp. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Tapachula, Chiapas. (in editorial process).
Member of the Editorial Boards of the Cuban Chemistry Journal (Revista Cubana de Química), the Latin American Network of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms and the International Journal of Current Science. Reviewer of Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medicine and Therapy and Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A/B. Referee for national and international journals (over 35 manuscripts reviewed) including the following journals: Micologia Aplicada International (Latin American Network of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms),
Cuban Journal of Chemistry (Revista Cubana de Química), Cuban Journal of Marine Research (Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Marinas, Marine Research Center, University of Havana), Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research, Bioresource Technology, Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science, Journal of Coastal Life Medicine and Biotechnology Progress. Patent
Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y. Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Rodríguez S. (2011) Procedimiento para la obtención de un preparado inmunocéutico de Pleurotus spp. Cuban Patent No. 23717 (1754/2011) Ref: 2011/1337. [English translation: Procedure fo r the o btai nme nt of an immunoceutical preparation from Pleurotus spp.]
Main Congress Presentations (last five years) • Second International Convention Immunopharmacology-Vaccipharma 2017 (Varadero Beach, Cuba June 25-29). Llauradó G., Lanckaker E., Bidart M., Gielis J., Cappoen D., Morris H.J., Beltrán Y., Bermúdez RC. Delputte P., Cos P. “In vitro activation of raw 264.7 macrophages by crude fractions from Pleurotus sp. Mushroom”. (Poster) • XVII National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Puerto Vallarta, México. June 25-30, 2017). - Morris HJ., Llauradó G., Beltrán Y., Peña J., Cutiño L., Gaime I., Moukha S., Cos P., Bermúdez RC., García N. “Aplicaciones de los modelos animales y métodos alternativos en la evaluación de las propiedades inmunomoduladoras de hongos comestibles-medicinales Pleurotus”. (Cartel) - Beltrán Y., Morris HJ., Batista P., Llauradó G., Perraud I., Moukha S., Cos P., Cappoen D., Torfs E., Bidal M., García N., Bermúdez RC., Saucedo GJ. “Evaluación in vitro de las potencialidades antioxidantes y antigenotóxicas de extractos crudos de polisacáridos de Pleurotus sp.”. (Cartel) - García N., Bermúdez RC., Téllez I., Morris HJ., Chávez M., Gaime I. “Inóculos de Pleurotus en la obtención de enzimas lacasas”. (Cartel) • 67th National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), October 30-November 3, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. • XIII International Conference on Food Science and Technology CICTA 13 (La Habana, June 2016). Full length manuscripts published in the Congress Proceedings, ISBN 978-959-7003-49-6. Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S, Cos P, García N, Bermúdez RC. “Explorando nuevas facetas en el papel de los alimentos funcionales/ nutracéuticos en la salud humana: una mirada a las setas comestibles-medicinales” (oral presentation in the workshop “Nutrition and Health”) p. 12-21. English translation: “Exploring new facets in the role of functional foods/ nutraceuticals in human health: a look into edible and medicinal mushrooms”. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Garcia N, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S, Cos P. “Valor funcional y medicinal de extractos de Pleurotus sp.: propiedades antioxidantes” (poster presentation in the international workshop “The agro-industry at the service of health”) p. 158-167. English translation: “Functional and medicinal values of Pleurotus sp. Extracts: antioxidant properties”. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Llaurado G, Beltran Y, Bermudez RC, Serrano M, Diaz A, Cos P. “Estrategia para el desarrollo y registro de un suplemento nutricional a partir de la seta comestible Pleurotus sp.” (Poster presentation in the workshop “Nutrition and Health”) p. 57-67. English translation: “Strategies for the development and registering of a nutritional supplement from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.”. • 4th International Phytocosmetics and Phytotherapy Congress (Antigua, Guatemala CA, 4-8 Junio 2016). Abstracts publicados en International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients doi 10.15171/ijpni.2016.Special 4 (ISSN 2374-0639). Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Batista PL, Gaime-Perraud I, García N, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC, Cos P, Hernández E, Diez JC. “Mycelia from Pleurotus spp. (oyster mushroom): a new wave of antimicrobials, anticancer and antioxidant bio-ingredients” (Oral presentation, invited speaker) Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Garcia N, Gaime-Perraud I, Armando T, Cos P, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC. “Antioxidant activity of Pleurotus sp. extracts with potential uses as nutricosmetic” (Poster presentation). • Forum “Microorganisms and Global Change” organized by the Belgian Society of Microbiology and the National Committee for Microbiology of the Belgium Loyal Academy of Sciences and Arts (Brussels, Belgium, December 11, 2015). • 8th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference- “Medicinal Mushrooms: Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Young People and Healthcare Trends in the 21st Century” (Manizales, Caldas, Colombia, 24-27 August 2015). Published in Abstracts Book, Eds. Wasser SP, Hernández S, Jaramillo C. (ISSN 2462-8530). Morris HJ, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Moukha S, García N, Gaime-Perraud I. “Mushrooms in Cuba eastern region: a look through the immunological window of the biotechnology’s garden” (Oral presentation) p. 81-82.
Beltrán Y, Aguirre RI, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Armando T, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I, Jaramillo C. “In vitro antioxidant and cytoprotective effects of hot- water extracts of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus” (Oral presentation) p. 146. Aguirre RI, Álvarez Y, Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Kaneno R, Bermúdez RC, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I. “Immunostimulating effects of aqueous extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus sp. on immunocompetent Balb/c mice” (Poster presentation) p. 168. Bermúdez RC, García N, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Gaime-Perraud I, Aguilera I. “An insight to the nutraceutical potential of fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus spp. grown on agrowastes in Cuba” (Poster presentation) p. 179-180. - 15th International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis & Antioxidants (Instituto Pasteur-París, Francia, 22-24 Junio 2015). Published by the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) in Abstract Book ISANH Antioxidants 2015 (ISBN 978-2- 35609-088-1). Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Moukha S, Aguirre RI, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, García N, Cos P. “Mushrooms as an exciting and innovative source of natural antioxidants: the case of the oyster Basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus” (Short oral communication) p. 88. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Aguirre RI, Quevedo Y, Armando T, Vazquez R, Llauradó G, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I, Cos P. “Phenolic content and in-vitro antioxidant activities of fruiting bodies extracts from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus” (Poster presentation) p. 97. García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Roussos S, Moukha S. “Laccase production by Pleurotus sp. using solid-state fermentation: polyphenols biotransformation and antioxidant potential” (Poster presentation) p. 138. - VIII Latin-American Congress of Mycology (Medellin, Colombia, 4-7 November 2014). Bermúdez RC, García N, Rodríguez S, Perraud-Gaime I, Morris HJ, Rodríguez M. “Mushroom Biotechnology” Published in: Actualidades Biológicas 2014; 36(1):145-146 (ISSN 0304-3584). - XX Latin-American Congress of Pharmacology and Therapeutics LATINFARMA 2013 (Havana, October 21-25, 2013): “Immunostimulating effects and pharmacological potential of the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.” - XII International Conference on Food Science and Technology CICTA-12 (La Habana, May 2013): “Investigations on Functional Foods in the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology” (Oral presentation). - XVI Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN 2012, Havana, November 2012): “Evaluation of the immunomodulating and antioxidant properties of extracts from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.”. - 20th Chemistry Conference (Santiago de Cuba, December 2011): “Bioactive components and immunopharmacological properties of a water-soluble crude extract from Pleurotus sp. mycelium”. - First Symposium of the Cuban Society for Laboratory Animal Science (SCCAL) and II Regional Meeting on Animal Science Laboratory (Havana, November 2011): “Experiences on the utilization of laboratory animals in the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology, University of Oriente”. (Member of the Scientific Committee). - 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7) (Arcachon, France, October 2011): “Immunomodulating properties of Pleurotus sp. fruiting bodies powder on cyclophosphamide treated mice” (Oral presentation). - 7th National Congress of the Cuban Society of Immunology (Havana, May, 2011): “Immunobiological effects of the oral administration of a Pleurotus nutritional supplement to immunocompetent Balb/c mice of both sexes”. - VII Continental Congress /IV Iberoamerican and Caribbean Congress of Natural Products and Medicine ProdMedNatur 2010 (Havana, May 2010): “Immunopharmacological effects of a water-soluble crude extract from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp. on a protein-energy malnutrition model” (Poster presentation). - Ibero-american Workshop on Edible Mushrooms (San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México, Abril 2010): “Immunoceutical products from the edible and medicinal mushroom Pleurotus sp. growth on coffee pulp in Cuba” (Poster presentation). Over 60 abstracts on international congresses.
• Co-author of the Research Prize in the Direction of Biotechnology and Foods to the Scientific Result “New technology for the obtainment of bromelain. Purification alternatives and characterization for using in the medical and pharmaceutical industries and Biotechnology” (University of Havana, 2003). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Scientific-Student Research Work (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2004). • Annual Prize to the Applied Scientific Result of Great Significance to Higher Education “Five year experiences in professional formation in the Scientific-Student Research Group of Applied Immunology”(University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2006). • Annual Prize 2008 of the Cuban Academy of Sciences to the Result “Protein hydrolysates from the alga Chlorella vulgaris 87/1 with potentialities in immunonutrition”. • Annual Prize to the Most Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2009). • Special Prize of Cuban Ministry of Higher Education in the Direction of Science and Technology (Havana, 2010). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2011). • Annual Prize of the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and “Aurora Pons Porrata” Prize of University of Oriente to Project Excellence in Basic Research “Evaluation of the immunopharmacological properties of aqueous extracts from edible mushrooms Pleurotus spp.” (2011). • Acknowledgment of the University of Oriente in its 65 Anniversary (Santiago de Cuba, 2012). • Annual Prize 2011 of the Cuban Society of Immunology (Educational Activity) (La Habana, 2012). • Annual Prize to the Most Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2012). • Jesús Menéndez Medal given by the State Council of Cuban Republic (La Habana, 2012). • Mention in the XXXVII Health Prize Annual Competition 2012 in the category of scientific article (La Habana, 2012). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2013). • Co-author of the Relevant Prize in the XX Latin-American Congress of Pharmacology and Therapeutics LATINFARMA 2013 (Havana, October 21-25, 2013). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2013). • Acknowledgment of the Universidad de Oriente as coordinator of the Project with the best performance in interdisciplinary research for innovation "Development of a nutritional supplement from the edible mushroom Pleurotus: preclinical and human pilot study"(University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Enero 2014). • Acknowledgment as promoter of the BSc. Thesis “Phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of Pleurotus sp. extracts obtained with different polarity solvents” (Prize to the Biology´s student Yanelis Quevedo in the XXI National Forum of Natural, Exact, Social and Humanistic Sciences, Pinar del Río- Cuba, May 2014). • Acknowledgment of the Territorial Council of Health Scientific Societies in Santiago de Cuba for his scientific contribution to the development of Immunology in the country. (Given on December 12/2014 in the VIII Provincial Meeting of Immunology and the II Meeting of Regenerative Medicine). • Annual Prize to Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2015). Travel Award 2016 of the Americas Regional Commof the International Council for Laboratory Animal Award (ICLAS-ARC 2016) “Laboratory Animal Specialist Award” for significant contributions to the profession of laboratory animal care (Charlotte, North Carolina-USA, November 2016) (Given during the activities of the 67 National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, AALAS). Special Prize of Cuban Ministry of Higher Education for his relevant achievements in Postgraduate Education, 2017. Acknowledgment as author of the scientific result “Biomedical potential of edible mushrooms: immunopharmacological activity of bioproducts obtained from Pleurotus sp.”, awarded in the field of Natural and Exact Sciences (Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, January 2017) (Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Tamayo V, Beltrán Y, Ferrera L and co-authors) Member of the research team of the Project “Diversification de la technologie de culture de Pleurotus sp à Cuba et sa diffusion dans la zone Caraïbe CariSETA”, Prize of University of Oriente to Project Excellence (Santiago de Cuba, January 2017).
Author of the most relevant scientific article of Universidad de Oriente in 2016. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Venet G, Fong O, Marcos J, Fontaine R, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2016) Oral administration of an aqueous extract from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus enhances the immunonutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 83:1456-1463 Provincial Prize in the XLII Health Prize Annual Competition 2017 in the category of scientific article (Santiago de Cuba, 2017). International missions Research Mission in the Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et de Paléoécologie (IMEP), Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Université Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France (October 2-19, 2011). Research Mission in the Department of Toxicology and Applied Hygiene (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Bordeaux 2 Víctor Segalen, France (September 26-October 7, 2013). He talked the lecture “Mushrooms in Cuba eastern region: a look through the immunological window of the biotechnology’s garden” in the National Institute of Agronomy Research (INRA) (Bordeaux, France). Research Mission in the Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale, (IMBE), Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Aix Marseille University, France (June 11-30, 2015). Research stay as Invited Scientist in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene (Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium) (November 13- December 13, 2015). Research mission in the Biotechnology Department (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Campus Iztapalapa, México, July 3-11, 2017).
Education/Training from Bachelor
B.Sc.1993. Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, the University of Havana (Graduated with top honors) MSc. 2000. Nutritional Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Havana. Ph.D. 2007. Biological Sciences, University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. Specialist in Molecular Basis of Obesity. 2008. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Research and professional career
September 1993-February 1999: Solar Biotechnology Division, Solar Energy Research Center (CIES). Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (CITMA). Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Research Assistant: Cultivation of microalgae for nutritional purposes and obtainment of pharmacologically active substances. March 1999-March 2011: Teaching Assistant. Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology (CEBI). The University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Research on Mushroom Products and Applied Immunology.
April 2011-now: Titular Professor of the Biology Department (Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biotechnology). Faculty of Natural Sciences. The University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Titular Researcher. Responsible for Investigations at the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology (CEBI). Research on Mushroom Products and Immunonutrition. Coordinator of the University Network of Biotechnology. Research Interests: Research directed toward the evaluation of the immunomodulating, antitumor and antioxidant activities of natural products derived from microalgae, edible mushrooms, and plants. Interested in the utilization of these products in the fields of functional foods/nutraceuticals, dietetic supplements, and immunonutrition.
Teaching assignments: Teach courses in Biochemistry, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Biotechnology, Food Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics for Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy careers. Coordinator of the MSc. Degree Program of Pharmaceutical Services (University of Oriente, Cuba) (Professor of Physiopathology and Immunotherapy). (Program of Excellence according to Cuban Certification Board) Member of the Academic Committee of the MSc. Degree Program of Biotechnology awarded with the Prize for Post-graduated Education Quality by the Ibero-American Universities Association of Postgraduate Education (Asociación de Universidades Iberoamericanas de Postgrado, AUIP) (Professor of Microbial Genetics, Food Biochemistry, and Animal Models in Biotechnology). Professor of the Ph.D. Program on Molecular Biosciences of Havana´s University (Advanced Technologies on Biochemistry).
Supervisor of 24 BSc. theses, 18 MSc. thesis and 4 Ph.D. theses defended in the past 5 years.
Ph.D. promoted: - "Evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of leaves extracts from Tamarindus indica L. as a premise for its introduction on complementary medicine" (Author: Julio Cesar Escalona Arranz, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oriente, July 2011). - "Evaluation of the antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities of a new tablet formulation of the standardized extract obtained from leaves of Tamarindus indica L.". (Author: Jesús Rafael Rodriguez Amado, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oriente, April 2012). - "Evaluation of the in vitro pro-apoptotic activity of Trichilia hirta L. extracts on human tumor cells" (Author: Edgar Hernández Sosa, Department of Biology, University of Oriente, December 2012). - “Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of bioproducts obtained from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.” (Author: Gabriel Llauradó Maury, Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology, University of Oriente, May 2016) (Joint Ph.D. with Prof. Paul Cos from the Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium in the context of the VLIR-IUC Cooperation Programme with Universidad de Oriente-Cuba). Participation Complete list of publications Note: All the publications in Cuban national journals referred below are indexed at least in SCOPUS, MEDLINE or SciElo
1. Morris HJ, Almarales A., Abdala RT. (1998) Influencia del tratamiento de la biomasa y la naturaleza de las enzimas proteolíticas en la hidrólisis de las proteínas celulares de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Química X(1-2):59-67 [in Spanish] English translation: Influence of biomass treatment and the nature of proteolytic enzymes in cell protein hydrolysis of Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 2. Quintana MM, Hernández L, Morris HJ, Fernández M. (1999) Vitaminas contenidas en cultivos de la microalga Chlorella sp. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 13(1):9-13 [in Spanish] English translation: Vitamins contained in cultures of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 3. Morris HJ, Quintana MM, Almarales A, Hernández L. (1999) Composición bioquímica y evaluación de la calidad proteica de la biomasa autotrófica de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 13(2):123-128 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical composition and protein quality assessment of Chlorella vulgaris autotrophic biomass. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 4. Morris HJ, Martínez CE, Abdala RT, Campos D. (1999) Adyuvantes inmunológicos. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 18(2):130-137 [in Spanish] English translation: Immunological adjuvants. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 5. Morris HJ, Sanz A, Almarales A. (1999) Utilización de un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris en la formulación de medios de cultivo de Bacillus subtilis. Tecnología Química 19(3):32-37 [in Spanish] English translation: Utilization of an enzymatic hydrolysate from Chlorella vulgaris in the formulation of Bacillus subtilis culture media. [Chemical Technology] 6. Hernández L, Quintana MM, Morris HJ. (2000) Obtención de glicerol a partir de la microalga Dunaliella salina. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 34(2):134-137 [in Spanish] English translation: Glycerol obtainment from the microalga Dunaliella salina. [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 7. Morris HJ, Martínez CE, Abdala RT, Cobas G. (2000) Evidencias preliminares de las propiedades inmunomoduladoras de la fracción polisacárida de origen marino PC-I. Revista Cubana de Oncología 16 (3):171-176 [in Spanish] English translation: Preliminary findings of the immunomodulating properties from marine polysaccharide fraction PC-I. [Cuban Journal of Oncology]
8. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Almarales A, Abdala RT. (2001) Composición bioquímica y propiedades bioestimulantes de un hidrolizado proteico de la microalga Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). Revista Cubana de Química XIII(3):28-36 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical composition and biostimulating properties of a protein hydrolysate from the microalga Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae). [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 9. Morris H.J., Almarales A., Carrillo O. (2001) Utilización de combinaciones enzimáticas en la obtención de hidrolizados proteicos a partir de la microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 15(2):85-89 [in Spanish] English translation: Utilization of enzymatic mixtures in the obtainment of protein hydrolysates from the microalga Chlorella vulgaris. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 10. Morris HJ, Almarales A, Romero K, Vidal M. (2002) Validación de un método potenciométrico para la determinación de nitrógeno amínico en hidrolizados proteicos de microalgas. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 36(1):56-61 [in Spanish] English translation: Validation of a potentiometric method for determining amino nitrogen in microalgae protein hydrolysates. [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 11. Morris HJ; Llauradó G, Marcos J, Rodríguez S, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2002) Immunomodulating effects of polysaccharide fractions from mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus. I. In vitro macrophage- stimulation activity. Biotecnología Aplicada 19(1-2):94 [in English] [Applied Biotechnology] 12. Morris HJ; Rodríguez S, Peñamaría A. (2002) La dimensión ambiental en la enseñanza de la bioquímica en la carrera de Licenciatura en Química. Educación Química 13(3):214-220 [in Spanish] English translation: The environmental dimension in biochemistry teaching in the career of BSc. in Chemistry. [Chemical Education 13. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Carrillo O. (2002) Aspectos bioquímicos de la intervención con un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris durante la recuperación de la malnutrición proteico- energética en ratones Balb/c. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 16(1):5-12 [in Spanish] English translation: Biochemical aspects of the intervention with a Chlorella vulgaris protein hydrolysate during the recovery of protein-energy malnutrition in Balb/c mice. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 14. Bermúdez RC; Donoso C; Martínez CE; Ramos EI, Morris HJ. (2002) Efecto de la luz en la concentración de micosteroles de Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición 16(1):13-18 [in Spanish] English translation: Light effect on mycosterol concentrations of Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. [Cuban Journal of Feeding and Nutrition] 15. Morris HJ, Morán L. (2002) Determinación del contenido de triptófano en suplementos nutricionales de microalgas mediante espectrofotometría derivativa. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(1):65-70 [in Spanish] English translation: Tryptophan content determination in microalgae nutritional supplements by derivative spectrophotometry. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 16. Guerra ME, Martínez CE, Morris HJ, Almenares JF, Cobas G. (2002) Obtención de un conjugado BSA- riboflavina (GV-BSA) y su evaluación como inmunógeno. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(1):51-58 [in Spanish] English translation: Obtainment of a conjugate BSA-riboflavin and its evaluation as immunogen. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 17. Rodríguez S, Fernández M, Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, García N. (2002) Growth of Pleurotus ostreatus on the wastewater of a mushrooms farm. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, Eds. J.E. Sánchez, G. Huerta, E. Montiel, February 20-23. Cuernavaca, México, pp. 391-397. 18. Rodríguez S, Fernández M, Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, García N. (2002) Purificación de la enzima lacasa a partir del cultivo de Pleurotus ostreatus en medios residuales. Revista Cubana de Química XIV(3):83-90 [in Spanish] English translation: Purification of laccase enzyme from the culture of Pleurotus ostreatus in residual media. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 19. Morris HJ, Marcos J, Llauradó G, Fontaine R, Tamayo V, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2003) Immunomodulating effects of hot-water extract from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium on cyclophosphamide treated mice. Micologia Aplicada International 15(1):7-13 [International Applied Micology] 20. Sarmiento R, Morris HJ. (2003) Marcadores para el diagnóstico genérico en la investigación criminalística de semen (reseña analítica). Revista Cubana de Química XV(1):55-62 [in Spanish] English translation: Markers for generic diagnoses in the criminal investigation of semen. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 21. Guerra ME, Morris HJ. (2003) La conjugación de haptenos a proteínas (Parte I) Revista Cubana de Química XV(2):30-39 [in Spanish] English translation: The conjugation of haptens to proteins (Part I) [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 22. Guerra ME, Morris HJ. (2003) La conjugación de haptenos a proteínas (Parte II) Revista Cubana de Química XV(2):40-52 [in Spanish] English translation: The conjugation of haptens to proteins (Part II) [Cuban Journal of Chemistry]
23. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC. (2003) Enfoque integral en la utilización de los métodos químicos de evaluación de la calidad proteica. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 29(1):42-47 [in Spanish] English translation: An integral approach in the use of chemical methods for protein quality assessment. [Cuban Journal of Public Health] 24. Martínez C, Cobas G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Pérez I, Morris HJ, Almenares J. (2003) Evaluación de la sustancia CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como inmunopotenciador con antígenos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biotecnología Aplicada 20(3):160-163 [in Spanish] English translation: Evaluation of the magnetically treated CM-95 substance as immunopotentiator with Pseudomonas aeruginosa antigens. [Applied Biotechnology] 25. Hernández M, Chávez MA, Báez R, Carvajal C, Márquez M. Morris HJ; Santos R, González JL, Quesada V, Rodríguez C. (2003) Nueva tecnología para la obtención de un preparado de bromelina de tallo de piña (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr). Biotecnología Aplicada 20(3):179-181 [in Spanish] English translation: New technology for the obtainment of a bromelain preparation from the pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) stem. [Applied Biotechnology] 26. Bermúdez RC, Morris HJ, Donoso C, Martínez CE, Ramos EI. (2003) Influencia de la luz en la calidad proteica de Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 22(4):226-231 [in Spanish] English translation: Light influence on Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida protein quality. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 27. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Almenares JF, Camacho M. (2003) Inactivación de cultivos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediante tratamiento térmico y aplicación de formaldehído. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 22(4):232-236 [in Spanish] English translation: Inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures by thermal treatment and formaldehyde. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 28. Morris HJ, Borges L, Martínez CE, Carrillo O. (2003) Restauración de la inmunocompetencia en ratones Balb/c malnutridos con la administración intraperitoneal de un hidrolizado enzimático de Chlorella vulgaris. Revista Cubana de Farmacia 37(3) [in Spanish] English translation: Immunocompetence restoration in malnourished Balb/c mice by the intraperitoneal administration of a Chlorella vulgaris protein hydrolysate. 75152003000300007&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es [Cuban Journal of Pharmacy] 29. Fong, O.; Morris, H.J.; Colón, M.; Berenguer, C. (2003) Interferencia de la hemoglobina en pruebas de laboratorio. Revista Cubana de Química XV(3):18-25 [in Spanish] English translation: Hemoglobin interference in laboratory tests. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 30. Rodríguez, S.; Fernández, M.; Bermúdez, R.C.; Morris, H.J. (2003) Tratamiento de efluentes industriales coloreados con Pleurotus spp. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 20(4):164-168 [in Spanish] English translation: Treatment of colored industrial effluents with Pleurotus spp. [Iberoamerican Journal of Mycology] 31. Morris HJ, Ramírez A, Martín MC, Borges L, Olivares G. (2004). Cinética de crecimiento y producción de polisacáridos por la microalga Porphyridium cruentum (Rhodophyta, Porphyridiaceae) en condiciones de radiación solar difusa. Tecnología Química 24(1):73-77 [in Spanish] English translation: Growth kinetic and polysaccharide production by the red microalga Porphyridium cruentum (Rhodophyta, Porphyridiaceae) under diffuse solar radiation. [Chemical Technology] 32. Cortina HJ, Ferro VR, Morris HJ, Hechavarría L, Poveda LA (2004) Estudio cualitativo de relación estructura-actividad de aldehídos aromáticos, potenciales agentes antisickling. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 23(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Qualitative study on the structure-activity relation of aromatic aldehydes, potential antisickling agents. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 03002004000100002&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 33. Martínez CE, Pérez I, Morris HJ, Fontaine R. (2004) Efectos de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente sobre células mononucleares. Biotecnología Aplicada 21(4):224-228 [in Spanish] English translation: Evaluation of the magnetically treated CM-95 substance on mononuclear cells. [Applied Biotechnology] 34. Morris HJ. (2004) La enseñanza de la Inmunología en la carrera de Farmacia en la Universidad de Oriente. Educación Médica Superior 18(4) [in Spanish] English translation: Immunology teaching in Pharmacy career, Universidad de Oriente. [Higher Medical Education] 21412004000400007&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 35. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Marcos J, Beltrán Y, García N (2005) Acerca de la funcionalidad de setas comestibles Pleurotus spp.: propiedades bioestimulantes de un extracto acuoso. Revista Cubana de Química XVII(1):102-107 [in Spanish] English translation: On the functionality of the edible mushroom Pleurotus spp: biostimulating properties of an aqueous
extract. [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 36. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Llauradó G, Marcos J, García N, Bermúdez RC. (2005) Aqueous extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus spp. CCEBI-3024. Revista Cubana de Química XVII(1):166 [in English] [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 37. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Calás N (2006) Infecciones nosocomiales: Incidencia de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Revista Cubana de Medicina 45(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Hospital infections: incidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. [Cuban Journal of Medicine] 75232006000100005&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es 38. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y (2007) Immunostimulant activity of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from green microalga Chlorella vulgaris on undernourished mice. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40(3):456-460 39. Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Marcos J. (2007) A note on the In vitro macrophage-stimulating activity of water-soluble extracts from mycelium of Pleurotus spp. Food and Agricultural Immunology 18(1):31-37. 40. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC. (2008) Are the peptide sequences encrypted in food Chlorella protein a possible explanation for the immunostimulatory effects of microalgal supplements? Medical Hypotheses 70(4):896. 41. Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Llauradó G, Fontaine R, Rodríguez O. (2008) Aplicación de la técnica de aclaramiento del carbón coloidal en sangre periférica en la evaluación de la actividad inmunomoduladora de dos productos naturales. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 27(1) [in Spanish] English translation: Application of the carbon clearance from peripheral blood technique in the evaluation of the immunomodulating activity of two natural products. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 42. Morris HJ, Almarales A, Carrillo O, Bermúdez RC. (2008) Utilisation of Chlorella vulgaris cell biomasa for the production of enzymatic protein hydrolysates. Bioresource Technology 99(16):7723-7729 43. Morris HJ. (2008) Cuba: Protein hydrolysates derived from green microalgae. Ind. Bioproc. 30:7. 44. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Almarales A, Bermúdez RC, Alonso ME, Borges L, et al. (2009) Protein hydrolysates from the alga Chlorella vulgaris 87/1 with potentialities in immunonutrition. Biotecnología Aplicada 26(2):162-165. [in English] [Applied Biotechnology] 45. Hernández E, Batista A, Portuondo D, Tamayo V, Mora N, Morris HJ, Martínez CE. (2010) Immunorestorative in immunossuppressed Balb/c mice and cytotoxic activity of water extract from Trichilia hirta root. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 9(6):457-464. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 46. Soria NE, Morris HJ, Rivera S, Gutiérrez E. (2010) Obtención y evaluación del líquido ascítico murino hemoclasificador anti-B en las líneas de ratones Ofbalb (F1) y Balb/c. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 29(4):454-462 [in Spanish] English translation: Obtainment and evaluation of the anti-B hemo classifier murine ascytic fluid in the Ofbalb (F1) and Balb/c strains mice. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 47. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Licea I, Rodríguez JA, Argota H, Cañizares J, Morris HJ, Sierra G. (2010) Chemical constituents of Tamarindos indica L. leaves. Revista Cubana de Química XXII(3):65-71. [in English] [Cuban Journal of Chemistry] 48. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Llauradó G. Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Soria NE, Venet G. (2011) Effect of starvation and refeeding on biochemical and immunological status of Balb/c mice: an experimental model of protein-energy malnutrition. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 33(3):438-446. 49. Hernández E, Martín Y, Batista A, Portuondo D, Tamayo V, Morris HJ, Martínez CE. (2011) Leukocyte-stimulating effect and phytochemical screening of Trichilia hirta extracts. Journal of Medicinal Food 14(9):1057-1059. 50. Escalona JC, Rodríguez J, Pérez R, Cañizares J, Sierra G, Morris HJ, Licea I. (2011) Metabolites extraction optimization in Tamarindus indica L. leaves. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 10(4):369-378. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 51. Morris HJ, Pérez I, Llauradó G, Rodríguez O. (2011) Poster sessions as a learning tool in teaching immunochemical techniques. Pharmacy Education 11(1):126-129. 52. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Gutiérrez A, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Beltrán Y, García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I. (2011) Immunomodulating properties of Pleurotus sp. fruiting bodies powder on cyclophosphamide treated mice. In: Savoie JM, Foulongne-Oriol M, Largeteau M, Barroso G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7), October 4-7, Arcachon, Francia, vol. 1, pp. 329-338.
53. García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, Rodríguez S, Aguilera I, Morris HJ. (2011) Production of Pleurotus’s ligninolitic enzymes on coffee pulp by solid state fermentation. In: Savoie JM, Foulongne- Oriol M, Largeteau M, Barroso G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7), October 4-7, Arcachon, Francia, vol. 2, pp. 144-149. 54. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Marcos J, Castán L, Bermúdez RC. (2011) Plantas y hongos comestibles en la modulación del sistema inmune. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 30(4):511-527 [in Spanish] English translation: Plants and edible mushrooms in the modulation of immune system. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 55. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Almarales A, Llauradó G., Lebeque Y, Fontaine R. (2011) Oral administration of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from the green microalga Chlorella vulgaris enhances the nutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Journal of Medicinal Food 14(12):1583-1589. 56. Morris HJ, Carrillo OV, Llauradó G, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Taking advantage of malnourished mice: an animal model for evaluating the immunostimulatory potential of mushroom-derived food and pharmacological products. Micologia Aplicada International 25(1):1-2 (Invited editorial) [International Applied Mycology] 57. Rodríguez JR, Puente E, Larramendy D, Lafourcade A, Escalona J, Sierra G, Morris HJ, Keita H, Infante JF. (2013) Toxicidad aguda oral e irritabilidad de la mucosa oral de una formulación de tabletas de Tamarindus indica L. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 12(2):154-161. [in Spanish] English translation: Oral acute toxicity and oral mucosa irritation of a tablet formulation from Tamarindus indica L. [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 58. Alfonso YU, Morris HJ, Gutiérrez A, Rodrıíguez-Schettino L, Denis D, Steffen JE. (2013) Dewlap Color Variation Based on Pterin and Carotenoid Pigments in Three Subspecies of Anolis jubar of the Cuban Southern Coast. Copeia 2:205–209. 59. Hernández E, Mora N, Morris HJ, Delgado L, Martínez CE. (2013) Actividad citotóxica de extractos acuosos de hojas de Trichilia hirta sobre células tumorales humanas. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 32(1):93-101. [in Spanish] English translation: Cytotoxic activity of Trichilia hirta leaves water-extracts on human tumour cells. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 60. Hernández E, González B, Díaz A, González M, Morris HJ, Delgado L, Martínez CE. (2013) Evaluación etnofarmacológica de Trichilia hirta como una fuente anticancer en la medicina tradicional de Santiago de Cuba. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas BLACPMA 12(2):176-185 [in Spanish] English translation: Etnopharmacological evaluation of Trichilia hirta as an anticancer source in the traditional medicine of Santiago de Cuba. [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 61. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Urdaneta I, Morris HJ, Camacho MI et al. (2013) Role of polyphenols in the antimicrobial activity of ethanol Tamarindus indica L leaves fluid extract. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas 12 (5): 516-522. [in English] [Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants] 62. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Reynaldo E, Quevedo Y, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Contenido de fenoles totales en extractos de Pleurotus obtenidos con solventes de diferente polaridad. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 32(2):121-129 [in Spanish] English translation: Total phenol content in Pleurotus extracts obtained with solvents of different polarities. [Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research] 63. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Gutiérrez A, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I. (2013) Phytochemical screening and effects on cell-mediated immune response of Pleurotus fruiting bodies powder. Food and Agricultural Immunology 24(3):295-304. 64. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Carrillo O, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC. (2013) Péptidos funcionales: ¿una contribución adicional al efecto inmunomodulador de los hongos comestibles- medicinales? Boletín Científico del Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud vol. 4, English translation: Functional peptides: an additional contribution to the immunomodulating effect of edible and medicinal mushrooms? dr-humberto-morris.pdf (ISSN 2073-9281) [Scientific Bulletin of the National Council of Health Scientific Societies] 65. Morris HJ, Hernández E, Llauradó G, Tejedor MC, Sancho P, Herraez A, Boyano-Adánez MC, García- Pérez AI, Diez JC. (2014) In Vitro Anti-proliferative Effects on NB4 Human Leukemia Cells and Physicochemical Screening of Pleurotus sp. (Higher Basidiomycetes) Mycelia from Cuba. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 16(3): 239–245. 66. Escalona JC, Garcia J, Perez R, De la Vega J, Rodríguez J, Morris HJ. (2014) Effect of Tamarindus indica L. leaves' fluid extract on human blood cells. Natural Product Research 28(18):1485-1488.
67. Morris HJ, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, García N. (2014) Mushroom science in Cuba: towards new opportunities for developing functional foods/nutraceuticals. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8), November 19-22, New Delhi, India, vol. II, pp. 422-432. 68. Rodríguez J, Lafourcade A, Julio Escalona JC, Morris HJ, Iraizoz A, Tavares Carvalho JC. (2014) Optimization of a novel tablets formulation using D-optimal mixture design. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 8(40), DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2014. 3887. 69. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Tamayo V, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Marcos J, Moukha S, Creppy E, Bermúdez RC. (2015) Haematopoiesis radioprotection in Balb/c mice by an aqueous mycelium extract from the Basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom. Natural Product Research 29(16):1557-1561. 70. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Ferrera L, Camacho M, Castán L, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2015) In-vitro antimicrobial activity and complement/macrophage stimulating effects of a hot-water extract from mycelium of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus sp. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 30:177-183 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifset.2015.05.002). 71. Escalona JC, Pérez R, Rodríguez J, Morris HJ, MWasi LB, Cabrera O, Machado R, Fong O, Alfonso A, Puente E. Antioxidant and toxicological evaluation of a Tamarindus indica L. leaf fluid extract. Natural Product Research (in press) Disponible en: 72. Amado JR, Lafourcade A, Escalona JC, Pérez R, Keita H, Morris HJ, Puente E, Fernándes CP, Tavares Carvalho JC. (2016) Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of a new tablets formulation from Tamarindus indica L." Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2016, Article ID 3918219, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/3918219. 73. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Venet G, Fong O, Marcos J, Fontaine R, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2016) Oral administration of an aqueous extract from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus enhances the immunonutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 83:1456-1463 74. Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Batista PL, Perraud-Gaime I, García N, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC, Cos P, Hernández E, Diez JC. (2017) Mycelia from Pleurotus sp. (oyster mushroom): a new wave of antimicrobials, anticancer and antioxidant bio-ingredients. International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients. 2017;4:03 doi: 10.15171/ijpni.2017.03
Book chapters:
1. Quintana MM, Morris HJ, Gómez LM. Calidad de la biomasa. In: Quintana MM, Alfaro OG, Morris HJ, Ramírez AM, Gómez LM, Armas E, Leal A. Chlorella: cultivos y aplicaciones- algunas investigaciones cubanas. Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente; 2007. p. 71-101. [in Spanish] English translation: Biomass quality. In: Chlorella: cultures and applications- Cuban experiences. 2. Quintana MM, Gómez LM, Morris HJ. Bioproductos. In: Quintana MM, Alfaro OG, Morris HJ, Ramírez AM, Gómez LM, Armas E, Leal A. Chlorella: cultivos y aplicaciones- algunas investigaciones cubanas. Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente; 2007. p. 139-72. [in Spanish] English translation: Bioproducts. In: Chlorella: cultures and applications- Cuban experiences. 3. Morris HJ, Carrillo O, Alonso ME, Bermúdez RC, Alfonso A, Fong O, Betancourt JE, Llauradó G, Almarales A. (2011) Nitrogen solubility, antigenicity, and safety evaluation of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from green microalga Chlorella vulgaris. In: Johnsen MN. (Ed.) Microalgae Biotechnology, Microbiology and Energy. Nueva York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; pp. 373- 386 (ISBN 978-1-61324-625-2). Cross-publicated in: Environmental Research Journal 2013; 7(1) 4. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, García N, Gutiérrez A. (2012) Productos inmunocéuticos derivados del hongo comestible-medicinal Pleurotus sp. cultivado sobre pulpa de café en Cuba. In: Sánchez JE, Mata G. (Eds.) Hongos comestibles y medicinales en Iberoamérica. Investigación y desarrollo en un entorno multicultural: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Tapachula, Chiapas-Mexico; pp. 309-318. (ISBN 978-607-7637-73-8). [in Spanish] English translation: Immunoceutical products from the edible and medicinal mushroom Pleurotus sp. grown on coffee pulp in Cuba. In: Edible and medicinal mushrooms in Iberoamerica. Investigation and development in a multi-cultural environment. 5. Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, García N, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S. (2017) The use of mushrooms in the development of functional foods, drugs or nutraceuticals. In: Ferreira I, Morales P, Barros L. (Eds.) Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts: Functional Food Properties and Applications. First Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 123-157 6. Morris HJ, Llauradó G. (2017) Propiedades inmunomoduladoras y antitumorales de las setas Pleurotus spp. En: Sánchez JE, Royse DJ. (Eds.) La biología, el cultivo y las propiedades nutricionales y medicinales de las setas Pleurotus spp. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Tapachula, Chiapas. (in editorial process).
Member of the Editorial Boards of the Cuban Chemistry Journal (Revista Cubana de Química), the Latin American Network of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms and the International Journal of Current Science. Reviewer of Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medicine and Therapy and Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A/B. Referee for national and international journals (over 35 manuscripts reviewed) including the following journals: Micologia Aplicada International (Latin American Network of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms),
Cuban Journal of Chemistry (Revista Cubana de Química), Cuban Journal of Marine Research (Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Marinas, Marine Research Center, University of Havana), Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research, Bioresource Technology, Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science, Journal of Coastal Life Medicine and Biotechnology Progress. Patent
Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y. Lebeque Y, Fontaine R, Bermúdez RC, Rodríguez S. (2011) Procedimiento para la obtención de un preparado inmunocéutico de Pleurotus spp. Cuban Patent No. 23717 (1754/2011) Ref: 2011/1337. [English translation: Procedure fo r the o btai nme nt of an immunoceutical preparation from Pleurotus spp.]
Main Congress Presentations (last five years) • Second International Convention Immunopharmacology-Vaccipharma 2017 (Varadero Beach, Cuba June 25-29). Llauradó G., Lanckaker E., Bidart M., Gielis J., Cappoen D., Morris H.J., Beltrán Y., Bermúdez RC. Delputte P., Cos P. “In vitro activation of raw 264.7 macrophages by crude fractions from Pleurotus sp. Mushroom”. (Poster) • XVII National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Puerto Vallarta, México. June 25-30, 2017). - Morris HJ., Llauradó G., Beltrán Y., Peña J., Cutiño L., Gaime I., Moukha S., Cos P., Bermúdez RC., García N. “Aplicaciones de los modelos animales y métodos alternativos en la evaluación de las propiedades inmunomoduladoras de hongos comestibles-medicinales Pleurotus”. (Cartel) - Beltrán Y., Morris HJ., Batista P., Llauradó G., Perraud I., Moukha S., Cos P., Cappoen D., Torfs E., Bidal M., García N., Bermúdez RC., Saucedo GJ. “Evaluación in vitro de las potencialidades antioxidantes y antigenotóxicas de extractos crudos de polisacáridos de Pleurotus sp.”. (Cartel) - García N., Bermúdez RC., Téllez I., Morris HJ., Chávez M., Gaime I. “Inóculos de Pleurotus en la obtención de enzimas lacasas”. (Cartel) • 67th National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), October 30-November 3, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. • XIII International Conference on Food Science and Technology CICTA 13 (La Habana, June 2016). Full length manuscripts published in the Congress Proceedings, ISBN 978-959-7003-49-6. Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S, Cos P, García N, Bermúdez RC. “Explorando nuevas facetas en el papel de los alimentos funcionales/ nutracéuticos en la salud humana: una mirada a las setas comestibles-medicinales” (oral presentation in the workshop “Nutrition and Health”) p. 12-21. English translation: “Exploring new facets in the role of functional foods/ nutraceuticals in human health: a look into edible and medicinal mushrooms”. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Garcia N, Gaime-Perraud I, Moukha S, Cos P. “Valor funcional y medicinal de extractos de Pleurotus sp.: propiedades antioxidantes” (poster presentation in the international workshop “The agro-industry at the service of health”) p. 158-167. English translation: “Functional and medicinal values of Pleurotus sp. Extracts: antioxidant properties”. Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Llaurado G, Beltran Y, Bermudez RC, Serrano M, Diaz A, Cos P. “Estrategia para el desarrollo y registro de un suplemento nutricional a partir de la seta comestible Pleurotus sp.” (Poster presentation in the workshop “Nutrition and Health”) p. 57-67. English translation: “Strategies for the development and registering of a nutritional supplement from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.”. • 4th International Phytocosmetics and Phytotherapy Congress (Antigua, Guatemala CA, 4-8 Junio 2016). Abstracts publicados en International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients doi 10.15171/ijpni.2016.Special 4 (ISSN 2374-0639). Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Llauradó G, Batista PL, Gaime-Perraud I, García N, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC, Cos P, Hernández E, Diez JC. “Mycelia from Pleurotus spp. (oyster mushroom): a new wave of antimicrobials, anticancer and antioxidant bio-ingredients” (Oral presentation, invited speaker) Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Garcia N, Gaime-Perraud I, Armando T, Cos P, Moukha S, Bermúdez RC. “Antioxidant activity of Pleurotus sp. extracts with potential uses as nutricosmetic” (Poster presentation). • Forum “Microorganisms and Global Change” organized by the Belgian Society of Microbiology and the National Committee for Microbiology of the Belgium Loyal Academy of Sciences and Arts (Brussels, Belgium, December 11, 2015). • 8th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference- “Medicinal Mushrooms: Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Young People and Healthcare Trends in the 21st Century” (Manizales, Caldas, Colombia, 24-27 August 2015). Published in Abstracts Book, Eds. Wasser SP, Hernández S, Jaramillo C. (ISSN 2462-8530). Morris HJ, Bermúdez RC, Llauradó G, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Moukha S, García N, Gaime-Perraud I. “Mushrooms in Cuba eastern region: a look through the immunological window of the biotechnology’s garden” (Oral presentation) p. 81-82.
Beltrán Y, Aguirre RI, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Armando T, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I, Jaramillo C. “In vitro antioxidant and cytoprotective effects of hot- water extracts of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus” (Oral presentation) p. 146. Aguirre RI, Álvarez Y, Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Beltrán Y, Kaneno R, Bermúdez RC, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I. “Immunostimulating effects of aqueous extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus sp. on immunocompetent Balb/c mice” (Poster presentation) p. 168. Bermúdez RC, García N, Beltrán Y, Lebeque Y, Morris HJ, Llauradó G, Gaime-Perraud I, Aguilera I. “An insight to the nutraceutical potential of fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus spp. grown on agrowastes in Cuba” (Poster presentation) p. 179-180. - 15th International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis & Antioxidants (Instituto Pasteur-París, Francia, 22-24 Junio 2015). Published by the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) in Abstract Book ISANH Antioxidants 2015 (ISBN 978-2- 35609-088-1). Morris HJ, Beltrán Y, Moukha S, Aguirre RI, Batista PL, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, García N, Cos P. “Mushrooms as an exciting and innovative source of natural antioxidants: the case of the oyster Basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus” (Short oral communication) p. 88. Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Aguirre RI, Quevedo Y, Armando T, Vazquez R, Llauradó G, Bermúdez RC, Lebeque Y, Moukha S, Gaime-Perraud I, Cos P. “Phenolic content and in-vitro antioxidant activities of fruiting bodies extracts from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus” (Poster presentation) p. 97. García N, Bermúdez RC, Gaime-Perraud I, Beltrán Y, Morris HJ, Batista PL, Roussos S, Moukha S. “Laccase production by Pleurotus sp. using solid-state fermentation: polyphenols biotransformation and antioxidant potential” (Poster presentation) p. 138. - VIII Latin-American Congress of Mycology (Medellin, Colombia, 4-7 November 2014). Bermúdez RC, García N, Rodríguez S, Perraud-Gaime I, Morris HJ, Rodríguez M. “Mushroom Biotechnology” Published in: Actualidades Biológicas 2014; 36(1):145-146 (ISSN 0304-3584). - XX Latin-American Congress of Pharmacology and Therapeutics LATINFARMA 2013 (Havana, October 21-25, 2013): “Immunostimulating effects and pharmacological potential of the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.” - XII International Conference on Food Science and Technology CICTA-12 (La Habana, May 2013): “Investigations on Functional Foods in the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology” (Oral presentation). - XVI Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN 2012, Havana, November 2012): “Evaluation of the immunomodulating and antioxidant properties of extracts from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp.”. - 20th Chemistry Conference (Santiago de Cuba, December 2011): “Bioactive components and immunopharmacological properties of a water-soluble crude extract from Pleurotus sp. mycelium”. - First Symposium of the Cuban Society for Laboratory Animal Science (SCCAL) and II Regional Meeting on Animal Science Laboratory (Havana, November 2011): “Experiences on the utilization of laboratory animals in the Center for Studies on Industrial Biotechnology, University of Oriente”. (Member of the Scientific Committee). - 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7) (Arcachon, France, October 2011): “Immunomodulating properties of Pleurotus sp. fruiting bodies powder on cyclophosphamide treated mice” (Oral presentation). - 7th National Congress of the Cuban Society of Immunology (Havana, May, 2011): “Immunobiological effects of the oral administration of a Pleurotus nutritional supplement to immunocompetent Balb/c mice of both sexes”. - VII Continental Congress /IV Iberoamerican and Caribbean Congress of Natural Products and Medicine ProdMedNatur 2010 (Havana, May 2010): “Immunopharmacological effects of a water-soluble crude extract from the edible mushroom Pleurotus sp. on a protein-energy malnutrition model” (Poster presentation). - Ibero-american Workshop on Edible Mushrooms (San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México, Abril 2010): “Immunoceutical products from the edible and medicinal mushroom Pleurotus sp. growth on coffee pulp in Cuba” (Poster presentation). Over 60 abstracts on international congresses.
• Co-author of the Research Prize in the Direction of Biotechnology and Foods to the Scientific Result “New technology for the obtainment of bromelain. Purification alternatives and characterization for using in the medical and pharmaceutical industries and Biotechnology” (University of Havana, 2003). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Scientific-Student Research Work (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2004). • Annual Prize to the Applied Scientific Result of Great Significance to Higher Education “Five year experiences in professional formation in the Scientific-Student Research Group of Applied Immunology”(University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2006). • Annual Prize 2008 of the Cuban Academy of Sciences to the Result “Protein hydrolysates from the alga Chlorella vulgaris 87/1 with potentialities in immunonutrition”. • Annual Prize to the Most Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2009). • Special Prize of Cuban Ministry of Higher Education in the Direction of Science and Technology (Havana, 2010). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2011). • Annual Prize of the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and “Aurora Pons Porrata” Prize of University of Oriente to Project Excellence in Basic Research “Evaluation of the immunopharmacological properties of aqueous extracts from edible mushrooms Pleurotus spp.” (2011). • Acknowledgment of the University of Oriente in its 65 Anniversary (Santiago de Cuba, 2012). • Annual Prize 2011 of the Cuban Society of Immunology (Educational Activity) (La Habana, 2012). • Annual Prize to the Most Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2012). • Jesús Menéndez Medal given by the State Council of Cuban Republic (La Habana, 2012). • Mention in the XXXVII Health Prize Annual Competition 2012 in the category of scientific article (La Habana, 2012). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in Postgraduate education (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2013). • Co-author of the Relevant Prize in the XX Latin-American Congress of Pharmacology and Therapeutics LATINFARMA 2013 (Havana, October 21-25, 2013). • Annual Prize to the Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2013). • Acknowledgment of the Universidad de Oriente as coordinator of the Project with the best performance in interdisciplinary research for innovation "Development of a nutritional supplement from the edible mushroom Pleurotus: preclinical and human pilot study"(University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Enero 2014). • Acknowledgment as promoter of the BSc. Thesis “Phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of Pleurotus sp. extracts obtained with different polarity solvents” (Prize to the Biology´s student Yanelis Quevedo in the XXI National Forum of Natural, Exact, Social and Humanistic Sciences, Pinar del Río- Cuba, May 2014). • Acknowledgment of the Territorial Council of Health Scientific Societies in Santiago de Cuba for his scientific contribution to the development of Immunology in the country. (Given on December 12/2014 in the VIII Provincial Meeting of Immunology and the II Meeting of Regenerative Medicine). • Annual Prize to Outstanding Professor in the Direction of Science and Technology (University of Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, 2015). Travel Award 2016 of the Americas Regional Commof the International Council for Laboratory Animal Award (ICLAS-ARC 2016) “Laboratory Animal Specialist Award” for significant contributions to the profession of laboratory animal care (Charlotte, North Carolina-USA, November 2016) (Given during the activities of the 67 National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, AALAS). Special Prize of Cuban Ministry of Higher Education for his relevant achievements in Postgraduate Education, 2017. Acknowledgment as author of the scientific result “Biomedical potential of edible mushrooms: immunopharmacological activity of bioproducts obtained from Pleurotus sp.”, awarded in the field of Natural and Exact Sciences (Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, January 2017) (Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Bermúdez RC, Tamayo V, Beltrán Y, Ferrera L and co-authors) Member of the research team of the Project “Diversification de la technologie de culture de Pleurotus sp à Cuba et sa diffusion dans la zone Caraïbe CariSETA”, Prize of University of Oriente to Project Excellence (Santiago de Cuba, January 2017).
Author of the most relevant scientific article of Universidad de Oriente in 2016. Llauradó G, Morris HJ, Lebeque Y, Venet G, Fong O, Marcos J, Fontaine R, Cos P, Bermúdez RC. (2016) Oral administration of an aqueous extract from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus enhances the immunonutritional recovery of malnourished mice. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 83:1456-1463 Provincial Prize in the XLII Health Prize Annual Competition 2017 in the category of scientific article (Santiago de Cuba, 2017). International missions Research Mission in the Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et de Paléoécologie (IMEP), Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Université Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France (October 2-19, 2011). Research Mission in the Department of Toxicology and Applied Hygiene (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Bordeaux 2 Víctor Segalen, France (September 26-October 7, 2013). He talked the lecture “Mushrooms in Cuba eastern region: a look through the immunological window of the biotechnology’s garden” in the National Institute of Agronomy Research (INRA) (Bordeaux, France). Research Mission in the Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie Marine et Continentale, (IMBE), Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Aix Marseille University, France (June 11-30, 2015). Research stay as Invited Scientist in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene (Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium) (November 13- December 13, 2015). Research mission in the Biotechnology Department (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Campus Iztapalapa, México, July 3-11, 2017).
1967-72. Laboratory Technician, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (Incap)
1972-77. Chief Clinical Laboratory, University Health Unit and Teaching-Director, School-Laboratory, San Juan de Dios General Hospital, Guatemala
1972-2013. Professor of Immunology, Hematology, and Immunopathology, USAC.
1976-88. Advisor, Project Director and Executive Director, Center for Mesoamerican Studies on Appropriate Technology (CEMAT).
1982-87. Consultant on Rural Development in the Caribbean (Contracts FAO TCP/RLA 2304MF and FAO 7-
11105), Technical Assistance to National Programs in Central America and the Caribbean (OLADE CS/015/83), Research on Environmental Health in the Caribbean (IDRC-OPS), Strategies for exportation of agroindustrial products (International Trade Center-CEE, RLA/75/12), Industrialization of medicinal plants (CEPAL-ICAITI) and Ecologic Use of Medicinal Plants (CAIAH-GTZ).
1982-2015. Advisor of projects on ethnobotany, agrotechnology and phytotherapy for non-governmental organizations and private enterprises of Guatemala (Salud para Todos of San Marcos, PLV/GTZ of Salamá, ATI and CDRO of Totonicapán, AECI-Nentón, MOVIMONDO-Uspantán), El Salvador (APROCSAL), Honduras (EXVECAN), Costa Rica (Manza-té) and Nicaragua (FCNMPT-Estelí).
1989-92. Coordinator, Project for Industrialization of Medicinal Plants, United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO) (projects US/GUA/84/282 and UC/GUA/89/154)
1989-2017. Director of Research and Development, Farmaya Natural Products Laboratories, Guatemala.
1992-2005. National Director, National Commission for the Utilization of Medicinal Plants (CONAPLAMED).
1996-2005. International Coordinator, Iberoamerican Network on Phytopharmaceutical Products (Riprofito), Iberoamerican Program on Science and Technology for Development (CYTED), and Regional Project on Development of medicinal plants cultivation and production of phytotherapeutics, Organization of American States (OAS)
2000-09. Coordinator, Research Laboratory for Natural Products (LIPONAT), USAC
2000-13. Evaluator of Research grants, institutions in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, IAMP and OAS.
2004-17. Professor of Phytotherapy, School of Postgraduate Studies, School of Pharmacy, USAC
Reference Citations
Cáceres A. Plantas de Uso Medicinal en Guatemala. Guatemala, Ed. Universitaria, 404 p, 1996.
Cáceres A, Saravia A, Rizzo S, Zabala S, de León E, Nave F. Pharmacologic properties of
Moringa oleifera. 2: Screening of anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic activity. J Ethnopharmacol 1992; 36:233-237
Cáceres A, Cabrera O, Morales O, Mollinedo P, Mendia P. Pharmacological properties of Moringa oleifera. 1. Preliminary screening for antimicrobial activity. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 33:213-216
Cáceres A, Cano O, Samayoa B, Aguilar L. Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 1. Screening of 84 plants against enterobacteria. J Ethnopharmacol 1990; 30:55-73.
Cáceres A, Menéndez HE, Méndez E, Cohobón E, Samayoa BE, Jauregui E, Peralta E, Carrillo G. Anti-gonorrhoeal activity of plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. J Ethnopharmacol 1994; 48:85-88.
Mata LJ, Gangarosa EJ, Cáceres A, Perera DR, Mejicanos ML. Epidemic Shiga bacillus dysentery in Central America. I. Etiologic investigations in Guatemala, 1969. J Infect Dis 1970; 122: 170180.
Girón LM, Freire AV, Alonzo A, Cáceres A. Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal flora used by the Caribs of Guatemala. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 34:173-187.
Cáceres A, Girón LM, Alvarado SR, Torres MF. Screening of antimicrobial activity of plants popularly used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermato-mucosal diseases. J Ethnopharmacol 1987; 20:223-237.
Cáceres A, López BR, Girón MA, Logemann H (1991) Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermatophyte infection. 1: Screening for the antimycotic activity of 44 plant extracts. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 31:263-276.
Cáceres A, Girón LM, Martínez AM. Diuretic activity of plants used for the treatment of urinary ailments in Guatemala. J Ethnopharmacol 1987; 19:233-245.
- Last 15 publications in international journals (2014-16)
Cruz SM, Marroquín MN, Gaitán IC, Cáceres A. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and ethanolic extracts of three species of Laurel (Litsea spp.) from Guatemala. Acta Horticult, 2014; 1030, 23-29.
Cáceres A, Kato MJ. Importance of a multidisciplinary evaluation of Piper genus for development of new natural products in Latin America. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2014 1. 4.
Patel U, Doyle BJ, Locklear TD, Perez AL, Cáceres A (2014) Mayan breadnut (Brosimum alicastrum Swingle). Planta Med. 80:843. Doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1382722
Holzmann I, Cattani D, Corso M, Perodi D, Zanella S, Burger C et al. Psycopharmacological profile of hydroalcoholic extract and p-hydroxybenzoic acid obtained from Bourreria huanita (Boraniganeae) in mice. Pharmacol. Pharm., 2014; 5:983-995. Doi: 10.4236/pp.2014.511110
Álvarez LE, Rosales de Zea C, Cáceres A. Micromorfoanatomía de hoja de Piper patulum Bertol. (Piperaceae) colectadas en Samayac, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala. Dominguezia 2015; 30:19-26.
Castañeda R, Cruz SM, Cáceres A. Actividad hipotrigliceridémica de un extracto de rosa de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) al administrarse antes y durante las comidas. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2:51-57.
Almeda A, Astorga L, Orellana A, Sampuel L, Sierra P, Gaitán I, Cáceres A. Piper genus: Source of natural products with anti-tyrsosinase activity favored in phytocosmetics. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:6
Belloso K, González I, Suárez R, Cáceres A. Actividad antioxidante de extractos de diez basidiomicetos comestibles de Guatemala. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2:29-36.
Cáceres A, Cruz SM. Contributions of natural ingredients from the Mesoamerican biodiversity for the phytocosmetic industry. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:2.
Cruz SM, Marroquín N, Alvarez LE, Chang DE, Cáceres A. Evaluation of mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) products as coloring, antimicrobial and antioxidant agents. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:12, doi: 10.15171/ijpni.2015.12
Cáceres A. From traditional uses of Mesoamerican medicinal plants to modern phytotherapy in Guatemala. Planta Med 2015; 81:PL-08. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1565283
Saravia-Otten P, Hernández R, Gutiérrez JM, Mérida M, Cáceres A. Evaluación de la capacidad neutralizante de extractos de plantas de uso popular en Guatemala como antídotos para el envenenamiento por la mordedura de Bothrops asper. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2(1):25-37
Holzmann I, Cechinel Filho V, Caceres A, Martínez JV, Cruz SM, Souza MM. Antidepressant-like effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Valeriana prioniphylla Standl. from Guatemala: Evidence for the involvement of the monoaminergic systems. Int J Phytopharm 2016; 6:14-26
Michel JL, Caceres A, Mahady GB. Ethnomedical research and review of Q’eqchi Maya women´s reproductive health in the Lake Izabal region of Guatemala: Past, present and future prospects. J Ethnopharmacol 2016; 178:307-322.
Zelada VF, Carvalho JE, Cáceres A. Evaluation of the antioxidant, genotoxic and cytotoxic activity of organic fractions from leaves and roots of Piper patulum Bertol. from Guatemala. Int J Phytocosmet Nat Ingr 2016; 3:08, doi:10.1517/ijpni.2016.08
1967-72. Laboratory Technician, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (Incap)
1972-77. Chief Clinical Laboratory, University Health Unit and Teaching-Director, School-Laboratory, San Juan de Dios General Hospital, Guatemala
1972-2013. Professor of Immunology, Hematology, and Immunopathology, USAC.
1976-88. Advisor, Project Director and Executive Director, Center for Mesoamerican Studies on Appropriate Technology (CEMAT).
1982-87. Consultant on Rural Development in the Caribbean (Contracts FAO TCP/RLA 2304MF and FAO 7-
11105), Technical Assistance to National Programs in Central America and the Caribbean (OLADE CS/015/83), Research on Environmental Health in the Caribbean (IDRC-OPS), Strategies for exportation of agroindustrial products (International Trade Center-CEE, RLA/75/12), Industrialization of medicinal plants (CEPAL-ICAITI) and Ecologic Use of Medicinal Plants (CAIAH-GTZ).
1982-2015. Advisor of projects on ethnobotany, agrotechnology and phytotherapy for non-governmental organizations and private enterprises of Guatemala (Salud para Todos of San Marcos, PLV/GTZ of Salamá, ATI and CDRO of Totonicapán, AECI-Nentón, MOVIMONDO-Uspantán), El Salvador (APROCSAL), Honduras (EXVECAN), Costa Rica (Manza-té) and Nicaragua (FCNMPT-Estelí).
1989-92. Coordinator, Project for Industrialization of Medicinal Plants, United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO) (projects US/GUA/84/282 and UC/GUA/89/154)
1989-2017. Director of Research and Development, Farmaya Natural Products Laboratories, Guatemala.
1992-2005. National Director, National Commission for the Utilization of Medicinal Plants (CONAPLAMED).
1996-2005. International Coordinator, Iberoamerican Network on Phytopharmaceutical Products (Riprofito), Iberoamerican Program on Science and Technology for Development (CYTED), and Regional Project on Development of medicinal plants cultivation and production of phytotherapeutics, Organization of American States (OAS)
2000-09. Coordinator, Research Laboratory for Natural Products (LIPONAT), USAC
2000-13. Evaluator of Research grants, institutions in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, IAMP and OAS.
2004-17. Professor of Phytotherapy, School of Postgraduate Studies, School of Pharmacy, USAC
Reference Citations
Cáceres A. Plantas de Uso Medicinal en Guatemala. Guatemala, Ed. Universitaria, 404 p, 1996.
Cáceres A, Saravia A, Rizzo S, Zabala S, de León E, Nave F. Pharmacologic properties of
Moringa oleifera. 2: Screening of anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic activity. J Ethnopharmacol 1992; 36:233-237
Cáceres A, Cabrera O, Morales O, Mollinedo P, Mendia P. Pharmacological properties of Moringa oleifera. 1. Preliminary screening for antimicrobial activity. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 33:213-216
Cáceres A, Cano O, Samayoa B, Aguilar L. Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 1. Screening of 84 plants against enterobacteria. J Ethnopharmacol 1990; 30:55-73.
Cáceres A, Menéndez HE, Méndez E, Cohobón E, Samayoa BE, Jauregui E, Peralta E, Carrillo G. Anti-gonorrhoeal activity of plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. J Ethnopharmacol 1994; 48:85-88.
Mata LJ, Gangarosa EJ, Cáceres A, Perera DR, Mejicanos ML. Epidemic Shiga bacillus dysentery in Central America. I. Etiologic investigations in Guatemala, 1969. J Infect Dis 1970; 122: 170180.
Girón LM, Freire AV, Alonzo A, Cáceres A. Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal flora used by the Caribs of Guatemala. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 34:173-187.
Cáceres A, Girón LM, Alvarado SR, Torres MF. Screening of antimicrobial activity of plants popularly used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermato-mucosal diseases. J Ethnopharmacol 1987; 20:223-237.
Cáceres A, López BR, Girón MA, Logemann H (1991) Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermatophyte infection. 1: Screening for the antimycotic activity of 44 plant extracts. J Ethnopharmacol 1991; 31:263-276.
Cáceres A, Girón LM, Martínez AM. Diuretic activity of plants used for the treatment of urinary ailments in Guatemala. J Ethnopharmacol 1987; 19:233-245.
- Last 15 publications in international journals (2014-16)
Cruz SM, Marroquín MN, Gaitán IC, Cáceres A. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and ethanolic extracts of three species of Laurel (Litsea spp.) from Guatemala. Acta Horticult, 2014; 1030, 23-29.
Cáceres A, Kato MJ. Importance of a multidisciplinary evaluation of Piper genus for development of new natural products in Latin America. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2014 1. 4.
Patel U, Doyle BJ, Locklear TD, Perez AL, Cáceres A (2014) Mayan breadnut (Brosimum alicastrum Swingle). Planta Med. 80:843. Doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1382722
Holzmann I, Cattani D, Corso M, Perodi D, Zanella S, Burger C et al. Psycopharmacological profile of hydroalcoholic extract and p-hydroxybenzoic acid obtained from Bourreria huanita (Boraniganeae) in mice. Pharmacol. Pharm., 2014; 5:983-995. Doi: 10.4236/pp.2014.511110
Álvarez LE, Rosales de Zea C, Cáceres A. Micromorfoanatomía de hoja de Piper patulum Bertol. (Piperaceae) colectadas en Samayac, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala. Dominguezia 2015; 30:19-26.
Castañeda R, Cruz SM, Cáceres A. Actividad hipotrigliceridémica de un extracto de rosa de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) al administrarse antes y durante las comidas. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2:51-57.
Almeda A, Astorga L, Orellana A, Sampuel L, Sierra P, Gaitán I, Cáceres A. Piper genus: Source of natural products with anti-tyrsosinase activity favored in phytocosmetics. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:6
Belloso K, González I, Suárez R, Cáceres A. Actividad antioxidante de extractos de diez basidiomicetos comestibles de Guatemala. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2:29-36.
Cáceres A, Cruz SM. Contributions of natural ingredients from the Mesoamerican biodiversity for the phytocosmetic industry. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:2.
Cruz SM, Marroquín N, Alvarez LE, Chang DE, Cáceres A. Evaluation of mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) products as coloring, antimicrobial and antioxidant agents. Int J Phytocosm Nat Ingr 2015; 2:12, doi: 10.15171/ijpni.2015.12
Cáceres A. From traditional uses of Mesoamerican medicinal plants to modern phytotherapy in Guatemala. Planta Med 2015; 81:PL-08. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1565283
Saravia-Otten P, Hernández R, Gutiérrez JM, Mérida M, Cáceres A. Evaluación de la capacidad neutralizante de extractos de plantas de uso popular en Guatemala como antídotos para el envenenamiento por la mordedura de Bothrops asper. Cien Tec Salud 2015; 2(1):25-37
Holzmann I, Cechinel Filho V, Caceres A, Martínez JV, Cruz SM, Souza MM. Antidepressant-like effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Valeriana prioniphylla Standl. from Guatemala: Evidence for the involvement of the monoaminergic systems. Int J Phytopharm 2016; 6:14-26
Michel JL, Caceres A, Mahady GB. Ethnomedical research and review of Q’eqchi Maya women´s reproductive health in the Lake Izabal region of Guatemala: Past, present and future prospects. J Ethnopharmacol 2016; 178:307-322.
Zelada VF, Carvalho JE, Cáceres A. Evaluation of the antioxidant, genotoxic and cytotoxic activity of organic fractions from leaves and roots of Piper patulum Bertol. from Guatemala. Int J Phytocosmet Nat Ingr 2016; 3:08, doi:10.1517/ijpni.2016.08
Professor (Dr.) Sunil Dutta Purohit was initiated in research at the Department of Botany, University of Jodhpur in July, 1977. He was awarded Ph.D. Degree of University of Jodhpur in the year 1981. Dr. Purohit was appointed as Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Science & Technology funded research project on "Rapid Multiplication of Economically Important Plants of Arid-zone through Tissue Culture, Differentiation and Establishment" in February 1981.Dr. Purohit joined Department of Botany, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur in July 1984 as Assistant Professor. He organised a well equipped Plant Biotechnology Laboratory to carry out research in the field of his interest. The main focus of his research remained on micropropagation of plants of medicinal, forestry and horticultural importance. Under different research programs funded by Central and State agencies, he has been able to develop micropropagation protocols for Feronia limonia, Wrightia tomentosa, W. tinctoria, Boswellia serrata, Sterculia urens, Acacia catechu, A. leucophloea (all woody trees), Achras sapota, Annona squamosa (fruit trees), Celastrus paniculatus, Vitex negundo and Chlorophytum borivilianum (medicinal herb). Scaling-up production has been taken-up in the case of Feronia limonia, Wrightia tinctoria, W. tomentosa, B. serrata and C. borivilianum. Small-scale field performance of micropropagated plants has been successfully demonstrated in many species. Dr. Purohit was selected as Associate Professor of Botany in July 1997 in the same department. He was instrumental in development of Post-Graduate Courses in Biotechnology in this university which was introduced from the session 1997-98. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, awarded SERC Visiting Fellowship to him to work with Professor A.K. Tyagi, Head, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Coordinator, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Coordinator (India), International Rice Genome Project, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi. Here he engaged himself in research on genetic transformation of Feronia limonia, a fruit tree species and chloroplast based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) to identify clones of Aegle marmelos and Feronia limonia. Dr. Purohit used Agrobacterium and Biolistics-mediated gene transfer system. Dr. Purohit has recently taken up studies on molecular characterization of diversity among wild and tissue culture raised populations of Feronia limonia using ISSR primers and PCR amplification technique. Studies on molecular and cytological characterization were carried out in natural and tissue culture raised plants of Chlorophytum borivilianum. Under a collaborative research program with Munich Technical University, Germany ,incorporation studies were carried out using U13 C labelled glucose in tissue culture raised Boswellia serrata to determine the pathway of Boswellic acid biosynthesis through NMR analysis. Phytochemical profiling has also been carried out in different accessions of Celastrus paniculatus in collaboration with PERD Centre, Ahmedabad HP-TLC and other analytical methods. Dr. Purohit has opened up a new area of investigation by demonstrating that improvement in growth and hardening of tissue culture plants is possible by growing plants under CO 2 enriched environments. Dr. Purohit worked as Course Director, Department of Biotechnology from 2004-2011.He has undergone training on Microarray Based Genome Analysis under the guidance of Professor David Galbraith at the Department of Plant Sciences, Arizona State University, Tucson, Arizona, USA from January 8-13, 2006. Dr. Purohit worked as Professor of Botany from 2007 to 2016, the year of his superannuation. He was Head, Department of Botany from 2011-2014 and Dean and Chairman, Faculty of Science.
He worked on a UGC funded research project to study the effect of liquid culture system on growth, multiplication, physiology and morphology of some medicinally important plants. He also contemplates to study the photosynthetic efficiency of such plants. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi sanctioned a research project to study natural diversity in Chlorophytum borivilianum using molecular markers. He has been nominated on the task force constituted by the Government of Rajasthan for policy formulation on “Agricultural Education and Research Prioritization” in the State. He has been nominated by ICFRE as a Member of Research Advisory Group, Arid Forestry Research Institute, Jodhpur. He is Fellow of Plant Tissue Culture Association of India, Co-Cordinator, Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists, Local Chapter, Udaipur and Secretary General, Society for Promotion of Science Education and Research, India. He is Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association of India and Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources. He was instrumental in development of Course Curricula of Botany and Biotechnology for several universities in India. He was Member, Governing Board of Secondary Education in Rajasthan.
Research Interest
- Development of Field Tested micro-propagation protocols for large-scale production of plants of forestry, horticultural and medicinal importance.
- Development of regeneration protocols via adventitious shoot bud differentiation and somatic embryogenesis.
- Studies on the role of liquid culture system for growth and multiplication of plants in vitro.
- Studies on CO2 enrichment during in vitro growth and development of plants.
- Studies on morpho-physiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue culture raised plantlets.
- Studies on culture vessel, vessel ventilation and gelling agent on micro-propagation of plants.
- Studies on use of VAM and other fungi for bio-priming.
- Encapsulation of shoot buds, their long term storage, and studies on their re-growth in vitro.
- Molecular characterization of diversity in plants being used for micro-propagation using RAPD and ISSR markers.
- Screening of tissue culture raised plantlets for genetic fidelity using molecular (RAPD and ISSR) and cytological markers.
- Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer in plants with special reference to disease resistance.
- Analysis of mitotic complements and karyotype studies in tissue culture and naturally growing plants.
- Protein profiling of tissue culture and naturally growing plants using SDS-PAGE.
- Edited (with Drs. H.C. Arya, N. Sankhla, M.N. Tewari and N.S. Shekhawat) Advancing Frontiers Plant Sciences 1983 (Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advancing Frontiers of Plant Sciences held from Nov. 26-30, 1983 at the Department of Botany, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur) Botanical Society, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Pages 305 + Xiii.
- Associate Editor, OIKOASSAY, an International Journal of Environmental Sciences, published from Jodhpur (Currently from Bikaner).
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas and R.K. Garg) Abstracts of Third National Environment Congress. Dec. 28-29, 1988 held at Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas) Proceedings of National Seminar on Water Management Techniques for Minimising Environment Degradation, March 5-7, 1990. Department of Botany, Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
- Co-Author (with Prof L.N. Vyas and Dr. R.K. Garg) Practical Botany, (1994) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur-Delhi.
- Co-Author (with Prof L.N. Vyas and Dr. Indra Vyas) A Text Book of Secondary Biology (1994) Ratan Prakashan Mandir, Agra.
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas and Dr. R.K. Garg) Contributions to the Environmental Sciences (1996) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur-Delhi.
- Member, Advisory Board for "Dictionary of Biotechnology", edited by Prof. L.L. Somani, Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur.
- Author (with Dr. G. K. Kukda) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology “(In Hindi) College Book House, Jaipur (2002).
- Author (with Dr. G.K.Kukda ) “Cytogenetics , Plant Breeding and Evolution “ (In Hindi) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur.(2003)
- Author (with Drs .G. K..Kukda and A.Singhvi) “Practical Botany” (A Bilingual Text) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2004). Revised and Enlarged Edition (2006).
- Author (with Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Plant Physiology and Biochemistry “ (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur. (2006).
- Edited (with K.S.Thind and H.N.Gour) “Annual Review of Plant Pathology” Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur (India). (2006).
- Author (with Dr. G. K. Kukda) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology” (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2006)
- Author (with Drs. Khurshid Ahmed and G. K. Kukda) “Genetics and Biotechnology” (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2006)
- Author (with N.Joshi) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-A Practical Manual” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Author (with Drs. A. Singhvi and K.Tak) “Practical Botany” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Author (with Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Co-Author (with Prof. N.C. Aery and Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Practical Botany-Angiosperm Taxonomy, Embryology, Anatomy, Economic & Ethanobotany, Cytogenetics, Plant breeding and Biostatistics” (Bilingual) Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2008)
PHYLLODY: An Alarming Problem for Sesamum Growers, Macco Agric. Digest (India) 4: 5-7 (with H.C. Arya), 1980.
JOJOBA WAX PLANT: An Unexploited Treasure. Invention Intelligence 16: 24-28 (1981) (with N.S. Shekhawat & H.C. Arya).
RAPID MULTIPLICATION OF ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT PLANTS IN TEST TUBES (In Hindi), Udhyanika 3: 16-19 (1980) (with H.C. Arya and Y. Goyal).
1. Noise Pollution : Its Scientific and legal perspective By : Satish Shastri and Manjoo Bala Trivedi, Divyajyoti Prakashan, Jodhpur, 188 pp Oikoassay 1989 6(1): 44.
2. Social Change and Education: Present and Future By: M.R. Paliwal, Uppal Publishing House, New Delhi Page x + 357. Rajasthan Journal of Public Services 1989, 1: 81-82.
- Current Science
- Indian Journal of Biotechnology
- Bionature
- Oikoassay
- Geobios
- Natural Products Radiance
- Scientia Agricola
- Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
- Dr.N.S.Shekhawat , Department of Botany, Jainarain Vyas University, Jodhpur (for hardening and acclimatization of the tissue culture plants for large-scale production )
- Dr.Nicholas Schramek, Munich National University, Germany. (For incorporation experiments to identify the biosynthetic pathways for production of active principles in Boswellia serrata and Chlorophytum borivilianum).
- Dr. (Mrs.) M.Rajani, PERD Centre, Ahmedabad. (For phytochemical profiling of Celastrus paniculatus and Chlorophytum borivilianum).
- Professor Akhilesh Tyagi, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Delhi University South Campus, New Delhi. (For molecular analysis and DNA fingerprinting).
- Dr. Bikram Singh. Division of Natural Products Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur for phytochemical analysis of Chlorophytum borivilianum (under DST, New Delhi sponsored research project).
- Professor S. Ramarao, Department of Biotechnology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (Meghalaya) (For cytological analysis).
Title of Research Project
Funding Agency
Project Cost (Rs. in Lacs)
Studies on Phenolics and Related Enzymes of Maize infected with Helminthosporium maydis
In vivo and In vitro studies on Downy Mildew of Maize caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi
Development of Tissue Culture Biotechnology for Multiplication of Some Tree Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan
New Delhi
Field Evaluation of Some Tree Species of Aravallis Regenerated Through Tissue Culture Biotechnology
State D.S.T.
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Development and Application of in vitro methods for mass propagation of `Safed Musli' (Chlorophytum borivilianum)
Scaling-up Production, Hardening and Field Trials of Some Micropropagated Tree Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan
Studies on in vitro Differentiation, Multiplication, and Evaluation of Some Fruit Tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan.
Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Feronia limonia
Scaling up production, hardening and field trials of two micro propagated tree species
State DST
Application of Biotechnological Methods for Scaling-up Production of a Rare Medicinal Herb `Safed Musli' Chlorophytum borivilianum
Programme Support for Regeneration of Economically Important Plants of Rajasthan
Title of Research Project
Funding Agency
Project Cost
Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Studies on Some Micropropagated Plant Species as Influenced by Liquid Culture System and Culture Vessel Environment
11.98 Lacs
Molecular and Phytochemical Characterization of ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et. Fernand.) Germplasm
35.00 Lacs
- Joshi, N., Dave, A., Vyas, S and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Effect of controlled carbon dioxide environment on in vitro growth and shoot multiplication in Chlorophytum borivilianam Sant. et Fernand. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8:323-327.
- Sukhwal, R., Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) In vitro screening of callus cultures of maize treated with toxins of Helminthosporium sps. The Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 88:1-4.
- Joshi, N., Dave, A., Vyas, S and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Effect of controlled carbon dioxide environment on in vitro growth and shoot multiplication in Chlorophytum borivilianam Sant. et Fernand. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8:323-327.
- Suthar, R.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009). In vitro growth and multiplication of Terminalia bellerica Roxb. under carbon dioxide enriched environment. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 47: 204-209.
- Habibi, N., Suthar, R.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Role of PGRs and their inhibitors in induction and control of somatic embryogenesis in Themeda quadrivalvis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 47: 198-203.
- Joshi, P. Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa: Effect of gelling agents, carbon source and vessel type. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8: 115-120
- Joshi, N., Randhwa, G.J. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Morphological and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Medicinal Herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant.Et Fernand ) Professor H.C. Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi Pp 519-530
- Vyas, S., Gaur, A., Tyagi, A.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Molecular Characterization of Diversity in Feronia limonia using ISSR Markers. Professor H.C.Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi. Pp 431-443
- Nagori, R., Rathore,P., Vyas, S., Joshi, N., Rao, M.S., Suthar, R., Mathur, P and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Liquid Culture System Stimulates In Vitro Growth and Shoot Multiplication in Some Medicinally Important Plant Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan .Professor H.C.Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi pp. 395-405
- Trivedi, R and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Biology and Biotechnology of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-A Review. Professor H.C. Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi. Pp 315-331
- Mathur, P. and Purohit, S.D. (2008). Peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities
during in vitro rooting of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand. Oikoassay 21: 3-9.
- Rao, M. S., and Purohit, S. D. (2008) In Vitro Growth and Multiplication of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. under Carbon Dioxide Enriched Environment Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 101-104.
- Vyas, S., Rao, M. S., Suthar, R. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Liquid Culture System Stimulates in Vitro Growth and Shoot Multiplication in Four Medicinally Important Plants Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 96-100
- Joshi, N., Randhawa, G. J., Firke, P. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) RAPD Analysis of Diversity in ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand.), a Rare Indian Medicinal Herb. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 86-89
- Vyas, S., Nagori, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Root Colonization and Growth Enhancement of Micropropagated Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle by Piriformospora indica – A Cultivable Root Endophyte International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 2(2): 128-132
- Suthar, R. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Root Colonization and Improved Growth Performance of Micropropagated Terminalia bellerica Roxb. Plantlets Inoculated with Piriformospora indica during ex Vitro Acclimatization. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 2(2): 133-136
- Vyas, S., Gaur, A., Tyagi, A. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Feronia limonia L. (Swingle) using ISSRs. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 27(3): 328-342.
- Mathur, P. Rao M.S. and Purohit, S.D. (2008). Genetic stability in micro-clones of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. derived from different explant sources as revealed by RAPD profiles. Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 99-91.
- Nagori,R., Vyas, S., Tak, K., Singhvi, A. and Purohit, S.D. (2008) In vitro adventitious shoot bud differentiation and plantlet regeneration in some fruit plants. Proceeding NSPB-2006, Dehradun, 297-317.
- Rathore, P., Suthar, R. and Purohit S. D. (2007) Micropropagation of Terminalia bellerica (Roxb.) from juvenile explants. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 7:246-249.
- Purohit, S.D., Raghuvanshi, S. and Tyagi, A.K. (2007). Biolistic mediated
DNA delivery and transient expression of GUS in hypocotyls of a fruit tree-Feronia limonia L. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 6:504-507.
- Purohit,S.D., Dave.A., Rathore,P., Vyas,S., Dave,N., Joshi,N. and Rao, M.S. (2007). Effect of Controlled Carbon Dioxide on In Vitro Shoot Multiplication in Some Plants of Horticultural, Forestry and Medicinal Importance. In: “Biotechnology: Plant Health Management” Professor H.N.Verma Commemoration Volume (Ed.Neeta Sharma and H.B. Singh), International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow. pp. 741-759.
- Nagori, R., Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2007) Greenhouse growth and nursery performance of tissue culture raised plantlets of Achras sapota var. Cricket Ball. Indian Journal of Horticulture 64: 202-206.
- Purohit, S. D., Singhvi, A. Vyas S. and Nagori R.(2007). Polyamines stimulated Shoot Bud Proliferation and Multiplication in Achras sapota Grown in Culture. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 6: 85-90.
- Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2006) Factors affecting in vitro rooting in tissue culture derived shoots of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) var. JL-24. Oikoassay 19:1-6.
- Joshi, N., Kumar, A., Ramarao, S and Purohit, S.D. (2006) Cytological characterization of a rare medicinal herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Saint et Fernand.) Cytologia 71: 153-159.
- Rao, M.S. and Purohit , S. D. (2006) In vitro Shoot Bud Differentiation and plantlet Regeneration in Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Biologia Plantarum 50: 501-506
- Joshi, P., Joshi, N. and Purohit, S.D. (2006) Stomatal Characteristics During Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa Biologia Plantarum 50: 275-278.
- Vyas,S. and Purohit, S.D. (2005) Effect of Controlled Carbon Dioxide on In vitro Shoot Multiplication in Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 28:417-423.
- Joshi, H., Chaudhary, B.L. and Purohit, S. D. (2005) Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on in vitro shoot multiplication in Nicotiana tabacum L. Indian J. Applied and Pure Biol. 20: 145-148.
- Vyas , S. Joshi ,N. ,Tak. K. and Purohit ,S.D. (2005) In vitro Adventitious Shoot Bud Differentiation and Plantlet Regeneration in Feronia limonia L.(Swingle). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.- Plant 41: 296-309.
- Dave, N. and Purohit, S.D. (2004) In vitro Shoot Growth and Multiplication in Achras sapota under Controlled Carbon Dioxide Environment. Biologia Plantarum 621-624.
- Nandwani, D. Purohit S.D. Jain, S. M. and Ramawat K.G. (2004) Propagation Techniques in Woody Plants with Special Reference to Arid and Semi-Arid Zone Tree – Problems, Perseverance and Prospects In: “Tree Improvement and Biotechnology (Eds. P. Shanmugavel and Rev. Fr.S. Ignacimuthu, S.J.) Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India. Pp.16-52.
- Nagori, R and Purohit, S. D. (2004) Evidence for Somatic Embryogenesis in Annona squamosa Bionature 24: 1-6.
- Dave A., Joshi, N. and Purohit S.D. (2004) In vitro propagation of Chlorophytum borivilianum using Encapsulated Shoot Buds. European J. Hort. Sci. 69: 37-42.
- Purohit, S. D. , Singhvi, A., Nagori, R. (2004). In vitro Direct Shoot Bud Differentiation from Leaf Segments of Achras sapota. Biologia Plantarum 48: 109-112.
- Purohit, S. D. and Kukda, G. (2004) Micropropagation of an Adult Tree - Wrightia tinctoria Indian Journal of Biotechnology 3 : 216-220.
- Purohit, S. D. and Nagori, R. (2004). In vitro Plantlet Regeneration in Annona squamosa through Direct Shoot Bud Differentiation on Hypocotyl Segments. Scientia Horticulturae. 99: 89-98.
- Purohit, S. D., Joshi, P., Tak, K. and Nagori, R. (2004). Development of High Efficiency Micropropagation Protocol For an Adult Tree – Wrightia tomentosa. In : “Plant Biotechnolohy and Molecular Markers “(Eds. Prof. P. S. Srivastava et al. ) Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, pp.217-227.
- Dave, A., Bilochi, G. and Purohit, S. D. (2003). Scaling-up Production and Field Performance of Micropropagated Medicinal Herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum). In vitro Cell Dev. Biol. (Plant). 39: 419-425.
- Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2003). In vitro Shoot Growth and Multiplication in Wrightia tomentosa Under Controlled Carbon-di-oxide Environment. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 75: 283-286.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2003) Accumulation of Phenolics and Changes in Activity of Oxidative Enzymes in Maize Infected with Helminthosporium species. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 33: 41-44.
- Purohit, S. D. , Dave, A., Bilochi, G., and Joshi, N.(2003). Opportunities for Scaling-up Production and Commercial Cultivation of Micropropagated ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum).In: Proc. Natl. Interactive Meet on Scope and Opportunities in Research and Business of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Eds.A.K..Mathur et al.) CIMAP, Lucknow, India.pp.387-398.
- Dave, A. and Purohit, S. D. (2002). Factors Influencing In vitro Culture of ‘ Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum) Oikoassay 15: 19-27.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit S. D. (2000). Effect of Polyamines and Their Biosynthetic Inhibitors on the Growth of Helminthosporium species. In Vistas in Mycology and Plant Pathology (Ed. L. N. Nair), Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi. pp 113-120.
- Purohit,S. D., (2000). Micropropagation Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture, From Research To Commercialization. A Decade of Support. Department Of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Samar, D. and Nagori, R. (2000). Micropropagation and Field Performance of Some Tree Species of Aravallis. Encyclopedia Botanica (Editor:P.C.Trivedi),Pointer Publishers,Jaipur,India.pp225-239.
- Purohit, S.D., Singhvi, A. and Nagori, R. (1998). Micropropagation of Achras sapota: Optimization of Conditions for Rooting, Hardening and Acclimatization. In "Proceedings of the National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology" (Ed. P.B. Kavikishore), Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. pp. 134-145.
- Purohit, S.D. and Singhvi, A. (1998) Micropropagation of Achras sapota Through Enhanced Axillary Branching. Scientia Horticulturae 76:219-229.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Joshi, P. and Samar, D. 1998. Micropropagation of some woody tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan In "Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology-Applications and Prospects (Editor: Prof. P.S. Srivastava) Narosa Publishing House, N. Delhi pp. 84-125.
- Purohit, S.D., and Kukda, G. 1996. Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beauv. Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 75:1-2.
- Purohit, S.D., Singhvi, A. and Tak, K. 1996. Biochemical characteristics of differentiating callus cultures of Feronia limonia (L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, (Poland) 18:47-52.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G. and Tak, K. 1996. Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa (Roxb.) Roem et Schult. Journal of Sustainable Forestry (USA) 3:25-35.
- Purohit, S.D., and Dave, A. 1996. Micropropagation of Sterculia urens Roxb. - An Endangered Tree Species. Plant Cell Reports 15:704-706.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K. and Kukda, G. 1995. In vitro propagation of Boswellia serrata Roxb. Biologia Plantarum 37: 335-40.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1995. Embryogenesis and plant regeneration from tissue culture of Sehima nervosum (Rottl.) Stapf. Bionature 15:27-30.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. In vitro conservation strategies for a rare medicinal herb-Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand). Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources 7(2):201-204.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration in `Safed Musli' (Chlorophytum borivilianum) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 7 (1): 65-71.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Tiagi, Y.D. 1994. Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. & Fern. (Liliaceae): an interesting species from the Aravallis in Rajasthan. Rheedea 4: 113-115.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G., Tak, K and Sharma, P., 1994. Micropropagation of two Wrightia species through enhanced axillary branching in vitro. In Frontiers of Plant Sciences, (Editor: I.A. Khan) Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad. pp. 269-272.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G., Sharma, P. and Tak, K. 1994. In Vitro propagation of an adult tree - Wrightia tomentosa through enhanced axillary branching. Plant Science 103: 67-72.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1994. In vitro propagation of Wrightia tinctoria. Biologia Plantarum 36: 519-526.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. Micropropagation of Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a rare Indian medicinal herb. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 39: 93-96.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit, S.D. 1994. Effect of polyamines and their biosynthetic inhibitors on the growth of Helminthosporium turcicum. Bionature 14:47-50.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1993. Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Themeda quadrivalvis. Oikoassay 10: 3-4.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Kukda, G., Dave, A. and Sharma, P., 1992. Propagation of some tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan through tissue culture biotechnology. Proc. Workshop on Tree Improvement and Provenance Research April 20-21, State Forest Department, Jaipur pp. 238-249.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G. and Sukhwal, R., 1992. Plant Regeneration in Apluda mutica L. through somatic embryogenesis. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 30: 1154-1157.
- Sukhwal, R., Kukda, G. and Purohit, S.D., 1992. Biochemical status of Apluda mutica L. infected with Puccinia apludae. Bionature 12: 29-31.
- Purohit, S.D. and Tak, K., 1992. In vitro propagation of an adult tree Feronia limonia L. through axillary branching. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 30: 377-379.
- Purohit, S.D. and Sukhwal, R., 1991. Induction and Maintenance of Embryogenic callus cultures of Apluda mutica L. Acta Ecologica 13: 137-140.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1990. IAA-oxidase, Peroxidase, Polyphenol oxidase and Phenolics in Ipomoea pentaphylla gall tissues. Oikoassay 7 : 29-32.
- Purohit, S.D., 1990. Polyamine Metabolism in Plants. Proc. Natl. Symp. Adv. Pl. Sci. : Current Status and Emerging Challanges pp. 181-191.
- Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1990. Efficacy of certain antibiotics against Sesamum Phyllody caused by mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO). Oikoassay 7: 1-4.
- Arya, H.C., Shekhawat, N.S., and Purohit, S.D., 1990. Phytopathogen interaction, physiology and control aspects in vivo and In vitro state. Proc. Natl. Symp. Adv. Pl. Sci.: Current Status & Emerging Challanges pp 441-450.
- Shekhawat, N.S., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1984. Changes in isoenzymes of peroxidase in green-ear of pearl-millet. Curr. Sci. 53: 1157-1158.
- Dhir, S.K., Shekhawat, N.S., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1984. Development of laticifer cells in callus cultures of Calotropis procera (Ait) R. Br. Plant Cell Reports 3 : 206-209.
- Dhir, S.K., Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S., Purohit, S. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Energy source plant: Calotropis procera. Proc. Natl.. Symp. Adv. Front. Pl. Sci. 147-148.
- Shekhawat, N.S., Galston, A.W., Arya, I.D., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Isolation, culture and regeneration of food legume protoplasts. Proc. Natl. Symp. Adv. Front. Pl. Sci. pp. 159-160.
- Purohit, S.D., Purohit, S., Rathore, T.S., Goyal, Y., Vaishnava, G.R., Surana, N.M. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Clonal propagation of some trees species through tissue culture. Proc. Natl. Symp. Adv. Front. Pl. Sci. pp. 129-130.
- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Ascorbic acid metabolism in phyllody of Sesame induced by mycoplasma-like organism. International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases 1 : 107-110.
- Shekhawat, N.S., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Relative role of oospores and infected seed in green-ear disease incidence. Indian J. Mycol. and Plant Pathology. 13: 17-20.
- Arya, H.C., Shekhawat, N.S. and Purohit, S.D., 1981. Accumulation of aromatic compounds as related to abnormal growth in plants. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 60: 247-51.
- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S., Kant, U. and Arya, H.C., 1980. In vitro studies on MLO infected Sesamum and Sclerospora graminicola infected pearl-millet. Proceedings of Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic manipulation and Somatic Hybridization of Plant Cells, BARC, Trombay, Bombay (India) Feb. 27-29, pp. 163-168.
- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Hyperauxiny as related to Sesamum phyllody induced by mycoplasma like organisms (MLO). Indian J. Exp. Biol. 18: 1338-1340.
- Purohit, S.D., Purohit, S., Shekhawat, N.S. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Some biochemical changes induced by Curvularia prasadii in Sesamum indicum leaves. Comp. Physiol. Ecol. 5 : 238-241.
- Ramawat, K.G., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Phenolics and oxidative enzymes in normal and gall tissues of Giesekia. Sci. and Cult. 46: 11-12.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Metabolic characteristics at enzymatic levels of Achyranthes leaves infected with white rust. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 18: 98-99.
- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S., Tandon, P. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Hormonal profiles in some insect and mite induced plant galls. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. B46 (6): 882-900.
- Ramawat, K.G., Purohit, S.D. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Altered state of oxidizing enzymes and phenolics of Cordia galls. Trans. Isdt and Ucds (India) 4: 38-41.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Polyphenols and some oxidative enzymes in rust infected leaves of Cyperus rotundus. Indian Phytopath. 32: 255-259.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Phenolics, peroxidase and phenolase as related to gall formation in arid zone plants. Curr. Sci. 48: 714-716.
- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Role of some oxidative enzyme and metabolites in Sesamum phyllody. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 17: 714-716.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G., Shekhawat, N.S. and Arya, H.C., 1978. Note on effect of witches broom infection on Tephrosia purpurea Pers. Leaves. Legume Research 2: 49-50.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1978. Light microscopic detection of Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO) in Sesamum phyllody. Curr. Sci. 47:866-867.
- Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Photosynthetic performance of shoots of Feronia limonia grown in vitro under carbon dioxide enriched environment. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology.
- Purohit, S.D. and Habibi, N. (2008). Current approaches for better and cheaper microparopagation technologies. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology.
- Joshi, N. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Optimization of factors influencing shoot multiplication during micropropagation of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India.
- Purohit, S.D. and Mathur, P. (2009). Assessment of clonal fidelity in micropropagated plants using genetic markers. Prof. S.C. Maheshwari Commemoration Volume.
- Purohit, S.D. and Suthar, R.K. (2009). Hardening and acclimatization of micropropagated plants – success and bottlenecks. Prof. S.C. Maheshwari Commemoration Volume.
N. Major areas of scientific inquiry
- Development of Field Tested micropropagation protocols for large-scale production of plants of forestry, horticultural and medicinal importance.
- Development of regeneration protocols via adventitious shoot bud differentiation and somatic embryogenesis.
- Studies on the role of a liquid culture system for growth and multiplication of plants in vitro.
- Studies on CO2 enrichment during in vitro growth and development of plants.
- Studies on morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue culture raised plantlets.
- Studies on culture vessel, vessel ventilation and gelling agent on micropropagation of plants.
- Studies on the use of VAM and other fungi for biopriming.
- Encapsulation of shoot buds, their long term storage, and studies on their regrowth in vitro.
- Molecular characterization of diversity in plants being used for micropropagation using RAPD and ISSR markers.
- Screening of tissue culture raised plantlets for genetic fidelity using molecular (RAPD and ISSR) and cytological markers.
- Optimization of conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer in plants with special reference to disease resistance.
- Analysis of mitotic complements and karyotype studies in tissue culture and naturally growing plants.
Professor (Dr.) Sunil Dutta Purohit was initiated in research at the Department of Botany, University of Jodhpur in July, 1977. He was awarded Ph.D. Degree of University of Jodhpur in the year 1981. Dr. Purohit was appointed as Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Science & Technology funded research project on "Rapid Multiplication of Economically Important Plants of Arid-zone through Tissue Culture, Differentiation and Establishment" in February 1981.Dr. Purohit joined Department of Botany, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur in July 1984 as Assistant Professor. He organised a well equipped Plant Biotechnology Laboratory to carry out research in the field of his interest. The main focus of his research remained on micropropagation of plants of medicinal, forestry and horticultural importance. Under different research programs funded by Central and State agencies, he has been able to develop micropropagation protocols for Feronia limonia, Wrightia tomentosa, W. tinctoria, Boswellia serrata, Sterculia urens, Acacia catechu, A. leucophloea (all woody trees), Achras sapota, Annona squamosa (fruit trees), Celastrus paniculatus, Vitex negundo and Chlorophytum borivilianum (medicinal herb). Scaling-up production has been taken-up in the case of Feronia limonia, Wrightia tinctoria, W. tomentosa, B. serrata and C. borivilianum. Small-scale field performance of micropropagated plants has been successfully demonstrated in many species. Dr. Purohit was selected as Associate Professor of Botany in July 1997 in the same department. He was instrumental in development of Post-Graduate Courses in Biotechnology in this university which was introduced from the session 1997-98. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, awarded SERC Visiting Fellowship to him to work with Professor A.K. Tyagi, Head, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Coordinator, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Coordinator (India), International Rice Genome Project, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi. Here he engaged himself in research on genetic transformation of Feronia limonia, a fruit tree species and chloroplast based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) to identify clones of Aegle marmelos and Feronia limonia. Dr. Purohit used Agrobacterium and Biolistics-mediated gene transfer system. Dr. Purohit has recently taken up studies on molecular characterization of diversity among wild and tissue culture raised populations of Feronia limonia using ISSR primers and PCR amplification technique. Studies on molecular and cytological characterization were carried out in natural and tissue culture raised plants of Chlorophytum borivilianum. Under a collaborative research program with Munich Technical University, Germany ,incorporation studies were carried out using U13 C labelled glucose in tissue culture raised Boswellia serrata to determine the pathway of Boswellic acid biosynthesis through NMR analysis. Phytochemical profiling has also been carried out in different accessions of Celastrus paniculatus in collaboration with PERD Centre, Ahmedabad HP-TLC and other analytical methods. Dr. Purohit has opened up a new area of investigation by demonstrating that improvement in growth and hardening of tissue culture plants is possible by growing plants under CO 2 enriched environments. Dr. Purohit worked as Course Director, Department of Biotechnology from 2004-2011.He has undergone training on Microarray Based Genome Analysis under the guidance of Professor David Galbraith at the Department of Plant Sciences, Arizona State University, Tucson, Arizona, USA from January 8-13, 2006. Dr. Purohit worked as Professor of Botany from 2007 to 2016, the year of his superannuation. He was Head, Department of Botany from 2011-2014 and Dean and Chairman, Faculty of Science.
He worked on a UGC funded research project to study the effect of liquid culture system on growth, multiplication, physiology and morphology of some medicinally important plants. He also contemplates to study the photosynthetic efficiency of such plants. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi sanctioned a research project to study natural diversity in Chlorophytum borivilianum using molecular markers. He has been nominated on the task force constituted by the Government of Rajasthan for policy formulation on “Agricultural Education and Research Prioritization” in the State. He has been nominated by ICFRE as a Member of Research Advisory Group, Arid Forestry Research Institute, Jodhpur. He is Fellow of Plant Tissue Culture Association of India, Co-Cordinator, Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists, Local Chapter, Udaipur and Secretary General, Society for Promotion of Science Education and Research, India. He is Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association of India and Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources. He was instrumental in development of Course Curricula of Botany and Biotechnology for several universities in India. He was Member, Governing Board of Secondary Education in Rajasthan.
Research Interest
- Development of Field Tested micro-propagation protocols for large-scale production of plants of forestry, horticultural and medicinal importance.
- Development of regeneration protocols via adventitious shoot bud differentiation and somatic embryogenesis.
- Studies on the role of liquid culture system for growth and multiplication of plants in vitro.
- Studies on CO2 enrichment during in vitro growth and development of plants.
- Studies on morpho-physiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue culture raised plantlets.
- Studies on culture vessel, vessel ventilation and gelling agent on micro-propagation of plants.
- Studies on use of VAM and other fungi for bio-priming.
- Encapsulation of shoot buds, their long term storage, and studies on their re-growth in vitro.
- Molecular characterization of diversity in plants being used for micro-propagation using RAPD and ISSR markers.
- Screening of tissue culture raised plantlets for genetic fidelity using molecular (RAPD and ISSR) and cytological markers.
- Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer in plants with special reference to disease resistance.
- Analysis of mitotic complements and karyotype studies in tissue culture and naturally growing plants.
- Protein profiling of tissue culture and naturally growing plants using SDS-PAGE.
- Edited (with Drs. H.C. Arya, N. Sankhla, M.N. Tewari and N.S. Shekhawat) Advancing Frontiers Plant Sciences 1983 (Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advancing Frontiers of Plant Sciences held from Nov. 26-30, 1983 at the Department of Botany, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur) Botanical Society, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Pages 305 + Xiii.
- Associate Editor, OIKOASSAY, an International Journal of Environmental Sciences, published from Jodhpur (Currently from Bikaner).
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas and R.K. Garg) Abstracts of Third National Environment Congress. Dec. 28-29, 1988 held at Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas) Proceedings of National Seminar on Water Management Techniques for Minimising Environment Degradation, March 5-7, 1990. Department of Botany, Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
- Co-Author (with Prof L.N. Vyas and Dr. R.K. Garg) Practical Botany, (1994) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur-Delhi.
- Co-Author (with Prof L.N. Vyas and Dr. Indra Vyas) A Text Book of Secondary Biology (1994) Ratan Prakashan Mandir, Agra.
- Edited (with Prof. L.N. Vyas and Dr. R.K. Garg) Contributions to the Environmental Sciences (1996) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur-Delhi.
- Member, Advisory Board for "Dictionary of Biotechnology", edited by Prof. L.L. Somani, Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur.
- Author (with Dr. G. K. Kukda) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology “(In Hindi) College Book House, Jaipur (2002).
- Author (with Dr. G.K.Kukda ) “Cytogenetics , Plant Breeding and Evolution “ (In Hindi) Himanshu Publications, Udaipur.(2003)
- Author (with Drs .G. K..Kukda and A.Singhvi) “Practical Botany” (A Bilingual Text) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2004). Revised and Enlarged Edition (2006).
- Author (with Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Plant Physiology and Biochemistry “ (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur. (2006).
- Edited (with K.S.Thind and H.N.Gour) “Annual Review of Plant Pathology” Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur (India). (2006).
- Author (with Dr. G. K. Kukda) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology” (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2006)
- Author (with Drs. Khurshid Ahmed and G. K. Kukda) “Genetics and Biotechnology” (In Hindi) Apex Publishing House, Udaipur (2006)
- Author (with N.Joshi) “Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-A Practical Manual” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Author (with Drs. A. Singhvi and K.Tak) “Practical Botany” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Author (with Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2007)
- Co-Author (with Prof. N.C. Aery and Dr.G.K.Kukda) “Practical Botany-Angiosperm Taxonomy, Embryology, Anatomy, Economic & Ethanobotany, Cytogenetics, Plant breeding and Biostatistics” (Bilingual) Apex Publishing House, Jaipur (2008)
PHYLLODY: An Alarming Problem for Sesamum Growers, Macco Agric. Digest (India) 4: 5-7 (with H.C. Arya), 1980.
JOJOBA WAX PLANT: An Unexploited Treasure. Invention Intelligence 16: 24-28 (1981) (with N.S. Shekhawat & H.C. Arya).
RAPID MULTIPLICATION OF ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT PLANTS IN TEST TUBES (In Hindi), Udhyanika 3: 16-19 (1980) (with H.C. Arya and Y. Goyal).
1. Noise Pollution : Its Scientific and legal perspective By : Satish Shastri and Manjoo Bala Trivedi, Divyajyoti Prakashan, Jodhpur, 188 pp Oikoassay 1989 6(1): 44.
2. Social Change and Education: Present and Future By: M.R. Paliwal, Uppal Publishing House, New Delhi Page x + 357. Rajasthan Journal of Public Services 1989, 1: 81-82.
- Current Science
- Indian Journal of Biotechnology
- Bionature
- Oikoassay
- Geobios
- Natural Products Radiance
- Scientia Agricola
- Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
- Dr.N.S.Shekhawat , Department of Botany, Jainarain Vyas University, Jodhpur (for hardening and acclimatization of the tissue culture plants for large-scale production )
- Dr.Nicholas Schramek, Munich National University, Germany. (For incorporation experiments to identify the biosynthetic pathways for production of active principles in Boswellia serrata and Chlorophytum borivilianum).
- Dr. (Mrs.) M.Rajani, PERD Centre, Ahmedabad. (For phytochemical profiling of Celastrus paniculatus and Chlorophytum borivilianum).
- Professor Akhilesh Tyagi, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Delhi University South Campus, New Delhi. (For molecular analysis and DNA fingerprinting).
- Dr. Bikram Singh. Division of Natural Products Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur for phytochemical analysis of Chlorophytum borivilianum (under DST, New Delhi sponsored research project).
- Professor S. Ramarao, Department of Biotechnology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (Meghalaya) (For cytological analysis).
Title of Research Project
Funding Agency
Project Cost (Rs. in Lacs)
Studies on Phenolics and Related Enzymes of Maize infected with Helminthosporium maydis
In vivo and In vitro studies on Downy Mildew of Maize caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi
Development of Tissue Culture Biotechnology for Multiplication of Some Tree Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan
New Delhi
Field Evaluation of Some Tree Species of Aravallis Regenerated Through Tissue Culture Biotechnology
State D.S.T.
Rajasthan, Jaipur
Development and Application of in vitro methods for mass propagation of `Safed Musli' (Chlorophytum borivilianum)
Scaling-up Production, Hardening and Field Trials of Some Micropropagated Tree Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan
Studies on in vitro Differentiation, Multiplication, and Evaluation of Some Fruit Tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan.
Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Feronia limonia
Scaling up production, hardening and field trials of two micro propagated tree species
State DST
Application of Biotechnological Methods for Scaling-up Production of a Rare Medicinal Herb `Safed Musli' Chlorophytum borivilianum
Programme Support for Regeneration of Economically Important Plants of Rajasthan
Title of Research Project
Funding Agency
Project Cost
Morpho-Physiological and Biochemical Studies on Some Micropropagated Plant Species as Influenced by Liquid Culture System and Culture Vessel Environment
11.98 Lacs
Molecular and Phytochemical Characterization of ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et. Fernand.) Germplasm
35.00 Lacs
- Joshi, N., Dave, A., Vyas, S and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Effect of controlled carbon dioxide environment on in vitro growth and shoot multiplication in Chlorophytum borivilianam Sant. et Fernand. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8:323-327.
- Sukhwal, R., Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) In vitro screening of callus cultures of maize treated with toxins of Helminthosporium sps. The Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 88:1-4.
- Joshi, N., Dave, A., Vyas, S and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Effect of controlled carbon dioxide environment on in vitro growth and shoot multiplication in Chlorophytum borivilianam Sant. et Fernand. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8:323-327.
- Suthar, R.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009). In vitro growth and multiplication of Terminalia bellerica Roxb. under carbon dioxide enriched environment. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 47: 204-209.
- Habibi, N., Suthar, R.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Role of PGRs and their inhibitors in induction and control of somatic embryogenesis in Themeda quadrivalvis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 47: 198-203.
- Joshi, P. Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa: Effect of gelling agents, carbon source and vessel type. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 8: 115-120
- Joshi, N., Randhwa, G.J. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Morphological and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Medicinal Herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant.Et Fernand ) Professor H.C. Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi Pp 519-530
- Vyas, S., Gaur, A., Tyagi, A.K. and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Molecular Characterization of Diversity in Feronia limonia using ISSR Markers. Professor H.C.Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi. Pp 431-443
- Nagori, R., Rathore,P., Vyas, S., Joshi, N., Rao, M.S., Suthar, R., Mathur, P and Purohit, S.D. (2009) Liquid Culture System Stimulates In Vitro Growth and Shoot Multiplication in Some Medicinally Important Plant Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan .Professor H.C.Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi pp. 395-405
- Trivedi, R and Purohit, S. D. (2009) Biology and Biotechnology of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-A Review. Professor H.C. Arya Commemoration Volume (Editors: A. Kumar and N.S. Shekhawat) I.K. International Publishers, New Delhi. Pp 315-331
- Mathur, P. and Purohit, S.D. (2008). Peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities
during in vitro rooting of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand. Oikoassay 21: 3-9.
- Rao, M. S., and Purohit, S. D. (2008) In Vitro Growth and Multiplication of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. under Carbon Dioxide Enriched Environment Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 101-104.
- Vyas, S., Rao, M. S., Suthar, R. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Liquid Culture System Stimulates in Vitro Growth and Shoot Multiplication in Four Medicinally Important Plants Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 96-100
- Joshi, N., Randhawa, G. J., Firke, P. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) RAPD Analysis of Diversity in ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand.), a Rare Indian Medicinal Herb. Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 86-89
- Vyas, S., Nagori, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Root Colonization and Growth Enhancement of Micropropagated Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle by Piriformospora indica – A Cultivable Root Endophyte International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 2(2): 128-132
- Suthar, R. K. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Root Colonization and Improved Growth Performance of Micropropagated Terminalia bellerica Roxb. Plantlets Inoculated with Piriformospora indica during ex Vitro Acclimatization. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 2(2): 133-136
- Vyas, S., Gaur, A., Tyagi, A. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Feronia limonia L. (Swingle) using ISSRs. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 27(3): 328-342.
- Mathur, P. Rao M.S. and Purohit, S.D. (2008). Genetic stability in micro-clones of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. derived from different explant sources as revealed by RAPD profiles. Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2(2): 99-91.
- Nagori,R., Vyas, S., Tak, K., Singhvi, A. and Purohit, S.D. (2008) In vitro adventitious shoot bud differentiation and plantlet regeneration in some fruit plants. Proceeding NSPB-2006, Dehradun, 297-317.
- Rathore, P., Suthar, R. and Purohit S. D. (2007) Micropropagation of Terminalia bellerica (Roxb.) from juvenile explants. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 7:246-249.
- Purohit, S.D., Raghuvanshi, S. and Tyagi, A.K. (2007). Biolistic mediated
DNA delivery and transient expression of GUS in hypocotyls of a fruit tree-Feronia limonia L. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 6:504-507.
- Purohit,S.D., Dave.A., Rathore,P., Vyas,S., Dave,N., Joshi,N. and Rao, M.S. (2007). Effect of Controlled Carbon Dioxide on In Vitro Shoot Multiplication in Some Plants of Horticultural, Forestry and Medicinal Importance. In: “Biotechnology: Plant Health Management” Professor H.N.Verma Commemoration Volume (Ed.Neeta Sharma and H.B. Singh), International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow. pp. 741-759.
- Nagori, R., Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2007) Greenhouse growth and nursery performance of tissue culture raised plantlets of Achras sapota var. Cricket Ball. Indian Journal of Horticulture 64: 202-206.
- Purohit, S. D., Singhvi, A. Vyas S. and Nagori R.(2007). Polyamines stimulated Shoot Bud Proliferation and Multiplication in Achras sapota Grown in Culture. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 6: 85-90.
- Trivedi, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2006) Factors affecting in vitro rooting in tissue culture derived shoots of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) var. JL-24. Oikoassay 19:1-6.
- Joshi, N., Kumar, A., Ramarao, S and Purohit, S.D. (2006) Cytological characterization of a rare medicinal herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum Saint et Fernand.) Cytologia 71: 153-159.
- Rao, M.S. and Purohit , S. D. (2006) In vitro Shoot Bud Differentiation and plantlet Regeneration in Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Biologia Plantarum 50: 501-506
- Joshi, P., Joshi, N. and Purohit, S.D. (2006) Stomatal Characteristics During Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa Biologia Plantarum 50: 275-278.
- Vyas,S. and Purohit, S.D. (2005) Effect of Controlled Carbon Dioxide on In vitro Shoot Multiplication in Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 28:417-423.
- Joshi, H., Chaudhary, B.L. and Purohit, S. D. (2005) Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on in vitro shoot multiplication in Nicotiana tabacum L. Indian J. Applied and Pure Biol. 20: 145-148.
- Vyas , S. Joshi ,N. ,Tak. K. and Purohit ,S.D. (2005) In vitro Adventitious Shoot Bud Differentiation and Plantlet Regeneration in Feronia limonia L.(Swingle). In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.- Plant 41: 296-309.
- Dave, N. and Purohit, S.D. (2004) In vitro Shoot Growth and Multiplication in Achras sapota under Controlled Carbon Dioxide Environment. Biologia Plantarum 621-624.
- Nandwani, D. Purohit S.D. Jain, S. M. and Ramawat K.G. (2004) Propagation Techniques in Woody Plants with Special Reference to Arid and Semi-Arid Zone Tree – Problems, Perseverance and Prospects In: “Tree Improvement and Biotechnology (Eds. P. Shanmugavel and Rev. Fr.S. Ignacimuthu, S.J.) Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India. Pp.16-52.
- Nagori, R and Purohit, S. D. (2004) Evidence for Somatic Embryogenesis in Annona squamosa Bionature 24: 1-6.
- Dave A., Joshi, N. and Purohit S.D. (2004) In vitro propagation of Chlorophytum borivilianum using Encapsulated Shoot Buds. European J. Hort. Sci. 69: 37-42.
- Purohit, S. D. , Singhvi, A., Nagori, R. (2004). In vitro Direct Shoot Bud Differentiation from Leaf Segments of Achras sapota. Biologia Plantarum 48: 109-112.
- Purohit, S. D. and Kukda, G. (2004) Micropropagation of an Adult Tree - Wrightia tinctoria Indian Journal of Biotechnology 3 : 216-220.
- Purohit, S. D. and Nagori, R. (2004). In vitro Plantlet Regeneration in Annona squamosa through Direct Shoot Bud Differentiation on Hypocotyl Segments. Scientia Horticulturae. 99: 89-98.
- Purohit, S. D., Joshi, P., Tak, K. and Nagori, R. (2004). Development of High Efficiency Micropropagation Protocol For an Adult Tree – Wrightia tomentosa. In : “Plant Biotechnolohy and Molecular Markers “(Eds. Prof. P. S. Srivastava et al. ) Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, pp.217-227.
- Dave, A., Bilochi, G. and Purohit, S. D. (2003). Scaling-up Production and Field Performance of Micropropagated Medicinal Herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum). In vitro Cell Dev. Biol. (Plant). 39: 419-425.
- Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2003). In vitro Shoot Growth and Multiplication in Wrightia tomentosa Under Controlled Carbon-di-oxide Environment. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 75: 283-286.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit, S. D. (2003) Accumulation of Phenolics and Changes in Activity of Oxidative Enzymes in Maize Infected with Helminthosporium species. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 33: 41-44.
- Purohit, S. D. , Dave, A., Bilochi, G., and Joshi, N.(2003). Opportunities for Scaling-up Production and Commercial Cultivation of Micropropagated ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum).In: Proc. Natl. Interactive Meet on Scope and Opportunities in Research and Business of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Eds.A.K..Mathur et al.) CIMAP, Lucknow, India.pp.387-398.
- Dave, A. and Purohit, S. D. (2002). Factors Influencing In vitro Culture of ‘ Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum borivilianum) Oikoassay 15: 19-27.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit S. D. (2000). Effect of Polyamines and Their Biosynthetic Inhibitors on the Growth of Helminthosporium species. In Vistas in Mycology and Plant Pathology (Ed. L. N. Nair), Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi. pp 113-120.
- Purohit,S. D., (2000). Micropropagation Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture, From Research To Commercialization. A Decade of Support. Department Of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Samar, D. and Nagori, R. (2000). Micropropagation and Field Performance of Some Tree Species of Aravallis. Encyclopedia Botanica (Editor:P.C.Trivedi),Pointer Publishers,Jaipur,India.pp225-239.
- Purohit, S.D., Singhvi, A. and Nagori, R. (1998). Micropropagation of Achras sapota: Optimization of Conditions for Rooting, Hardening and Acclimatization. In "Proceedings of the National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology" (Ed. P.B. Kavikishore), Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. pp. 134-145.
- Purohit, S.D. and Singhvi, A. (1998) Micropropagation of Achras sapota Through Enhanced Axillary Branching. Scientia Horticulturae 76:219-229.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Joshi, P. and Samar, D. 1998. Micropropagation of some woody tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan In "Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology-Applications and Prospects (Editor: Prof. P.S. Srivastava) Narosa Publishing House, N. Delhi pp. 84-125.
- Purohit, S.D., and Kukda, G. 1996. Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beauv. Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 75:1-2.
- Purohit, S.D., Singhvi, A. and Tak, K. 1996. Biochemical characteristics of differentiating callus cultures of Feronia limonia (L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, (Poland) 18:47-52.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G. and Tak, K. 1996. Micropropagation of Wrightia tomentosa (Roxb.) Roem et Schult. Journal of Sustainable Forestry (USA) 3:25-35.
- Purohit, S.D., and Dave, A. 1996. Micropropagation of Sterculia urens Roxb. - An Endangered Tree Species. Plant Cell Reports 15:704-706.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K. and Kukda, G. 1995. In vitro propagation of Boswellia serrata Roxb. Biologia Plantarum 37: 335-40.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1995. Embryogenesis and plant regeneration from tissue culture of Sehima nervosum (Rottl.) Stapf. Bionature 15:27-30.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. In vitro conservation strategies for a rare medicinal herb-Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand). Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources 7(2):201-204.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration in `Safed Musli' (Chlorophytum borivilianum) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 7 (1): 65-71.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Tiagi, Y.D. 1994. Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. & Fern. (Liliaceae): an interesting species from the Aravallis in Rajasthan. Rheedea 4: 113-115.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G., Tak, K and Sharma, P., 1994. Micropropagation of two Wrightia species through enhanced axillary branching in vitro. In Frontiers of Plant Sciences, (Editor: I.A. Khan) Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad. pp. 269-272.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G., Sharma, P. and Tak, K. 1994. In Vitro propagation of an adult tree - Wrightia tomentosa through enhanced axillary branching. Plant Science 103: 67-72.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1994. In vitro propagation of Wrightia tinctoria. Biologia Plantarum 36: 519-526.
- Purohit, S.D., Dave, A. and Kukda, G. 1994. Micropropagation of Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a rare Indian medicinal herb. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 39: 93-96.
- Sukhwal, R. and Purohit, S.D. 1994. Effect of polyamines and their biosynthetic inhibitors on the growth of Helminthosporium turcicum. Bionature 14:47-50.
- Purohit, S.D. and Kukda, G. 1993. Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Themeda quadrivalvis. Oikoassay 10: 3-4.
- Purohit, S.D., Tak, K., Kukda, G., Dave, A. and Sharma, P., 1992. Propagation of some tree species of Aravallis in Rajasthan through tissue culture biotechnology. Proc. Workshop on Tree Improvement and Provenance Research April 20-21, State Forest Department, Jaipur pp. 238-249.
- Purohit, S.D., Kukda, G. and Sukhwal, R., 1992. Plant Regeneration in Apluda mutica L. through somatic embryogenesis. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 30: 1154-1157.
- Sukhwal, R., Kukda, G. and Purohit, S.D., 1992. Biochemical status of Apluda mutica L. infected with Puccinia apludae. Bionature 12: 29-31.
- Purohit, S.D. and Tak, K., 1992. In vitro propagation of an adult tree Feronia limonia L. through axillary branching. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 30: 377-379.
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- Purohit, S.D., Shekhawat, N.S. and Arya, H.C., 1983. Ascorbic acid metabolism in phyllody of Sesame induced by mycoplasma-like organism. International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases 1 : 107-110.
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- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1980. Metabolic characteristics at enzymatic levels of Achyranthes leaves infected with white rust. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 18: 98-99.
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- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Polyphenols and some oxidative enzymes in rust infected leaves of Cyperus rotundus. Indian Phytopath. 32: 255-259.
- Purohit, S.D., Ramawat, K.G. and Arya, H.C., 1979. Phenolics, peroxidase and phenolase as related to gall formation in arid zone plants. Curr. Sci. 48: 714-716.
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- Vyas, S. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Photosynthetic performance of shoots of Feronia limonia grown in vitro under carbon dioxide enriched environment. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology.
- Purohit, S.D. and Habibi, N. (2008). Current approaches for better and cheaper microparopagation technologies. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology.
- Joshi, N. and Purohit, S. D. (2008) Optimization of factors influencing shoot multiplication during micropropagation of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. et Fernand. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India.
- Purohit, S.D. and Mathur, P. (2009). Assessment of clonal fidelity in micropropagated plants using genetic markers. Prof. S.C. Maheshwari Commemoration Volume.
- Purohit, S.D. and Suthar, R.K. (2009). Hardening and acclimatization of micropropagated plants – success and bottlenecks. Prof. S.C. Maheshwari Commemoration Volume.
N. Major areas of scientific inquiry
- Development of Field Tested micropropagation protocols for large-scale production of plants of forestry, horticultural and medicinal importance.
- Development of regeneration protocols via adventitious shoot bud differentiation and somatic embryogenesis.
- Studies on the role of a liquid culture system for growth and multiplication of plants in vitro.
- Studies on CO2 enrichment during in vitro growth and development of plants.
- Studies on morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue culture raised plantlets.
- Studies on culture vessel, vessel ventilation and gelling agent on micropropagation of plants.
- Studies on the use of VAM and other fungi for biopriming.
- Encapsulation of shoot buds, their long term storage, and studies on their regrowth in vitro.
- Molecular characterization of diversity in plants being used for micropropagation using RAPD and ISSR markers.
- Screening of tissue culture raised plantlets for genetic fidelity using molecular (RAPD and ISSR) and cytological markers.
- Optimization of conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer in plants with special reference to disease resistance.
- Analysis of mitotic complements and karyotype studies in tissue culture and naturally growing plants.
Dr. Mila Emerald is a Ph.D., in Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics, Dr. Sc. in Neuroscience, with over 15 years experience in Research (laboratory settings), and over 20 years’ experience in professional business and applied technologies. Science 2004, she is a Founder & CEO of the PHYTOCEUTICALS International, company formulating, developing and producing and distributing natural bio-actives, natural biodegradable nano-materials and nano-delivery systems, functional blends, specialty ingredients and natural bio-active complexes for Science, Skincare, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, Sustainable Agriculture, Green Technologies, Biotechnology, and other industries. She is a formulator, products developer and scientific consultant for many International Companies, a member of the International Natural Product Science Taskforce (INPST), an honorable scientific adviser for the number of Biotechnology and Research Programs, and Professional Associations. Dr. M. Emerald is a Member of Board of Directors for the International Society of Phyto-Cosmetic Science (ISPS), and International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, a Founder and Chair of the ISEORA (dedicated to the Essential oils research and applications), and its Congress in 2019 and 2020, an editor for the BioMed Central. She is a published author, speaker, research and business development mentor, who dedicated her life to the natural products research, their formulation, development and following practical implementations. - Consulting on Natural Products and a wide range of plant-derived ingredients;
- Formulation & development of Natural Products including special formulations for Skin Care, Cosmetics, Hair & Bath Care Products, Household products, Pet products, Nutriceuticals, Cleansing Products, Specialty Formulations for Industrial applications (car industry, space industry, aquatics, agriculture, waste treatment and environmental pollution, hospital care, etc.);
- Formulation & development of Natural Designer Perfumes & Colognes, specialty Skincare bases and specialty blends for a different industries;
- Complete Research, Information & Analytical services for personal care, household & industrial natural products;
- Business partnership & collaboration with National and International Research Corporations;
- Development high end brands & novel scientific formulations;
- Consulting on use and correct incorporation of Bioactive Ingredients in Natural Skin & Hair Care, Cosmetics, Perfumery, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals & Biopharmaceuticals;
- Participation in molecular and cellular innovative projects (providing research information & professional consulting);
- Providing Innovative solutions for Personal care, Household, Petcare, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical & Industrial Companies;
- Local & International Seminars & workshops on therapeutic properties & practical applications of Natural plant-derived raw material;
- Business cooperation and participation in environmental projects, consulting on ECO green solutions;
- Design, formulation and development of wide range of ECO-friendly products;
- Organization and participation in the International meetings of Associations and Societies, giving workshops and seminars; Dr. Mila Emerald is a Ph.D., in Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics, Dr. Sc. in Neuroscience, with over 15 years experience in Research (laboratory settings), and over 20 years’ experience in professional business and applied technologies. Science 2004, she is a Founder & CEO of the PHYTOCEUTICALS International, company formulating, developing and producing and distributing natural bio-actives, natural biodegradable nano-materials and nano-delivery systems, functional blends, specialty ingredients and natural bio-active complexes for Science, Skincare, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, Sustainable Agriculture, Green Technologies, Biotechnology, and other industries. She is a formulator, products developer and scientific consultant for many International Companies, a member of the International Natural Product Science Taskforce (INPST), an honorable scientific adviser for the number of Biotechnology and Research Programs, and Professional Associations. Dr. M. Emerald is a Member of Board of Directors for the International Society of Phyto-Cosmetic Science (ISPS), and International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, a Founder and Chair of the ISEORA (dedicated to the Essential oils research and applications), and its Congress in 2019 and 2020, an editor for the BioMed Central. She is a published author, speaker, research and business development mentor, who dedicated her life to the natural products research, their formulation, development and following practical implementations. - Consulting on Natural Products and a wide range of plant-derived ingredients;
- Formulation & development of Natural Products including special formulations for Skin Care, Cosmetics, Hair & Bath Care Products, Household products, Pet products, Nutriceuticals, Cleansing Products, Specialty Formulations for Industrial applications (car industry, space industry, aquatics, agriculture, waste treatment and environmental pollution, hospital care, etc.);
- Formulation & development of Natural Designer Perfumes & Colognes, specialty Skincare bases and specialty blends for a different industries;
- Complete Research, Information & Analytical services for personal care, household & industrial natural products;
- Business partnership & collaboration with National and International Research Corporations;
- Development high end brands & novel scientific formulations;
- Consulting on use and correct incorporation of Bioactive Ingredients in Natural Skin & Hair Care, Cosmetics, Perfumery, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals & Biopharmaceuticals;
- Participation in molecular and cellular innovative projects (providing research information & professional consulting);
- Providing Innovative solutions for Personal care, Household, Petcare, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical & Industrial Companies;
- Local & International Seminars & workshops on therapeutic properties & practical applications of Natural plant-derived raw material;
- Business cooperation and participation in environmental projects, consulting on ECO green solutions;
- Design, formulation and development of wide range of ECO-friendly products;
- Organization and participation in the International meetings of Associations and Societies, giving workshops and seminars; Jalal Ghaemghami, Ph.D. has served as the Managing Editor at the IJPNI, and he is the Chairman of Board of Directors at the International Society for Phytocosmetic Science (ISPS) since its inception in 2013. He is the founder and managing editor of the International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients (IJPNI).
The journal is the official publication of the society (ISPS) since 2014. Dr. Ghaemghami has served as a professor of public health and chemistry at colleges and universities in Massachusetts, USA and a number of other countries. He was affiliated with the Harvard T.H. Chen School of Public Health as a Visiting Research Scholar for 14 years (2004 - 2018). Jalal finished his studies at the University of Massachusetts to receive his Ph.D. since then he has worked for twenty years in fields of chemical engineering, environmental restoration, public and environmental health, public health regulation and toxicology, and international scientific organizations related to public health, disease prevention, and natural products. Dr. Ghaemghami has led the production of many international conferences and events in more than ten different countries, and online.
Dr. Ghaemghami has presented at international events addressing the need for global partnership and collaboration among scientists, experts in industry and governing parties in all countries. His new initiative is nowadays supported in 21 countries. ISPS and affiliated organizations are guided by him to start a new global initiative for young scholars studying and conducting research in scientific and technical fields related to phytocosmetics and phytotherapy. Jalal Ghaemghami, Ph.D. has served as the Managing Editor at the IJPNI, and he is the Chairman of Board of Directors at the International Society for Phytocosmetic Science (ISPS) since its inception in 2013. He is the founder and managing editor of the International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients (IJPNI).
The journal is the official publication of the society (ISPS) since 2014. Dr. Ghaemghami has served as a professor of public health and chemistry at colleges and universities in Massachusetts, USA and a number of other countries. He was affiliated with the Harvard T.H. Chen School of Public Health as a Visiting Research Scholar for 14 years (2004 - 2018). Jalal finished his studies at the University of Massachusetts to receive his Ph.D. since then he has worked for twenty years in fields of chemical engineering, environmental restoration, public and environmental health, public health regulation and toxicology, and international scientific organizations related to public health, disease prevention, and natural products. Dr. Ghaemghami has led the production of many international conferences and events in more than ten different countries, and online.
Dr. Ghaemghami has presented at international events addressing the need for global partnership and collaboration among scientists, experts in industry and governing parties in all countries. His new initiative is nowadays supported in 21 countries. ISPS and affiliated organizations are guided by him to start a new global initiative for young scholars studying and conducting research in scientific and technical fields related to phytocosmetics and phytotherapy. |
Barbara Brockway feels she knows the failings in supply chains very well. She joined Applied DNA Sciences, New York, 2 years ago having worked for 12 years in speciality chemical distribution as scientific advisor for IMCD (Honeywill & Stein and Optima Chemicals) and with Active Concepts SRL. She first worked for Jim Hayward, the CEO and founder of Applied DNA Sciences, back in 1999 when she managed their development laboratory at his cosmetic ingredient company, Collaborative Laboratories. She joined Huntsman LLC in 2003, managing their cosmetic division in Texas, when the Collaborative Labs were sold to Engelhard (who are now part of BASF). Her career in cosmetics started back in 1993 when she left lecturing at Reading University to join The Body Shop R&D and she is especially proud of the part she played in introducing Hemp for their still very successful Body Shop Hemp range. Barbara Brockway feels she knows the failings in supply chains very well. She joined Applied DNA Sciences, New York, 2 years ago having worked for 12 years in speciality chemical distribution as scientific advisor for IMCD (Honeywill & Stein and Optima Chemicals) and with Active Concepts SRL. She first worked for Jim Hayward, the CEO and founder of Applied DNA Sciences, back in 1999 when she managed their development laboratory at his cosmetic ingredient company, Collaborative Laboratories. She joined Huntsman LLC in 2003, managing their cosmetic division in Texas, when the Collaborative Labs were sold to Engelhard (who are now part of BASF). Her career in cosmetics started back in 1993 when she left lecturing at Reading University to join The Body Shop R&D and she is especially proud of the part she played in introducing Hemp for their still very successful Body Shop Hemp range. 1980-1983 Herb grower in Kefar Yehezqel, Israel.
1983-2000 Research Engineer at the Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Unit, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), the
Newe Ya'ar Research Center,.
2000 – to date Research Scientist, Head of the and Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Unit, ARO, Newe Ya'ar Research Center.
2005 Promoted to Senior Research Scientist (Rank A).
2012 Promoted to Principal Research Scientist (Rank A+).
2013 –to date Member of the Newe Ya'ar Research Center Board.
2016 –to date Scientific director of Emek Hama'ayanot R&D center.
Teaching and Training Experience
2003 – to date
Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Undergraduate Course, "The Biology and Physiology of Production of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants" # 71339
Student Supervision:
2002 - 2004
Mr. I. Shamay, M.Sc. Student,“ Use of non-chemical means for management of gray mold in sweet basil”. Guidance with Prof. D. Steinberg.
2004 - 2007
Ms. R. Fisher, M.Sc. Student. Developmental factors affecting aroma of sweet basil. Guidance with Prof. B. Rubin.
2003 - 2004
Mr. D. Segev, M.Sc. Student. “Chemical variability between and within wild populations of mint in Israel”. Guidance with Prof. A. Eshel, Tel Aviv University.
2004 – 2006
Mrs. E. Shafran, M.Sc. Student. “Physiology of sensitivity of sweet basil to low temperatures”. Guidance with Prof. A.M. Mayer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2004 - 2006
Mr. A. Barr, M.Sc. Student. “Characterization of the biological and the phytochemical profile of Nepeta sp. in Israel". Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2005 - 2007
Mr. M. Serfati, M.Sc. Graduate Student. “Introduction of stevia to Israel”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Saranga.
2005 - 2006
Mr. Y. Bleicher, M.Sc. Student. “Potential of Salvia Sclarea L. seed production as a source for oil rich with essential Omega-3 fatty acids and effect of developmental and agrotechnical factors on the oil accumulation and composition”. Guidance with Prof. R. Reiffen.
2005 - 2007
Mr. R. Krizevsky, M.Sc. Student. “Alkaloids biosynthesys in Catha edulis”. Guidance with Dr. E. Lewinsohn.
2006 - 2007
Mr. Roi Hagai M.Sc. Student. “Genetic and environmental factors affecting sensitivity of sweet basil to Botrytis blight”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Elad.
2006 - 2008
Mr. Dror Kaldes M.Sc. Student. “Factors affecting on canosic acid accumulation in rosemary”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Saranga.
2006 - 2008
Miss Hila Tamir, M.Sc. Student. “A study of the ecotypes and chemical conents of Varthemia iphionoides in Israel”. Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2006 - 2009
Mr. Itay Rabinivich, M.Sc. Student. “Flowering control in chives (Allium schoenoprasum)”. Guidance with Prof. R. Kaminetzky and Prof. H. Rabinovich.
2008 - 2014
Mr. David Chaimovitsh, Ph.D. student. “Inhibition of seed germination by essential oil – the mode of action”. Guidance with Dr. E. Sadot and Prof. B. Rubin.
2008 - 2009
Dr. Joseph Dib (MD), Junior doctor research work for the Israeli Medical Association. "Sensitivity of Streptococcus A to selected aromatic plants extraction and essential oil". Guidance with Dr. R. Colodner, Haemek Hospital, Afula, Israel.
2008 - 2009
Miss Hannah Oduro, M.Sc. Student. “The effect of temperature and day length on the concentration of fatty acid and oxalic acid in leaves of Portulaca oleracea: Effect of oral administration of these leaves on acute inflammation in Dextran Sulphate Sodium (DSS)-induced experimental colitis.”Guidance with Dr. O. Barazani and Prof. B. Schwartz.
2009 - 2010
Dr. Tyassir Beshara (MD), Junior doctor research work for the Israeli Medical Association. "Application in vivo of selected aromatic plants extraction and essential oil formulations against Streptococcus A". Guidance with Dr. J. Rakover, Haemek Hospital, Afula, Israel.
2009 - 2010
Mrs. Avital Yosef Friedjung, M.Sc. Student. “The cultivation of medicinal desert plants.” Guidance with Dr. S. Rachmilevitch.
2011 - 2013
Mrs. Osnat Altshuler, M.Sc. Student. "Screen of essential oils and monoterpenes targeted to the phytosceleton in animal cells". Guidance with Dr. E. Sadot.
2011 - 2013
Mr. Omer Naharan, M.Sc. Student. "Using irradiation to reduce chilling damage to basil ". Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2012 - In progress
Mrs. Dganit Sade, Ph.D. student.“The influence of semiochemicals on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci “Guidance with Prof. M.Ghanaim
Mr. Itai Tsion, M.Sc. Student. "Using vetiver for fuel bioremediation”. Guidance with Prof. A. Haim and Dr. S. Shamir.
Mrs. Limor Gurkan, M.Sc. Student. "Human health benefits from the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids: fish sources vs. vegetal sources”. (MSc. project).
2016 - In progress
Mrs. Renana Milevsky, Ph.D. student.“Gene mapping of some resistance traits in sweet basil“
Research Grants
- International Competitive Grants
Cooperative Research Grant of the European Commission Grant. Title: Development of greenhouse foils and additives to optimize plant growth and disease inhibition through the control of photomorphogenesis, for 2 years. Total budget: $ 60,000/year. Cooperating investigator Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
BARD Grant. Title: Functional genomics of citral biosynthesis in aromatic plants: Pathway elucidation and applications. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $48,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
CDR –US-AID Grant. Title: Soil erosion control by narrow stripes of Vetiveria zizanioides. Cooperating Investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $70,000 /year; Researcher’s part $/25,000 year.
CDR –US-AID Grant. Title: Kenyan Plant Extracts for Biological Insect Control. Cooperating Investigator, for 4 years. Total budget: Total $50,000/year; Researcher’s part $10,000/year.
BARD Grant. Title: Genetic linkage mapping of basil (Ocimum basilicum) a feasibility study. Israeli principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $ 100,000. Researcher's part: $ 48,000.
MERC Grant. Title: Feasibility of irrigation of aromatic plants by effluent water. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $ 140,000. Researcher's part: $ 52,000.
- National Competitive Grants
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Improving the quality and quantity of yield of chives for the fresh herb market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $13,043/year. Researcher's part: $6000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Selection and cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 4 years. Total budget: $11,000/year. Researcher's part: $5,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding and cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $41,219/year. Researcher's part: $13,740/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $41,219. Researcher's part: $14,000
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: The biochemistry of the production of linalol in basil, Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000/year Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for export. Cooperating investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $16,000/year. Researcher's part: $8,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Examination of the potential use of modified atmosphere packaging, combined with application of essential oils, for storage of ornamental geophytes. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25,000/ year. Researcher's part: $5,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: The accumulation of pesticides in aromatic plants. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $28,000/year Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of chives for the fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of basil with tolerance for low temperatures for the fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $18,000/year. Researcher's part: $13,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Introduction of flowering aromatic crops as new ornamental products. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $13,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Irrigation of aromatic plants by waste water. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $24,000/year. Researcher's part: $16,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Collection, preservation and chrecterization the biodiversity of aromatic plants. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $20,000.
Eva Erlich Gant. Title: Using essential oils for disinfestations of soilborn diseases. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $35,000/year. Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Introduction of Stevia to Israel. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $18,000/year. Researcher's part: $18,000/year.
Science Ministry Grant. Title: A Study of the Ecotypes and Chemical Contents of Varthemia iphionoides. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $17,000/year
Science Ministry Grant. Title: Introduction and cultivation of local medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oil production as agro-tourism farming and establish educational center. Cooperation investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25,000/year. Researcher's part: $7,000/year
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) as an edible herb contains Omega 3 fatty acid. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $20,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant and the Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Developmetal biology and factors affecting flowering of arugula (Diplotaxis tenuifolia). Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25000/year. Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Reducing chilling damage of basil. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Characterization of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sweet basil. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $15000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Vetiver for biomass production. Principal investigator, for 2 yeas. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $30,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Diversity and selection of kenaf. Cooperating investigator , for 2 years. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Development of automatic post harvest packaging machinery for fresh chives. Principal investigator, for 1 years. Total budget: $350,000. Researcher's part: $350,000/year.
Gene Bank Chief Scientist Grant. Title: Metabolomic of Origanum Spp. from wild populations in Israel and living germplasm conservation. Principal investigator, for 1years. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Feasibility study of sweet basil breeding for high temperatures resistance. Principal investigator, for 1year. Total budget: $35,000. Researcher's part: $35,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Isolation and identification of antibacterial and anti-virulent compounds with therapeutic potential against Helicobacter pylori. Cooperating investigator, for 3 year. Total budget: $200,000. Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Plants agaist Parkinson Disease. Cooperating investigator, for 3 year. Total budget: $150,000. Researcher's part: $27,000/year.
- Other Research Grants
National Council of Research and Development Grant . Title: Gene bank: herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $6,500/year. Researcher's part: $6,500/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Improving the quality and quantity of yield of chives for the fresh herb market. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $7000. Researcher's part: $25,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: The effect of shading treatments on the yield and quality of chives in summer. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget $20,000/year. Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for fresh herbs market. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $16,000/year. Researcher's part: $8,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Testing polyethylene sheets for the inhibition of foliage disease in cucumbers. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $5,051. Researcher's part: $1,500
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Identifying sources of resistance against Fusarium wilt in basil. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $4,040. Researcher's part: $3,000.
Zera'im Gedera Grant. Title: Collaborative development of herb seeds for export. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $12,821/year. Researcher's part: $6,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: cultivation and agro-technical methods. Cooperating investigator, for 1 years. Total budget: $8,416. Researcher's part: $4,200
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and breeding. Cooperation investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $11,000. Researcher's part: $6000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agrotechniques and cultivation. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $9,000/year. Researcher's part: $4,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: 19,000. Researcher's part: $9,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Growing of Umbeliferae herbs in summer for the fresh market. Principal investigator, for 1 year Total budget $14,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $16,000. Researcher's part: $16,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $14,000. Researcher's part: 7,000$.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $8,000/year. Researcher's part: $4,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $15,000. Researcher's part: $15,000.
Hishtil Nurseries Ltd.. Title: Introduction and breeding of new varieties of herbs for gardening purposes. Principal investigator, for 5 years. Total budget: $20,000 + royalties. Researcher's part: $20,000.
Hishtil Nurseries Ltd.. Title: Selection of new varieties of nonthorny caper for farming, ornamental and gardening purposes. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $12,000. + royalties
Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (KKL). Title: – Application of vetiver for soil preservation in Israel. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $10,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Genesis seeds Co. Ltd.. Title: Breeding herbs for seed production. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $72,000 + royalties. Researcher part: Researcher part: $72,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $12,000. Researcher's part: $12,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Improvement and control of the aroma in fresh herbs. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $15,000. Researcher's part: $15,000
Vetiver Israel Co. Ltd. Title: Using by vetiver for soil preservation in Israel, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $20,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $20,000.
Magnetika Interactive Co. Ltd. Title: Salvia sclarea seed oil production, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $145,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $145,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $20,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $24,000. Researcher's part: $24,000
Gadash Ora Co. Title: Production of essential oils and cultivation of rosemary for antioxidant extraction , Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $ 60,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $50,000. Researcher's part: $50,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $61,000. Researcher's part: $61,000
Dudi Zipori Co. Title: Optimization of cultivation of rosemary for antioxidant extraction, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000 + royalties Researcher part: 60000$.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Breeding of fresh herbs, Principal investigator, for 6 years, Total budget: $120,000/year, Researcher part: $120,000/year.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Rhizoctonia Web Blight - A New Disease on Mint in Israel, for 1 year, Total Total budget: $15,000/year, Researcher part: $15,000/year.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Breeding of Basil, Principal investigator, for 6 years, Total budget: $30,000/year, Researcher part: $30,000/year.
Future Crops Co. Title: Development of Title: Development of novel method for Indoor Multi Layer production of herbs , Principal investigator, for 10 years, Total budget: $100,000/year and royalties, Researcher part: $100,000/year.
Galil Laboratories Co. Title: Development of novel aromatic plants varieties for the cosmetics industry, Principal investigator, for 3 years, Total budget: $30,000/year and royalties, Researcher part: $30,000/year.
Pharmabis Co. Title: Breeding of cultivars for the medicinal Cannabis production, for 3 years, Total budget: $2,000,000 and royalties, Researcher part: $1000,000.
Awards and Scholarships
Recipient of the Ben-Gurion Award of the General Federation of Labor in Israel for the Project: “Isolation and identification of monoterpenes in aromatic plants”.
Recipient of the IAS graduate student award at the International Congress
on Allelopathy in Cadiz, Spain.
Recipient of the Bona-Terra Award of the Education Ministry of Israel for
introduction of aromatic plants curriculum as enrichment program in high school.
Recipient of the Gevati Award for breeding new varieties of sweet basil in Israel.
Recipient of the Gevati Award for breeding varieties of sweet basil resistant to Fusarium wilt.
Recipient of the Bona-Terra Award of the Education Ministry of Israel for contribution to the botanical curriculum in high schools.
Recipient award by SDA spices for 20 years contribution to the MAP production in Israel .
2012 Recipient the Agritech Price – for noteworthing achievments and contribution to the
A. Articles in reviewed journals:
1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1986).
The essential oil and yield components from various plant parts of Salvia fruticosa.
J. Nat. Prod. 49: 1015-1017.
2. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1986).
The influence of season and harvest frequency on essential oil and herbal yield
from a pure clone of sage (Salvia officinalis) grown under cultivated
J. Nat. Prod. 49: 326-329.
3. Dudai, N., Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Palevitch, D. and
Halevy, A.H. (1988).
Glandular hairs and essential oil in leaves and flowers of Majorana syriaca L.
Isr. J. Bot. 37: 11-18.
4. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1988).
Phenological and seasonal influences on essential oil of a cultivated clone of
Origanum vulgare L.
J. Sci. Food Agric. 43: 225-248.
5. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Palevitch, D. and Halevy, A.H. (1989).
Environmental factors affecting flower initiation and development of
Majorana syriaca L. (syn. Origanum syriacum var. syriacum).
Isr. J. Bot. 38: 229-239.
6. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1990).
Effect of water stress on yield components and essential oil of Pelargonium
J. Ess. Oil Res. 2: 111-114.
7. Elnir, O., Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ladezinsky, G. (1991).
The chemical composition of two Cleary Sage chemotypes and their hybrids.
Flavour and Fragrance J. 6: 153-155.
8. Elnir, O., Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ladzinsky, G. (1991).
Genetic affinity between two chemotypes of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.)
Euphytica 54: 205-208.
9. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Palevitch, D. and Halevy, A.H.
Monoterpene content in Origanum syriacum L. affected by environmental
conditions and floweruing.
Physiol. Plantarum 84: 453-459.
10. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Katzir, I., Carmeli, D. and Eshel, A.
Variation in essential oil of Artemisia judaica chemotypes related to
phenological and environmental factors.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 7: 253-257.
11. Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Katzir, E. (1993).
Glandular hairs and essential oil in developing leaves of Ocimum basilicum L.
Ann. Bot. 71: 43-50.
12. Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Katzir, E. (1993).
Glandular hairs, secondary cavities and their essential oil in leaves of
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)
J. Herbs Spices Med. Plants. 2(3): 19-32.
13. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U. and Katzir, E. (1994).
A new cultivar of caraway (Carum carvi L.) and its essential oil.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 2:(2) 81-84.
14. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U., Katzir, E. Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi E.
and Saadi, D. (1995).
Morphology, phenology and essential oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L). Druce
in different seasons and plant parts.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 3:(3) 27-34.
15.. Reuveni, R., Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E (1997).
Evaluation and identification of basil germplasm for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. basilicum.
Plant Dis. 81: 1077-1081.
16. Ravid, U., Putievsky, E. Katzir, I. Lewinsohn, E. and Dudai, N. (1997).
Identification of (1R)- verbenone in essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 12: 109-112.
17. Reuveni, R., Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E (1998).
Nufar: A sweet basil cultivar resistant to fusarium wiltcaused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. basilicum.
Hortic. sci. 33: 159.
18. Lewinsohn, E., Dudai, N. Tadmor, Y., Katzir, I., Ravid, U., Putievsky,
E. and Joel, M.J. (1998).
Histochemical localization of citral accumulation in lemongrass leaves
( Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stoaceae)
Ann. Bot. 81: 35-39.
19. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Galambosi, B. , Aflatuni, A., Pessala, R.
and Hupila, I. (1998).
Yield potential and essential oil content of Origanum vulgare, Artemisia
dracunculus and melissa officinalis grown at different site in Israel and
Drogen Report 11(20): 3-11.
20. Dudai, N., Mayer, A.M., Poljakoff-Mayber, A., Putievsky, E. and
Lerner, H.R. (1999).
Essential oils as allelochemicals and their potential use as bio-herbicides.
J. Chem. Ecol. 25: 1079-1089.
21. Dudai, N., Lewinsohn, E., Larkov, O., Katzir, I., Ravid U., Chaimovitch, D.,
Sa'adi D. and Putienvsky, E. (1999).
Dynamics of yield components and essential oil production in a commercial
hybrid sage (Salvia officinalis X Salvia fruticosa cv. Newe Ya'ar No. 4).
J. Agr. Food Chem. 47 (10): 4341-4345.
22. Putievsky, E., Paton, A., Lewinsohn, E., Ravid, U., Haimovich, D., Katzir, I.,
Saadi, D. and Dudai, N. (1999).
Crossability and relationship between morphological and chemical varieties of
Ocimum basilicum L.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 6:(3) 11-24. No ISI rank
23. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Putievsky, E., Lerner, H.R., Ravid, U.,
Lewinshon, E. and Mayer, A.M., (2000).
Biotransformation of costituents of essential oils by germinating wheat seeds.
Phytochemistry 55: 375-382.
24. Lewinsohn, E.,. Ziv-Raz, I., Dudai, N., Tadmor, Y., Lastochkin, E., Larkov,
O., Chaimovitsh, D., Ravid, U. Putievsky, E., Pichersky, E. and Shoham, Y.
Biosynthesis of estragole and methyl-eugenol in sweet basil (Ocimum
basilicum). Development and chemotypic association of allylphenol
O-methylation activities.
Plant Science 160: 27-35.
25. Dudai, N., Weinberg, Z. G., Larkov, O., Ravid, U. Ashbell, G. and Putievsky, E.
Changes in essential oil during enzyme-assisted ensiling of lemongrass
(Cymbopogone citratus Stapf) and lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora
J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: (5), 2262-2266.
26. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Ravid, U. Putievsky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2001).
Developmental control of monoterpene content and composition in Micromeria fruticosa
(L.) Druce.
Ann. Bot. 88 (3): 349-354.
27. Barazani, O., Cohen, Y., Fait, A., Diminstein, S., Dudai, N.,
Ravid, U., Putievsky, E. and Friedman, J. (2002).
Chemotypic differentiation in indigenous populations of Foeniculum vulgare var.
vulgare in Israel.
Biochem. Sys. Ecol. 30: 721-731.
28. Gross, M., Friedman, J., Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Cohen, Y., Bar, E., Ravid, U.,
Putievsky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2002).
Development changes in chavicol and anol O-methyltransferase activities in the
biosynthesis of anetole and estragole in bitter-fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill)
var. vulgare) chemotypes.
Plant Science 163: 1047-1053.
29. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Chaimovitsh, D., Lewinsohn, E., Freiman L.
and Ravid, U. (2003).
Volatile compounds of Origanum dayi Post.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 18(4): 334-337.
30. Barazai, O., Dudai, N. and Golan-Goldhirsh, A (2003).
Comparison of Mediterranean Pistacia lentiscus genotypes by random
Amplified polymorphic DNA, chemical and morphological analyses.
J. Chem. Ecol. 29(8): 1939-1952.
31. Zutic, I.**, Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (2003).
Influence of harvest dynamics and cut height upon yield components of sage
(Salvia officinalis) L.
J. Herbs Spices & Med Plants 10 (4): 49-61.
32. Barazani, O., Dudai, N., Khadka U., and Golan-Goldhirsh, A. (2004).
Cadmium accumulation in Allium schoenoprasum L. growing in a liquid
Chemosphere, 57( 9) 1213-1218.
33. Dudai, N., Weinstein, Y., Krup, M., Rabinski, T. and Ofir R. (2005).
Citral is a new inducer of caspase-3 in tumor cell lines.
Planta Med. 71: 484-488.
34. Larkov, O., Dunkenblum, E., Zada, E., Lewinsohn, E., Freiman L. Dudai, N.,
and Ravid, U. (2005).
Enantiomeric composition of (trans) and (cis) sabinene
hydrate acetate in Origanum species.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 20 (2): 109-114.
35. Amzallag, N., Larkov, O., Ben Hur, M. and. Dudai, N. (2005). Soil microvariation in the wild as a source of variability: the case of secondary metabolism in Origanum dayi Post.
J. Chem. Ecol. 31(6): 1135-1254.
36. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitch, D. and Ben-Hur M. (2006).
Growth management of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) under Mediterranean
J. Environ. Manage. 81(1): 63-71.
37. Chaimovitsh, D.**, Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., and Oshri, A. (2006).
Inheritance of Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. basilici in Sweet Basil.
Plant Dis. 90(1): 58-60.
38. Yermiyahu U., Shamai, I.**, Peleg R., Dudai, N., and Shtienberg D. (2006).
Reduction of Botrytis cinerea sporulation in sweet basil by altering the
concentrations of nitrogen and calcium in the irrigation solution.
Plant Pathology 55 (4): 544-552.
39. Larkov, O. Matasyoh, J. Dudai, N., Lewinsohn, E,, Mayer, A. M. and Ravid, U.
(2007) .
Distribution of piperitone oxide stereoisomers in Mentha and Micromeria
Species and their chemical syntheses.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 22(4): 328-333.
40. Shafran, E. **, Dudai,, N., and Mayer, A. M. (2007).
Variation in the level of polyphenol oxidase in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
during growth and development and following cold stress.
J Food Agric. Environ. 5 (3&4): 254-257.
41. Krizevski, R. **, Dudai, N, Bar, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2007) .
Developmental patterns of propylphenylamino alkaloids accumulation in khat
(Catha edulis, Forsk., Celastraceae).
J. Ethnopharmacol. 114(3): 432-438.
42. Davidovich-Rikanati, R., Sitrit, Y., Fallik, E., Bensti, C., Bar, E., Bilenko, N.,
Dudai, N., Simon, J. E., Tadmor, Y., Pichersky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2007).
Enrichment of the aroma and taste of tomatoes by diversion of the plastidial
terpenoid pathway.
Nature Biotechnology 25 (8): 899-901.
43. Droby, S., Eick, A., Macarisin, D., Cohen, L., Rafael, G., Stange, R.
McColum, G., Dudai, N., Nasser, A., Wisniewski, M. and Shapira R. (2008).
Role of citrus volatiles in host recognition, germination and growth of Penicillium
digitatum and Penicillium italicum.
Postharvest Biol. Tec 49( 3): 386-396.
44. Larkov, O. Zaks, A., Bar, E., Lewinsohn, E, Dudai, N., Mayer, A. M. and Ravid,
U. (2008).
Enantioselective monoterpene alcohol acetylation in Origanum, Mentha and
Salvia species.
Phytochemistry 69: 2565–2571.
45. Dudai, N., Raz, A., Hofesh, N., Aharon , A., Ficsher, R., Segev, D. and
Chaimovitsh, D. (2008).
Antioxidant activity and phenol content of plant germplasm originating in
the Dead Sea area.
Isr. J. Plant Sci.56: 227-232.
46. Gross, M., Lewinsohn, E., Dudai, N., Cohen , Y. and Friedman, J. (2008) .
Flowering dynamics and crossability of different populations of bitter
fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. vulgare, Apiaceae).
Isr. J. Plant Sci. 56: 215-226.
47. Krizevski, R.**, Dudai, N, Bar, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2008).
Quantitative stereoisomeric determination of phenylpropylamino alkaloids in khat
(Catha edulis Forsk.) using chiral GC-MS.
Isr. J. Plant Sci. 56: 207-213.
48. Vaknin, Y., Dudai, N., Murkhovsky, L., Gelfandbein, L., Fischer, R. and Degani
A. (2009).
Effects of pot size on leaf production and essential oil content and composition of
Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. (Lemon-scented gum).
J. Herbs Spices & Med Plants 15:164-176.
49. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Ficsher, R., Blaicher, Y. and Mayer,
A. M. (2009).
Allelochemicals released by leaf residues of Micromeria fruticosa in soils,
Their uptake and metabolism by inhibited wheat seed.
Plant and Soil 314: 311-317.
50. Bernstein, N., Chaimovitsh, D. and Dudai, N. (2009).
Effect of irrigation with secondary treated effluents of essential oil, antioxidant
activity and phenolic compounds, in Origanum vulgare and Rosmarinus
Agron. J. 101: 1-10.
51. Gross, M., Lewinsohn, E., Tadmor, Y., Bar, E., Dudai, N., Cohen, Y. and
Friedman, J. (2009).
The inheritance of volatile phenylpropenes and their distribution within the plant
During ontogenesis in two chemotypes of bitter fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
var. vulgare, Apiaceae).
Biochem. Syst. Ecol 37: 308-316. 1980-1983 Herb grower in Kefar Yehezqel, Israel.
1983-2000 Research Engineer at the Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Unit, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), the
Newe Ya'ar Research Center,.
2000 – to date Research Scientist, Head of the and Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Unit, ARO, Newe Ya'ar Research Center.
2005 Promoted to Senior Research Scientist (Rank A).
2012 Promoted to Principal Research Scientist (Rank A+).
2013 –to date Member of the Newe Ya'ar Research Center Board.
2016 –to date Scientific director of Emek Hama'ayanot R&D center.
Teaching and Training Experience
2003 – to date
Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Undergraduate Course, "The Biology and Physiology of Production of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants" # 71339
Student Supervision:
2002 - 2004
Mr. I. Shamay, M.Sc. Student,“ Use of non-chemical means for management of gray mold in sweet basil”. Guidance with Prof. D. Steinberg.
2004 - 2007
Ms. R. Fisher, M.Sc. Student. Developmental factors affecting aroma of sweet basil. Guidance with Prof. B. Rubin.
2003 - 2004
Mr. D. Segev, M.Sc. Student. “Chemical variability between and within wild populations of mint in Israel”. Guidance with Prof. A. Eshel, Tel Aviv University.
2004 – 2006
Mrs. E. Shafran, M.Sc. Student. “Physiology of sensitivity of sweet basil to low temperatures”. Guidance with Prof. A.M. Mayer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2004 - 2006
Mr. A. Barr, M.Sc. Student. “Characterization of the biological and the phytochemical profile of Nepeta sp. in Israel". Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2005 - 2007
Mr. M. Serfati, M.Sc. Graduate Student. “Introduction of stevia to Israel”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Saranga.
2005 - 2006
Mr. Y. Bleicher, M.Sc. Student. “Potential of Salvia Sclarea L. seed production as a source for oil rich with essential Omega-3 fatty acids and effect of developmental and agrotechnical factors on the oil accumulation and composition”. Guidance with Prof. R. Reiffen.
2005 - 2007
Mr. R. Krizevsky, M.Sc. Student. “Alkaloids biosynthesys in Catha edulis”. Guidance with Dr. E. Lewinsohn.
2006 - 2007
Mr. Roi Hagai M.Sc. Student. “Genetic and environmental factors affecting sensitivity of sweet basil to Botrytis blight”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Elad.
2006 - 2008
Mr. Dror Kaldes M.Sc. Student. “Factors affecting on canosic acid accumulation in rosemary”. Guidance with Prof. Y. Saranga.
2006 - 2008
Miss Hila Tamir, M.Sc. Student. “A study of the ecotypes and chemical conents of Varthemia iphionoides in Israel”. Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2006 - 2009
Mr. Itay Rabinivich, M.Sc. Student. “Flowering control in chives (Allium schoenoprasum)”. Guidance with Prof. R. Kaminetzky and Prof. H. Rabinovich.
2008 - 2014
Mr. David Chaimovitsh, Ph.D. student. “Inhibition of seed germination by essential oil – the mode of action”. Guidance with Dr. E. Sadot and Prof. B. Rubin.
2008 - 2009
Dr. Joseph Dib (MD), Junior doctor research work for the Israeli Medical Association. "Sensitivity of Streptococcus A to selected aromatic plants extraction and essential oil". Guidance with Dr. R. Colodner, Haemek Hospital, Afula, Israel.
2008 - 2009
Miss Hannah Oduro, M.Sc. Student. “The effect of temperature and day length on the concentration of fatty acid and oxalic acid in leaves of Portulaca oleracea: Effect of oral administration of these leaves on acute inflammation in Dextran Sulphate Sodium (DSS)-induced experimental colitis.”Guidance with Dr. O. Barazani and Prof. B. Schwartz.
2009 - 2010
Dr. Tyassir Beshara (MD), Junior doctor research work for the Israeli Medical Association. "Application in vivo of selected aromatic plants extraction and essential oil formulations against Streptococcus A". Guidance with Dr. J. Rakover, Haemek Hospital, Afula, Israel.
2009 - 2010
Mrs. Avital Yosef Friedjung, M.Sc. Student. “The cultivation of medicinal desert plants.” Guidance with Dr. S. Rachmilevitch.
2011 - 2013
Mrs. Osnat Altshuler, M.Sc. Student. "Screen of essential oils and monoterpenes targeted to the phytosceleton in animal cells". Guidance with Dr. E. Sadot.
2011 - 2013
Mr. Omer Naharan, M.Sc. Student. "Using irradiation to reduce chilling damage to basil ". Guidance with Prof. J. Kigel.
2012 - In progress
Mrs. Dganit Sade, Ph.D. student.“The influence of semiochemicals on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci “Guidance with Prof. M.Ghanaim
Mr. Itai Tsion, M.Sc. Student. "Using vetiver for fuel bioremediation”. Guidance with Prof. A. Haim and Dr. S. Shamir.
Mrs. Limor Gurkan, M.Sc. Student. "Human health benefits from the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids: fish sources vs. vegetal sources”. (MSc. project).
2016 - In progress
Mrs. Renana Milevsky, Ph.D. student.“Gene mapping of some resistance traits in sweet basil“
Research Grants
- International Competitive Grants
Cooperative Research Grant of the European Commission Grant. Title: Development of greenhouse foils and additives to optimize plant growth and disease inhibition through the control of photomorphogenesis, for 2 years. Total budget: $ 60,000/year. Cooperating investigator Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
BARD Grant. Title: Functional genomics of citral biosynthesis in aromatic plants: Pathway elucidation and applications. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $48,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
CDR –US-AID Grant. Title: Soil erosion control by narrow stripes of Vetiveria zizanioides. Cooperating Investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $70,000 /year; Researcher’s part $/25,000 year.
CDR –US-AID Grant. Title: Kenyan Plant Extracts for Biological Insect Control. Cooperating Investigator, for 4 years. Total budget: Total $50,000/year; Researcher’s part $10,000/year.
BARD Grant. Title: Genetic linkage mapping of basil (Ocimum basilicum) a feasibility study. Israeli principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $ 100,000. Researcher's part: $ 48,000.
MERC Grant. Title: Feasibility of irrigation of aromatic plants by effluent water. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $ 140,000. Researcher's part: $ 52,000.
- National Competitive Grants
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Improving the quality and quantity of yield of chives for the fresh herb market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $13,043/year. Researcher's part: $6000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Selection and cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 4 years. Total budget: $11,000/year. Researcher's part: $5,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding and cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $41,219/year. Researcher's part: $13,740/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Cultivation of fresh herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $41,219. Researcher's part: $14,000
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: The biochemistry of the production of linalol in basil, Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000/year Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for export. Cooperating investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $16,000/year. Researcher's part: $8,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Examination of the potential use of modified atmosphere packaging, combined with application of essential oils, for storage of ornamental geophytes. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25,000/ year. Researcher's part: $5,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: The accumulation of pesticides in aromatic plants. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $28,000/year Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of chives for the fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Breeding of basil with tolerance for low temperatures for the fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $18,000/year. Researcher's part: $13,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Introduction of flowering aromatic crops as new ornamental products. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $13,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Irrigation of aromatic plants by waste water. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $24,000/year. Researcher's part: $16,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Collection, preservation and chrecterization the biodiversity of aromatic plants. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $20,000.
Eva Erlich Gant. Title: Using essential oils for disinfestations of soilborn diseases. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $35,000/year. Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Introduction of Stevia to Israel. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $18,000/year. Researcher's part: $18,000/year.
Science Ministry Grant. Title: A Study of the Ecotypes and Chemical Contents of Varthemia iphionoides. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $17,000/year
Science Ministry Grant. Title: Introduction and cultivation of local medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oil production as agro-tourism farming and establish educational center. Cooperation investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25,000/year. Researcher's part: $7,000/year
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) as an edible herb contains Omega 3 fatty acid. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $20,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant and the Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Developmetal biology and factors affecting flowering of arugula (Diplotaxis tenuifolia). Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $25000/year. Researcher's part: $25,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Reducing chilling damage of basil. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Characterization of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sweet basil. Principal investigator, for 2 years. Total budget: $15000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Vetiver for biomass production. Principal investigator, for 2 yeas. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $30,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Diversity and selection of kenaf. Cooperating investigator , for 2 years. Total budget: $30,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Development of automatic post harvest packaging machinery for fresh chives. Principal investigator, for 1 years. Total budget: $350,000. Researcher's part: $350,000/year.
Gene Bank Chief Scientist Grant. Title: Metabolomic of Origanum Spp. from wild populations in Israel and living germplasm conservation. Principal investigator, for 1years. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Feasibility study of sweet basil breeding for high temperatures resistance. Principal investigator, for 1year. Total budget: $35,000. Researcher's part: $35,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Isolation and identification of antibacterial and anti-virulent compounds with therapeutic potential against Helicobacter pylori. Cooperating investigator, for 3 year. Total budget: $200,000. Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture Grant. Title: Plants agaist Parkinson Disease. Cooperating investigator, for 3 year. Total budget: $150,000. Researcher's part: $27,000/year.
- Other Research Grants
National Council of Research and Development Grant . Title: Gene bank: herbs. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $6,500/year. Researcher's part: $6,500/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Improving the quality and quantity of yield of chives for the fresh herb market. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $7000. Researcher's part: $25,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: The effect of shading treatments on the yield and quality of chives in summer. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget $20,000/year. Researcher's part: $20,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for fresh herbs market. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $16,000/year. Researcher's part: $8,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Testing polyethylene sheets for the inhibition of foliage disease in cucumbers. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $5,051. Researcher's part: $1,500
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Identifying sources of resistance against Fusarium wilt in basil. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $4,040. Researcher's part: $3,000.
Zera'im Gedera Grant. Title: Collaborative development of herb seeds for export. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $12,821/year. Researcher's part: $6,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: cultivation and agro-technical methods. Cooperating investigator, for 1 years. Total budget: $8,416. Researcher's part: $4,200
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and breeding. Cooperation investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $11,000. Researcher's part: $6000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agrotechniques and cultivation. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $9,000/year. Researcher's part: $4,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: 19,000. Researcher's part: $9,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Growing of Umbeliferae herbs in summer for the fresh market. Principal investigator, for 1 year Total budget $14,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Breeding of unique basil varieties for fresh herbs market. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $16,000. Researcher's part: $16,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $14,000. Researcher's part: 7,000$.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. Cooperating investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $8,000/year. Researcher's part: $4,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $15,000. Researcher's part: $15,000.
Hishtil Nurseries Ltd.. Title: Introduction and breeding of new varieties of herbs for gardening purposes. Principal investigator, for 5 years. Total budget: $20,000 + royalties. Researcher's part: $20,000.
Hishtil Nurseries Ltd.. Title: Selection of new varieties of nonthorny caper for farming, ornamental and gardening purposes. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $12,000. + royalties
Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (KKL). Title: – Application of vetiver for soil preservation in Israel. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $10,000/year. Researcher's part: $10,000/year.
Genesis seeds Co. Ltd.. Title: Breeding herbs for seed production. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $72,000 + royalties. Researcher part: Researcher part: $72,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $12,000. Researcher's part: $12,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Improvement and control of the aroma in fresh herbs. Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $15,000/year. Researcher's part: $15,000/year.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and cultivation. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $15,000. Researcher's part: $15,000
Vetiver Israel Co. Ltd. Title: Using by vetiver for soil preservation in Israel, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $20,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $20,000.
Magnetika Interactive Co. Ltd. Title: Salvia sclarea seed oil production, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $145,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $145,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $20,000. Researcher's part: $20,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $24,000. Researcher's part: $24,000
Gadash Ora Co. Title: Production of essential oils and cultivation of rosemary for antioxidant extraction , Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000 + royalties. Researcher part: $ 60,000.
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $50,000. Researcher's part: $50,000
Vegetable Growers' Association Grant. Title: Fresh herbs: agro-techniques and Breeding. Principal investigator, for 1 year. Total budget: $61,000. Researcher's part: $61,000
Dudi Zipori Co. Title: Optimization of cultivation of rosemary for antioxidant extraction, Principal investigator, for 3 years. Total budget: $60,000 + royalties Researcher part: 60000$.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Breeding of fresh herbs, Principal investigator, for 6 years, Total budget: $120,000/year, Researcher part: $120,000/year.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Rhizoctonia Web Blight - A New Disease on Mint in Israel, for 1 year, Total Total budget: $15,000/year, Researcher part: $15,000/year.
The Israeli Fresh Herbs Growers Association. Title: Breeding of Basil, Principal investigator, for 6 years, Total budget: $30,000/year, Researcher part: $30,000/year.
Future Crops Co. Title: Development of Title: Development of novel method for Indoor Multi Layer production of herbs , Principal investigator, for 10 years, Total budget: $100,000/year and royalties, Researcher part: $100,000/year.
Galil Laboratories Co. Title: Development of novel aromatic plants varieties for the cosmetics industry, Principal investigator, for 3 years, Total budget: $30,000/year and royalties, Researcher part: $30,000/year.
Pharmabis Co. Title: Breeding of cultivars for the medicinal Cannabis production, for 3 years, Total budget: $2,000,000 and royalties, Researcher part: $1000,000.
Awards and Scholarships
Recipient of the Ben-Gurion Award of the General Federation of Labor in Israel for the Project: “Isolation and identification of monoterpenes in aromatic plants”.
Recipient of the IAS graduate student award at the International Congress
on Allelopathy in Cadiz, Spain.
Recipient of the Bona-Terra Award of the Education Ministry of Israel for
introduction of aromatic plants curriculum as enrichment program in high school.
Recipient of the Gevati Award for breeding new varieties of sweet basil in Israel.
Recipient of the Gevati Award for breeding varieties of sweet basil resistant to Fusarium wilt.
Recipient of the Bona-Terra Award of the Education Ministry of Israel for contribution to the botanical curriculum in high schools.
Recipient award by SDA spices for 20 years contribution to the MAP production in Israel .
2012 Recipient the Agritech Price – for noteworthing achievments and contribution to the
A. Articles in reviewed journals:
1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1986).
The essential oil and yield components from various plant parts of Salvia fruticosa.
J. Nat. Prod. 49: 1015-1017.
2. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1986).
The influence of season and harvest frequency on essential oil and herbal yield
from a pure clone of sage (Salvia officinalis) grown under cultivated
J. Nat. Prod. 49: 326-329.
3. Dudai, N., Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Palevitch, D. and
Halevy, A.H. (1988).
Glandular hairs and essential oil in leaves and flowers of Majorana syriaca L.
Isr. J. Bot. 37: 11-18.
4. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1988).
Phenological and seasonal influences on essential oil of a cultivated clone of
Origanum vulgare L.
J. Sci. Food Agric. 43: 225-248.
5. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Palevitch, D. and Halevy, A.H. (1989).
Environmental factors affecting flower initiation and development of
Majorana syriaca L. (syn. Origanum syriacum var. syriacum).
Isr. J. Bot. 38: 229-239.
6. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (1990).
Effect of water stress on yield components and essential oil of Pelargonium
J. Ess. Oil Res. 2: 111-114.
7. Elnir, O., Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ladezinsky, G. (1991).
The chemical composition of two Cleary Sage chemotypes and their hybrids.
Flavour and Fragrance J. 6: 153-155.
8. Elnir, O., Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ladzinsky, G. (1991).
Genetic affinity between two chemotypes of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.)
Euphytica 54: 205-208.
9. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Palevitch, D. and Halevy, A.H.
Monoterpene content in Origanum syriacum L. affected by environmental
conditions and floweruing.
Physiol. Plantarum 84: 453-459.
10. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Katzir, I., Carmeli, D. and Eshel, A.
Variation in essential oil of Artemisia judaica chemotypes related to
phenological and environmental factors.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 7: 253-257.
11. Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Katzir, E. (1993).
Glandular hairs and essential oil in developing leaves of Ocimum basilicum L.
Ann. Bot. 71: 43-50.
12. Werker, E., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Katzir, E. (1993).
Glandular hairs, secondary cavities and their essential oil in leaves of
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)
J. Herbs Spices Med. Plants. 2(3): 19-32.
13. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U. and Katzir, E. (1994).
A new cultivar of caraway (Carum carvi L.) and its essential oil.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 2:(2) 81-84.
14. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U., Katzir, E. Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi E.
and Saadi, D. (1995).
Morphology, phenology and essential oil of Micromeria fruticosa (L). Druce
in different seasons and plant parts.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 3:(3) 27-34.
15.. Reuveni, R., Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E (1997).
Evaluation and identification of basil germplasm for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. basilicum.
Plant Dis. 81: 1077-1081.
16. Ravid, U., Putievsky, E. Katzir, I. Lewinsohn, E. and Dudai, N. (1997).
Identification of (1R)- verbenone in essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 12: 109-112.
17. Reuveni, R., Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E (1998).
Nufar: A sweet basil cultivar resistant to fusarium wiltcaused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. basilicum.
Hortic. sci. 33: 159.
18. Lewinsohn, E., Dudai, N. Tadmor, Y., Katzir, I., Ravid, U., Putievsky,
E. and Joel, M.J. (1998).
Histochemical localization of citral accumulation in lemongrass leaves
( Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stoaceae)
Ann. Bot. 81: 35-39.
19. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Galambosi, B. , Aflatuni, A., Pessala, R.
and Hupila, I. (1998).
Yield potential and essential oil content of Origanum vulgare, Artemisia
dracunculus and melissa officinalis grown at different site in Israel and
Drogen Report 11(20): 3-11.
20. Dudai, N., Mayer, A.M., Poljakoff-Mayber, A., Putievsky, E. and
Lerner, H.R. (1999).
Essential oils as allelochemicals and their potential use as bio-herbicides.
J. Chem. Ecol. 25: 1079-1089.
21. Dudai, N., Lewinsohn, E., Larkov, O., Katzir, I., Ravid U., Chaimovitch, D.,
Sa'adi D. and Putienvsky, E. (1999).
Dynamics of yield components and essential oil production in a commercial
hybrid sage (Salvia officinalis X Salvia fruticosa cv. Newe Ya'ar No. 4).
J. Agr. Food Chem. 47 (10): 4341-4345.
22. Putievsky, E., Paton, A., Lewinsohn, E., Ravid, U., Haimovich, D., Katzir, I.,
Saadi, D. and Dudai, N. (1999).
Crossability and relationship between morphological and chemical varieties of
Ocimum basilicum L.
J. Herbs, Spices Med. Plants 6:(3) 11-24. No ISI rank
23. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Putievsky, E., Lerner, H.R., Ravid, U.,
Lewinshon, E. and Mayer, A.M., (2000).
Biotransformation of costituents of essential oils by germinating wheat seeds.
Phytochemistry 55: 375-382.
24. Lewinsohn, E.,. Ziv-Raz, I., Dudai, N., Tadmor, Y., Lastochkin, E., Larkov,
O., Chaimovitsh, D., Ravid, U. Putievsky, E., Pichersky, E. and Shoham, Y.
Biosynthesis of estragole and methyl-eugenol in sweet basil (Ocimum
basilicum). Development and chemotypic association of allylphenol
O-methylation activities.
Plant Science 160: 27-35.
25. Dudai, N., Weinberg, Z. G., Larkov, O., Ravid, U. Ashbell, G. and Putievsky, E.
Changes in essential oil during enzyme-assisted ensiling of lemongrass
(Cymbopogone citratus Stapf) and lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora
J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: (5), 2262-2266.
26. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Ravid, U. Putievsky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2001).
Developmental control of monoterpene content and composition in Micromeria fruticosa
(L.) Druce.
Ann. Bot. 88 (3): 349-354.
27. Barazani, O., Cohen, Y., Fait, A., Diminstein, S., Dudai, N.,
Ravid, U., Putievsky, E. and Friedman, J. (2002).
Chemotypic differentiation in indigenous populations of Foeniculum vulgare var.
vulgare in Israel.
Biochem. Sys. Ecol. 30: 721-731.
28. Gross, M., Friedman, J., Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Cohen, Y., Bar, E., Ravid, U.,
Putievsky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2002).
Development changes in chavicol and anol O-methyltransferase activities in the
biosynthesis of anetole and estragole in bitter-fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill)
var. vulgare) chemotypes.
Plant Science 163: 1047-1053.
29. Dudai, N., Larkov, O., Chaimovitsh, D., Lewinsohn, E., Freiman L.
and Ravid, U. (2003).
Volatile compounds of Origanum dayi Post.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 18(4): 334-337.
30. Barazai, O., Dudai, N. and Golan-Goldhirsh, A (2003).
Comparison of Mediterranean Pistacia lentiscus genotypes by random
Amplified polymorphic DNA, chemical and morphological analyses.
J. Chem. Ecol. 29(8): 1939-1952.
31. Zutic, I.**, Putievsky, E., Ravid, U. and Dudai, N. (2003).
Influence of harvest dynamics and cut height upon yield components of sage
(Salvia officinalis) L.
J. Herbs Spices & Med Plants 10 (4): 49-61.
32. Barazani, O., Dudai, N., Khadka U., and Golan-Goldhirsh, A. (2004).
Cadmium accumulation in Allium schoenoprasum L. growing in a liquid
Chemosphere, 57( 9) 1213-1218.
33. Dudai, N., Weinstein, Y., Krup, M., Rabinski, T. and Ofir R. (2005).
Citral is a new inducer of caspase-3 in tumor cell lines.
Planta Med. 71: 484-488.
34. Larkov, O., Dunkenblum, E., Zada, E., Lewinsohn, E., Freiman L. Dudai, N.,
and Ravid, U. (2005).
Enantiomeric composition of (trans) and (cis) sabinene
hydrate acetate in Origanum species.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 20 (2): 109-114.
35. Amzallag, N., Larkov, O., Ben Hur, M. and. Dudai, N. (2005). Soil microvariation in the wild as a source of variability: the case of secondary metabolism in Origanum dayi Post.
J. Chem. Ecol. 31(6): 1135-1254.
36. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitch, D. and Ben-Hur M. (2006).
Growth management of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) under Mediterranean
J. Environ. Manage. 81(1): 63-71.
37. Chaimovitsh, D.**, Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., and Oshri, A. (2006).
Inheritance of Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. basilici in Sweet Basil.
Plant Dis. 90(1): 58-60.
38. Yermiyahu U., Shamai, I.**, Peleg R., Dudai, N., and Shtienberg D. (2006).
Reduction of Botrytis cinerea sporulation in sweet basil by altering the
concentrations of nitrogen and calcium in the irrigation solution.
Plant Pathology 55 (4): 544-552.
39. Larkov, O. Matasyoh, J. Dudai, N., Lewinsohn, E,, Mayer, A. M. and Ravid, U.
(2007) .
Distribution of piperitone oxide stereoisomers in Mentha and Micromeria
Species and their chemical syntheses.
Flavour & Fragrance J. 22(4): 328-333.
40. Shafran, E. **, Dudai,, N., and Mayer, A. M. (2007).
Variation in the level of polyphenol oxidase in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
during growth and development and following cold stress.
J Food Agric. Environ. 5 (3&4): 254-257.
41. Krizevski, R. **, Dudai, N, Bar, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2007) .
Developmental patterns of propylphenylamino alkaloids accumulation in khat
(Catha edulis, Forsk., Celastraceae).
J. Ethnopharmacol. 114(3): 432-438.
42. Davidovich-Rikanati, R., Sitrit, Y., Fallik, E., Bensti, C., Bar, E., Bilenko, N.,
Dudai, N., Simon, J. E., Tadmor, Y., Pichersky, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2007).
Enrichment of the aroma and taste of tomatoes by diversion of the plastidial
terpenoid pathway.
Nature Biotechnology 25 (8): 899-901.
43. Droby, S., Eick, A., Macarisin, D., Cohen, L., Rafael, G., Stange, R.
McColum, G., Dudai, N., Nasser, A., Wisniewski, M. and Shapira R. (2008).
Role of citrus volatiles in host recognition, germination and growth of Penicillium
digitatum and Penicillium italicum.
Postharvest Biol. Tec 49( 3): 386-396.
44. Larkov, O. Zaks, A., Bar, E., Lewinsohn, E, Dudai, N., Mayer, A. M. and Ravid,
U. (2008).
Enantioselective monoterpene alcohol acetylation in Origanum, Mentha and
Salvia species.
Phytochemistry 69: 2565–2571.
45. Dudai, N., Raz, A., Hofesh, N., Aharon , A., Ficsher, R., Segev, D. and
Chaimovitsh, D. (2008).
Antioxidant activity and phenol content of plant germplasm originating in
the Dead Sea area.
Isr. J. Plant Sci.56: 227-232.
46. Gross, M., Lewinsohn, E., Dudai, N., Cohen , Y. and Friedman, J. (2008) .
Flowering dynamics and crossability of different populations of bitter
fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. vulgare, Apiaceae).
Isr. J. Plant Sci. 56: 215-226.
47. Krizevski, R.**, Dudai, N, Bar, E. and Lewinsohn, E. (2008).
Quantitative stereoisomeric determination of phenylpropylamino alkaloids in khat
(Catha edulis Forsk.) using chiral GC-MS.
Isr. J. Plant Sci. 56: 207-213.
48. Vaknin, Y., Dudai, N., Murkhovsky, L., Gelfandbein, L., Fischer, R. and Degani
A. (2009).
Effects of pot size on leaf production and essential oil content and composition of
Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. (Lemon-scented gum).
J. Herbs Spices & Med Plants 15:164-176.
49. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Ficsher, R., Blaicher, Y. and Mayer,
A. M. (2009).
Allelochemicals released by leaf residues of Micromeria fruticosa in soils,
Their uptake and metabolism by inhibited wheat seed.
Plant and Soil 314: 311-317.
50. Bernstein, N., Chaimovitsh, D. and Dudai, N. (2009).
Effect of irrigation with secondary treated effluents of essential oil, antioxidant
activity and phenolic compounds, in Origanum vulgare and Rosmarinus
Agron. J. 101: 1-10.
51. Gross, M., Lewinsohn, E., Tadmor, Y., Bar, E., Dudai, N., Cohen, Y. and
Friedman, J. (2009).
The inheritance of volatile phenylpropenes and their distribution within the plant
During ontogenesis in two chemotypes of bitter fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
var. vulgare, Apiaceae).
Biochem. Syst. Ecol 37: 308-316. Milagros T. García Mesa is a Biochemical Pharmacologist and Doctor on Biological Sciences (PhD) with postdoctoral studies at Boujon Hospital (Paris) and the School of Medicine, University of Vermont (USA) (PhD). She is a Major Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Phytotherapy at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Havana and the University of Medical Science of Havana (UMSH), respectively. Her research experience is related with the non-clinical evaluation of antiallergic and antiplatelet activities and sub-chronic toxicity of natural products, as well as the laboratory control of the efficacy of antiplatelet drugs. She is a Leading Researcher of the Central Laboratory of Pharmacology of UMSH. She has directed more than 30 researcher projects and 13 thesis works. In addition, she has more than 70 published articles. Dr. Garcia Mesa is a member of different scientific societies and groups, like the Cuban Society of Pharmacology and the Review Board of the Cuban National Program for Research Projects on Traditional and Natural Medicine. She is a reviewer of the Cuban Journal of Medicinal Plants. Her scientific results in the fields of Pharmacology and Phytotherapy have been recognized by the Cuban Society of Pharmacology with “Dr. Francisco Moron Martinez” Prize and by ISPS with “Armando Cáceres” Award IPPC 2016 Guatemala, respectively.
- Bachelor in Biochemistry: University of Havana, 1975.
- Biochemical Pharmacologist: National Centre for Scientific Research, 1978
- Doctor on Biological Sciences (Ph.D.): Ministry of Higher Education, Cuba, 1986.
- Titular Professor: University of Havana, Cuba, 2003.
- Diplomat on Clinical trials
- Languages: English (speaking, writing and reading fluently); French (reading scientific literature); Spanish (Mother language).
Post-Doctoral Fellowships and International Research Projects
- Methods for experimental thrombosis. School of Medicine, Prague, under the sponsorship of the Cuban Academy of Sciences (from October to December. 1989).
- Methods for the diagnosis of hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases Boujon Hospital, Paris, France under the sponsorship of INSERM (from June to July 1997).
- Flow cytometry method for evaluation of platelet reactivity. Laboratory on Platelets, School of Medicine, University of Vermont, USA, under the sponsorship of the Pan-American Health Organization (from May to November 2002).
Dr. Garcia Mesa research interest is the scientific validation of the traditional uses of medicinal plants by non-clinical and clinical pharmacological studies, as well as the education of health professionals for a rational use of Phytotherapy.
Scientific Experience
- The pre-clinical evaluation of histamine release inhibitors.
- The pre-clinical evaluation of antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects of plant extracts.
- The evaluation of sub-chronic toxicity of natural and biotechnological products.
- The assessment of the efficacy and safety of drugs.
- The laboratory control of the efficacy of antiplatelet drugs.
- The hemostatic risk factors for atherothrombotic diseases.
Teaching experience
- A Titular Professor of the Master degree on”Clinical Biochemistry” (University of Havana) , “
- A Titular Professor of the Module “Thrombosis and Hemostasis” for the Master degree on “The Use of Diagnostic Methods in the Primary Healthcare System” (Salvador Allende Faculty of Medical Science of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana).
- A Titular Professor and coordinator of Post-graduate course“The use of herbal medicine with safety and efficacy” and the Diplomate “The treatment and prevention of diseases with safe and effective herb products.” (Salvador Allende Faculty of Medical Science of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana).
Research Projects Performed: 38
International Research Projects: 3
Published Articles: 71
Courses are given: 46
Post-graduate researchers directed: 13
Membership in Scientific Societies
- The Cuban Society on Pharmacology
- The Cuban Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery
- The Italy-Latin-American Society on Ethnomedicine
- The International Society of Phytocosmetic Science
Milagros T. García Mesa is a Biochemical Pharmacologist and Doctor on Biological Sciences (PhD) with postdoctoral studies at Boujon Hospital (Paris) and the School of Medicine, University of Vermont (USA) (PhD). She is a Major Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Phytotherapy at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Havana and the University of Medical Science of Havana (UMSH), respectively. Her research experience is related with the non-clinical evaluation of antiallergic and antiplatelet activities and sub-chronic toxicity of natural products, as well as the laboratory control of the efficacy of antiplatelet drugs. She is a Leading Researcher of the Central Laboratory of Pharmacology of UMSH. She has directed more than 30 researcher projects and 13 thesis works. In addition, she has more than 70 published articles. Dr. Garcia Mesa is a member of different scientific societies and groups, like the Cuban Society of Pharmacology and the Review Board of the Cuban National Program for Research Projects on Traditional and Natural Medicine. She is a reviewer of the Cuban Journal of Medicinal Plants. Her scientific results in the fields of Pharmacology and Phytotherapy have been recognized by the Cuban Society of Pharmacology with “Dr. Francisco Moron Martinez” Prize and by ISPS with “Armando Cáceres” Award IPPC 2016 Guatemala, respectively.
- Bachelor in Biochemistry: University of Havana, 1975.
- Biochemical Pharmacologist: National Centre for Scientific Research, 1978
- Doctor on Biological Sciences (Ph.D.): Ministry of Higher Education, Cuba, 1986.
- Titular Professor: University of Havana, Cuba, 2003.
- Diplomat on Clinical trials
- Languages: English (speaking, writing and reading fluently); French (reading scientific literature); Spanish (Mother language).
Post-Doctoral Fellowships and International Research Projects
- Methods for experimental thrombosis. School of Medicine, Prague, under the sponsorship of the Cuban Academy of Sciences (from October to December. 1989).
- Methods for the diagnosis of hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases Boujon Hospital, Paris, France under the sponsorship of INSERM (from June to July 1997).
- Flow cytometry method for evaluation of platelet reactivity. Laboratory on Platelets, School of Medicine, University of Vermont, USA, under the sponsorship of the Pan-American Health Organization (from May to November 2002).
Dr. Garcia Mesa research interest is the scientific validation of the traditional uses of medicinal plants by non-clinical and clinical pharmacological studies, as well as the education of health professionals for a rational use of Phytotherapy.
Scientific Experience
- The pre-clinical evaluation of histamine release inhibitors.
- The pre-clinical evaluation of antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects of plant extracts.
- The evaluation of sub-chronic toxicity of natural and biotechnological products.
- The assessment of the efficacy and safety of drugs.
- The laboratory control of the efficacy of antiplatelet drugs.
- The hemostatic risk factors for atherothrombotic diseases.
Teaching experience
- A Titular Professor of the Master degree on”Clinical Biochemistry” (University of Havana) , “
- A Titular Professor of the Module “Thrombosis and Hemostasis” for the Master degree on “The Use of Diagnostic Methods in the Primary Healthcare System” (Salvador Allende Faculty of Medical Science of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana).
- A Titular Professor and coordinator of Post-graduate course“The use of herbal medicine with safety and efficacy” and the Diplomate “The treatment and prevention of diseases with safe and effective herb products.” (Salvador Allende Faculty of Medical Science of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana).
Research Projects Performed: 38
International Research Projects: 3
Published Articles: 71
Courses are given: 46
Post-graduate researchers directed: 13
Membership in Scientific Societies
- The Cuban Society on Pharmacology
- The Cuban Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery
- The Italy-Latin-American Society on Ethnomedicine
- The International Society of Phytocosmetic Science
Pharmacist Biochemist (1984) with Master's degree (1996) and PhD in Pharmacology by the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Maximilian Universität München (2005). Pharmacy course coordinator at UNISUL (1996-2006) and Pharmacy course at UNIBAVE (2006-2010). Coordinator of the Biomedicine Research and Development Group, in the Professional Master's Program in Pharmacy at UNIBAN (SP) (2006-2016). Coordinator of the Medical Specialization at Medical Lex / ISEPE and of the courses in Clinical Phytotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy in several states of Brazil (2012-current). CEO and Business Director of the Medical Lex Information Management and Courses Ltda. He has experience in the area of Pharmacology, with emphasis in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Molecular of Medicinal Plants. Acting mainly in the subjects: Mechanism of action of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products, Inflammation and its pharmaco-dynamic mechanisms. Registered patents:
MARCUCCI, Maria Cristina; PAULINO, NIRALDO. Formulations based on propolis for dental use. 2001, Brazil. Patent: Privilege of Innovation. Record number: PI0105471, title: "Propolis-based formulations for dental use", Institution of registration: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 09/26/2001; Concession: 03/08/2015.
PAULINO, N .; SCREMIN, A.. Vaginal gel of propolis typified for the treatment of disease of the female genital system. 2009, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Record number: PI0904121, title: "Propolis vaginal gel typified for the treatment of female genital system disease", Institution of registration: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 01/10/2009; Concession: 08/02/2011.
PEREIRA, R.M.S. ; NOVAK, E. M.; OKUYAMA, C.E.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; BYDLOWSKI, S.P. Method of Obtaining Zinc Routine Coordination Complexes, Pharmaceutical and / or Cosmetic Composition and Their Uses. 2011, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Title: METHOD OF OBTAINING ZINC ROUTER COORDINATION COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL AND / OR COSMETIC COMPOSITION AND ITS USES ", Registration Institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 06/01/2011; Concession: 02/18/2014.
MARCUCCI, M.C.; SANTOS, A.M.; PAULINO, NIRALDO. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations based on coffee oil and propolis. 2012, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Number of the record: PI102012019950, title: "'Cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations based on coffee oil and propolis", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 09/08/2012; Concession: 06/05/2014.
Latest scientific articles (last five year):
SOARES, A.C.; CARNEIRO, F. P.; FARO, L. R. F.; SILVA, M. V.; EUDES-FILHO, J.; ASSIS, M.S.; COSTA, F. J. Q.; SOUSA, J.B.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; MOTOYAMA, A. B.; AMARAL, K.; JREIGE JR, A.; FERREIRA, V.M. Therapeutic property of propolis extract in systemic infection induced in rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH, v. 7, p. 13381-13387, 2017.
VEIGA, R.S.; DE MENDONÇA, S.; MENDES, P.B. ; PAULINO, N.; MIMICA, M.J.; LAGAREIRO NETTO, A.A.; LIRA, I.S. ; LÓPEZ, B.G.-C. ; Negrão, V.; MARCUCCI, M.C. Artepillin C and phenolic compounds responsible for antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of green propolis and Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, v. 122, p. 911-920, 2017.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; PAULINO, AMARILIS SCREMIN; DINIZ, SUSANA N.; MENDONÇA, SERGIO DE; GONÇALVES, IVAIR D.; FLORES, FERNANDA FAIÃO; SANTOS, REGINALDO PEREIRA; RODRIGUES, CARINA; PARDI, PAULO CELSO; SUAREZ, JOSÉ AGUSTIN QUINCOCES. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory action of curcumin analog (DM1): effect on iNOS and COX-2 gene expression and autophagy pathways. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Print), v. 24, p. 1927-1935, 2016.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; COUTINHO, L.A .; VILELA, G.C.; LEANDRO, V. P. S.; PAULINO, A. S.. Antiulcerogenic effect of Brazilian propolis formulation in mice. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, v. 6, p. 32-36, 2015.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; BARBOSA, A. P.; PAULINO, A. S.; MARCUCCI, M.C. Hepatoprotective effect of green propolis is related to antioxidant action in vivo and in vitro. Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science, v. 3, p. 43, 2014.
MIYASHIRO, C.A.H.V. ; DINIZ, S. N.; OLIVEIRA, D.A. F.; GONCALVES, I.D.; PEREIRA, R.M.S. ; SILVA, R.G.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; OKUYAMA, C.E. The Potentiation of Anti-inflammatory Effect and INOS and COX-2 Gene Expression Inhibition by Rut in Complexed with Cooper. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, v. 4, p. 1-10-10, 2014.
ANIDO-ANIDO, A.; LEWGOY, H. R.; R, M.; ALONSO, R.C.B.; MARCUCCI, M.C.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; BRETZ, W.A. Randomized, Double-masked, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial on the Effects of Propolis and Chlorhexidine Mouthrinses on Gingivitis. Brazilian Dental Science, v. 17, p. 11-15, 2014.
BRETZ, WALTER A.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; NÖR, JACQUES E.; MOREIRA, ALEXANDRE. The Effectiveness of Propolis on Gingivitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. 141107141656007-5, 2014.
MARCUCCI, M.C.; SAWAYA, A.C.H.F. ; PAULINO, NIRALDO; DINIZ, S. N.; MENDONÇA, S.; RODRIGUES, N.C.; CASSINA-LOPES, B. G.. Chemical composition, biological activity and safety of use of red propolis .. Message Doce (Paulista Association of Beekeepers, Breeders of European Melon Bees), v. 125, p. 1-6, 2014.
PAULINO, N .; Coutinho, J.R.; COUTINHO, L.A.; PAULINO, S. A. Clinical evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect of Baccharis dracunculifolia propolis gel on cervicitis. Revista Ciência e Estudos Acadêmicos de Medicina, v. 2, p. 31-46, 2014. Pharmacist Biochemist (1984) with Master's degree (1996) and PhD in Pharmacology by the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Maximilian Universität München (2005). Pharmacy course coordinator at UNISUL (1996-2006) and Pharmacy course at UNIBAVE (2006-2010). Coordinator of the Biomedicine Research and Development Group, in the Professional Master's Program in Pharmacy at UNIBAN (SP) (2006-2016). Coordinator of the Medical Specialization at Medical Lex / ISEPE and of the courses in Clinical Phytotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy in several states of Brazil (2012-current). CEO and Business Director of the Medical Lex Information Management and Courses Ltda. He has experience in the area of Pharmacology, with emphasis in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Molecular of Medicinal Plants. Acting mainly in the subjects: Mechanism of action of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products, Inflammation and its pharmaco-dynamic mechanisms. Registered patents:
MARCUCCI, Maria Cristina; PAULINO, NIRALDO. Formulations based on propolis for dental use. 2001, Brazil. Patent: Privilege of Innovation. Record number: PI0105471, title: "Propolis-based formulations for dental use", Institution of registration: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 09/26/2001; Concession: 03/08/2015.
PAULINO, N .; SCREMIN, A.. Vaginal gel of propolis typified for the treatment of disease of the female genital system. 2009, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Record number: PI0904121, title: "Propolis vaginal gel typified for the treatment of female genital system disease", Institution of registration: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 01/10/2009; Concession: 08/02/2011.
PEREIRA, R.M.S. ; NOVAK, E. M.; OKUYAMA, C.E.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; BYDLOWSKI, S.P. Method of Obtaining Zinc Routine Coordination Complexes, Pharmaceutical and / or Cosmetic Composition and Their Uses. 2011, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Title: METHOD OF OBTAINING ZINC ROUTER COORDINATION COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL AND / OR COSMETIC COMPOSITION AND ITS USES ", Registration Institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 06/01/2011; Concession: 02/18/2014.
MARCUCCI, M.C.; SANTOS, A.M.; PAULINO, NIRALDO. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations based on coffee oil and propolis. 2012, Brazil. Patent: Utility Model. Number of the record: PI102012019950, title: "'Cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations based on coffee oil and propolis", Registration institution: INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property. Deposit: 09/08/2012; Concession: 06/05/2014.
Latest scientific articles (last five year):
SOARES, A.C.; CARNEIRO, F. P.; FARO, L. R. F.; SILVA, M. V.; EUDES-FILHO, J.; ASSIS, M.S.; COSTA, F. J. Q.; SOUSA, J.B.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; MOTOYAMA, A. B.; AMARAL, K.; JREIGE JR, A.; FERREIRA, V.M. Therapeutic property of propolis extract in systemic infection induced in rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH, v. 7, p. 13381-13387, 2017.
VEIGA, R.S.; DE MENDONÇA, S.; MENDES, P.B. ; PAULINO, N.; MIMICA, M.J.; LAGAREIRO NETTO, A.A.; LIRA, I.S. ; LÓPEZ, B.G.-C. ; Negrão, V.; MARCUCCI, M.C. Artepillin C and phenolic compounds responsible for antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of green propolis and Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, v. 122, p. 911-920, 2017.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; PAULINO, AMARILIS SCREMIN; DINIZ, SUSANA N.; MENDONÇA, SERGIO DE; GONÇALVES, IVAIR D.; FLORES, FERNANDA FAIÃO; SANTOS, REGINALDO PEREIRA; RODRIGUES, CARINA; PARDI, PAULO CELSO; SUAREZ, JOSÉ AGUSTIN QUINCOCES. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory action of curcumin analog (DM1): effect on iNOS and COX-2 gene expression and autophagy pathways. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Print), v. 24, p. 1927-1935, 2016.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; COUTINHO, L.A .; VILELA, G.C.; LEANDRO, V. P. S.; PAULINO, A. S.. Antiulcerogenic effect of Brazilian propolis formulation in mice. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, v. 6, p. 32-36, 2015.
PAULINO, NIRALDO; BARBOSA, A. P.; PAULINO, A. S.; MARCUCCI, M.C. Hepatoprotective effect of green propolis is related to antioxidant action in vivo and in vitro. Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science, v. 3, p. 43, 2014.
MIYASHIRO, C.A.H.V. ; DINIZ, S. N.; OLIVEIRA, D.A. F.; GONCALVES, I.D.; PEREIRA, R.M.S. ; SILVA, R.G.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; OKUYAMA, C.E. The Potentiation of Anti-inflammatory Effect and INOS and COX-2 Gene Expression Inhibition by Rut in Complexed with Cooper. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, v. 4, p. 1-10-10, 2014.
ANIDO-ANIDO, A.; LEWGOY, H. R.; R, M.; ALONSO, R.C.B.; MARCUCCI, M.C.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; BRETZ, W.A. Randomized, Double-masked, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial on the Effects of Propolis and Chlorhexidine Mouthrinses on Gingivitis. Brazilian Dental Science, v. 17, p. 11-15, 2014.
BRETZ, WALTER A.; PAULINO, NIRALDO; NÖR, JACQUES E.; MOREIRA, ALEXANDRE. The Effectiveness of Propolis on Gingivitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. 141107141656007-5, 2014.
MARCUCCI, M.C.; SAWAYA, A.C.H.F. ; PAULINO, NIRALDO; DINIZ, S. N.; MENDONÇA, S.; RODRIGUES, N.C.; CASSINA-LOPES, B. G.. Chemical composition, biological activity and safety of use of red propolis .. Message Doce (Paulista Association of Beekeepers, Breeders of European Melon Bees), v. 125, p. 1-6, 2014.
PAULINO, N .; Coutinho, J.R.; COUTINHO, L.A.; PAULINO, S. A. Clinical evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect of Baccharis dracunculifolia propolis gel on cervicitis. Revista Ciência e Estudos Acadêmicos de Medicina, v. 2, p. 31-46, 2014. Mauro Bleve is Head of R&D (Coordinador de División I+D+i) at Laboratories Maverick.
With over 15 years of experience in the cosmetic industry, Mauro has applied his passion for and expertise in leading the investigation and the development of many different and diverse cosmetic formulations, also delivering a patent as an inventor for an innovative microdermabrasion treatment for the skin.
Mauro has also contributed in many research projects for the extraction of active ingredients from vegetable matrices by supercritical carbon dioxide, chairing some sessions and delivering podium presentations and one poster presentation at International Congresses, three international patents and two scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, together with several articles and interviews for different cosmetic industry magazines.
Mauro has extensive teaching experience in collaboration with schools, universities, and training agencies for professionals. He has a record of presentations in national and international seminars and congresses, meeting with consultants and PR events. Combination of natural, green, ethical and sustainable approaches for designing, formulating and manufacturing cosmetic products, with proven efficacy, performance and safety for the consumers and the environment.
Investigation and application of innovative ingredients and technologies in the cosmetic chemistry and industry.
Collaboration with organizations, universities, research centres and companies for the investigation, development and application of innovative ingredients, technologies and approaches for cosmetic products.
Member of: Editorial Board of International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients [IJPNI], IJIS Inc. of Boston
SCS (Society of Cosmetic Scientist, UK)
SICC (Italian Society of Cosmetic Chemistry and Science)
IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists)
Albo Nazionale dei Farmacisti (Italian Pharmaceutical Society) Mauro Bleve is Head of R&D (Coordinador de División I+D+i) at Laboratories Maverick.
With over 15 years of experience in the cosmetic industry, Mauro has applied his passion for and expertise in leading the investigation and the development of many different and diverse cosmetic formulations, also delivering a patent as an inventor for an innovative microdermabrasion treatment for the skin.
Mauro has also contributed in many research projects for the extraction of active ingredients from vegetable matrices by supercritical carbon dioxide, chairing some sessions and delivering podium presentations and one poster presentation at International Congresses, three international patents and two scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, together with several articles and interviews for different cosmetic industry magazines.
Mauro has extensive teaching experience in collaboration with schools, universities, and training agencies for professionals. He has a record of presentations in national and international seminars and congresses, meeting with consultants and PR events. Combination of natural, green, ethical and sustainable approaches for designing, formulating and manufacturing cosmetic products, with proven efficacy, performance and safety for the consumers and the environment.
Investigation and application of innovative ingredients and technologies in the cosmetic chemistry and industry.
Collaboration with organizations, universities, research centres and companies for the investigation, development and application of innovative ingredients, technologies and approaches for cosmetic products.
Member of: Editorial Board of International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients [IJPNI], IJIS Inc. of Boston
SCS (Society of Cosmetic Scientist, UK)
SICC (Italian Society of Cosmetic Chemistry and Science)
IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists)
Albo Nazionale dei Farmacisti (Italian Pharmaceutical Society) Iguatemi is a Senior Scientific Manager for natural and sustainable ingredients. at Natura
Iguatemi has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, related to organic total synthesis of natural products, from University of São Paulo - USP. He holds a MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business from University of Cambridge, UK, and Industrial Chemistry degree from Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, Brazil.
Iguatemi is currently a Senior Scientific Manager of natural and sustainable ingredients in Natura Cosmetics. In this position, he is responsible to set and guarantee the technical strategy of innovative cosmetic ingredients; lead some projects of innovation, steer programs related to bio-based products, and technological strategic intelligence in this field.
Formerly, Iguatemi oversaw the research group known as ‘Sustainable Innovation’, just after to complete a cycle where he has established and led for three years the Natura Amazon Innovation Centre, an innovation hub based in Manaus, in the heart of Brazilian Amazon forest, developing strategies and projects related to research and innovation. Before that he was part of the group responsible for designing, developing and implementing new business process for front end innovation (FIC - Funnel of Ideas and Business Concepts); among other positions related to R&D and Innovation in Natura and in another Brazilian company called Formil Química Ltda. Iguatemi is affiliated to Brazilian Society of Chemistry (SBQ), Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), and also the member of advisory board of Birmingham Institute of Forest Research – BIFoR, and Senior Member of the Board of Directors of International Society of Phytocosmetic Science - ISPS
Iguatemi is affiliated to Brazilian Society of Chemistry (SBQ), Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), and also the member of advisory board of Birmingham Institute of Forest Research – BIFoR, and Senior Member of board of Directors of International Society of Phytocosmetic Sciences - ISPS.
Research Interest
Natural Cosmetic and Fragrance Ingredients, Biotechnology, Green chemistry, Bio-based Materials, Sustainable-based Innovation and Ethical Sourcing projects and practices. Iguatemi is a Senior Scientific Manager for natural and sustainable ingredients. at Natura
Iguatemi has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, related to organic total synthesis of natural products, from University of São Paulo - USP. He holds a MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business from University of Cambridge, UK, and Industrial Chemistry degree from Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, Brazil.
Iguatemi is currently a Senior Scientific Manager of natural and sustainable ingredients in Natura Cosmetics. In this position, he is responsible to set and guarantee the technical strategy of innovative cosmetic ingredients; lead some projects of innovation, steer programs related to bio-based products, and technological strategic intelligence in this field.
Formerly, Iguatemi oversaw the research group known as ‘Sustainable Innovation’, just after to complete a cycle where he has established and led for three years the Natura Amazon Innovation Centre, an innovation hub based in Manaus, in the heart of Brazilian Amazon forest, developing strategies and projects related to research and innovation. Before that he was part of the group responsible for designing, developing and implementing new business process for front end innovation (FIC - Funnel of Ideas and Business Concepts); among other positions related to R&D and Innovation in Natura and in another Brazilian company called Formil Química Ltda. Iguatemi is affiliated to Brazilian Society of Chemistry (SBQ), Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), and also the member of advisory board of Birmingham Institute of Forest Research – BIFoR, and Senior Member of the Board of Directors of International Society of Phytocosmetic Science - ISPS
Iguatemi is affiliated to Brazilian Society of Chemistry (SBQ), Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), and also the member of advisory board of Birmingham Institute of Forest Research – BIFoR, and Senior Member of board of Directors of International Society of Phytocosmetic Sciences - ISPS.
Research Interest
Natural Cosmetic and Fragrance Ingredients, Biotechnology, Green chemistry, Bio-based Materials, Sustainable-based Innovation and Ethical Sourcing projects and practices. Dr. Paula López is a researcher and Assistant Professor of the University of Buenos Aires and performs her work in Pharmacognosy Chair- IQUIMEFA (University of Buenos Aires (UBA)- National Scientific and Technical Research Council-Argentina (CONICET) since 1992. She participates in the dictation of degree course "Pharmacognosy", in the postgraduate courses "Cosmetic, Raw Materials of Natural Origin" and "Phytotherapy" and as lecturer in professional institutions and other Argentinean universities. Dr. Paula López participated as a researcher in 26 scientific projects funded by Argentinean and international agencies. Currently, she directs a research project grant by the UBA on Chlamyd ia e
and natural products. Dr. Paula López made 97 presentations in Argentinean and international congresses, published 36 scientific papers in international scientific journals, is a reviewer of scientific publications and director and consultant of doctoral thesis. She obtained 6 awards and distinctions among them the prize "Alfredo Bandoni" in phytochemistry awarded by the National Academy of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the Argentina, the Prize in Pharmacology Dr. Bernardo Houssay awarded by the Center for Studies on the Development of the Argentine Pharmaceutical Chemical Industry (CEDIQUIFA). Since 1992, she has provided technical advice, services and technology transfer for pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and cosmetic industry at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. She is a member of the Subcommittee on Herbal Medicines of the Argentine Pharmacopoeia and the Interdisciplinary Technical Scientific Committee for Herbal Medicines of the Argentinean Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT). Dr. Paula López is a researcher and Assistant Professor of the University of Buenos Aires and performs her work in Pharmacognosy Chair- IQUIMEFA (University of Buenos Aires (UBA)- National Scientific and Technical Research Council-Argentina (CONICET) since 1992. She participates in the dictation of degree course "Pharmacognosy", in the postgraduate courses "Cosmetic, Raw Materials of Natural Origin" and "Phytotherapy" and as lecturer in professional institutions and other Argentinean universities. Dr. Paula López participated as a researcher in 26 scientific projects funded by Argentinean and international agencies. Currently, she directs a research project grant by the UBA on Chlamyd ia e
and natural products. Dr. Paula López made 97 presentations in Argentinean and international congresses, published 36 scientific papers in international scientific journals, is a reviewer of scientific publications and director and consultant of doctoral thesis. She obtained 6 awards and distinctions among them the prize "Alfredo Bandoni" in phytochemistry awarded by the National Academy of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the Argentina, the Prize in Pharmacology Dr. Bernardo Houssay awarded by the Center for Studies on the Development of the Argentine Pharmaceutical Chemical Industry (CEDIQUIFA). Since 1992, she has provided technical advice, services and technology transfer for pharmaceutical, agrochemical, food and cosmetic industry at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. She is a member of the Subcommittee on Herbal Medicines of the Argentine Pharmacopoeia and the Interdisciplinary Technical Scientific Committee for Herbal Medicines of the Argentinean Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT). Dean, School of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala
Guatemalan Pharmacist, Dean of the School of Chemical, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy at Universidad Galileo. Master’s degree in Neurotoxicology from Rutgers University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and a PhD. Degree in Pharmacology at Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil.A Guatemalan Pharmacist, Dean of the School of Chemical, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy at Universidad Galileo. Master’s degree in Neurotoxicology from Rutgers University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and a PhD. Degree in Pharmacology at Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Valle has participated as member and toxicologist at the Research Committee for the creation of the Medicinal Plants National Formulator in Guatemala and has promoted and participated in phytotherapy research in Guatemala and Brazil. Interested in Molecular Biology/Toxicological research. Dean, School of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala
Guatemalan Pharmacist, Dean of the School of Chemical, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy at Universidad Galileo. Master’s degree in Neurotoxicology from Rutgers University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and a PhD. Degree in Pharmacology at Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil.A Guatemalan Pharmacist, Dean of the School of Chemical, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy at Universidad Galileo. Master’s degree in Neurotoxicology from Rutgers University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and a PhD. Degree in Pharmacology at Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Valle has participated as member and toxicologist at the Research Committee for the creation of the Medicinal Plants National Formulator in Guatemala and has promoted and participated in phytotherapy research in Guatemala and Brazil. Interested in Molecular Biology/Toxicological research. Daniel Barreto is graduated in Chemistry and Chemical Engineer and holds a MSc in Organic Chemistry and a DSc. In Phytochemistry, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Daniel Barreto is an Associate Professor of the School of Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the graduating courses of Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, and a collaborating professor at the Post-graduate program of Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
He published several papers and patents on Organic Fine Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Materials Science, Cosmetic Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry.
Daniel Barreto is also the main shareholder of ASSESSA LTD. In Brazi Natural Cosmetic Ingredients, Biotechnology, Phytochemistry, Cosmetology, Green Technology Applied to Natural Products and Biomass Residues, Upcycling and Sustainability.Daniel Barreto is graduated in Chemistry and Chemical Engineer and holds a MSc in Organic Chemistry and a DSc. In Phytochemistry, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Daniel Barreto is an Associate Professor of the School of Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the graduating courses of Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, and a collaborating professor at the Post-graduate program of Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
He published several papers and patents on Organic Fine Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Materials Science, Cosmetic Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry.
Daniel Barreto is also the main shareholder of ASSESSA LTD. In Brazi Natural Cosmetic Ingredients, Biotechnology, Phytochemistry, Cosmetology, Green Technology Applied to Natural Products and Biomass Residues, Upcycling and Sustainability.
Prof. Dr. Koca is at the Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy Prg. Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University ANKARA-TURKEY. She has a Master degree in Biochemistry; PhD in Plant Molecular Biology.
She graduated from the School of Pharmacy, Gazi University in 1993. While she was working on her Master’s degree in Pharmacognosy, she was honored with a scholarship from the ‘The Ministry of Education’ to study in the USA for a Master’s and PhD degrees. She studied the production and enhancing anticancer compound podophyllotoxin derivatives in linum flavum and L. usitatissimum callus and suspension cultures. After her Master’s degree from the Washington State Univ., department of biochemistry, she was accepted by the Plant Molecular and Cell Biology (PMCB) Prg. at the University of Florida. She moved to Gainesville, Florida, where she worked on a project dealing with the decreasing bitter taste of grapefruit via manipulation of the flavonoid pathway by means of gene transfer. Upon completing her PhD, she went back to Gazi University Faculty of Pharmacy to serve in her country Turkey.
She obtained grants and established a plant tissue culture laboratory. Some of the classes that she teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels are Pharmaceutical biotechnology, General concepts in biotechnology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Botany, Natural Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Phytotherapy and Homeopathy. She has PhD and Master students working on a degree at Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
Professor Koca- Caliskan works in plant biotechnology projects, she also works with folk medicine, test their activities to confirm their folcloric usage via in vitro and in vivo experiments. She has more than 50 published papers, about 10 book chapters and many conference presentations. She has certificates in Clinical Aromatherapy, Schüssler Salze Face Diagnosis.
Ufuk Koca-Çalışkan also served as an Administrator at her University as a Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences, where she established nonthesis programs in Nursing and Phytotherapy, and worked on to increase the success and the quality of the education.
Invited Visitor Scientist
Invited as ‘Appointed Visiting Professor’ by Sardegana Island & UNICA for 3 months to give seminars and do scientific research and education, (1 March-1 June 2012) Cagliari-SARDEGNA, ITALY.
1. Aka C, Koca-Çalışkan U. Fatma Baykara, Nazım Şekeroğlu Pharmacopoeia Analysis of Citrus aurantium L. Ssp. Amara engl. And it’s fixed oil content.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. Vol 51, Issue 3, Jul-Sep, 2017
2. Koca-Caliskan U, Aka C and Oz MG, Plants Used in Anatolian Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of Hemorrhoid. Rec. Nat. Prod. 11:3: 235-250. 2017 (Review).
3. Balaban YH, Aka C, Koca-Caliskan U. Liver Immunlogy and Herbal Treatment. World J Hepatol. 18;9(17):757-770. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i17.757. 2017 (Review).
4. Koca-Çalışkan U, Aka C, Bor E, Melatonin in Edible and Non-Edible Plants. DOI: 10.4274/tjps.33043 Turk J Pharm Sci. 14(1):75-83, 2017 (Review)
5. Yaldız, G; Koca Çalışkan U; Aka, C. In Vitro Screening of Natural Drug Potentials for Mass Production. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca 45.1 2017.
6. Semiye Burcin Akgunlu, Nazim Sekeroglu, Ufuk Koca-Caliskan, Faruk Ozkutlu, Berrin Ozcelik, Muhittin Kulak and Sevgi Gezici. Research on selected wild edible vegetables: Mineral content and antimicrobial potentialsAnnals of Phytomedicine 5(2): 50-57, 2016
7. Çölgeçen Hatice, Büyükkartal Hatice Nurhan, Koca-Çalışkan Ufuk. Ultrastructural observations in somatic embryogenesis of natural tetraploidTrifolium pratense L.. Turkish Journal of Botany, 40(5), 496-505. 2016, Doi: 10.3906/bot-1511-22 (Yayın No: 2846491)
8. Şenol Fatma Sezer, Erdoğan Orhan İlkay, Özgen Ufuk, Renda Gülin, Bulut Gökhan, Güven Leyla, Sezen Karaoğlan Esen, Sevindik Handan Gökben, Skalicka Woniak Krystyna, Koca-Çalışkan Ufuk, Şekeroğlu Nazım. Memory-vitalizing effect of twenty-five medicinal and edible plants and their isolated compounds. South African Journal of Botany 2016 (Yayın No: 1849801)
9. Çölgeçen H., Koca-Çalişkan U, Kartal M., Büyükkartal H. N. Comprehensive evaluation of phytoestrogen accumulation in plants and in vitro cultures of Medicago sativa L. ‘Elçi’ and natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. Turk J Biol 38: 619-627, 2014. TÜBİTAK doi:10.3906/biy-1310-17
10. Çölgeçen H., Koca U, Yağcı C, Toker G., Toker M. C., Vural M.. Callus induction and secondary metabolite production studies in Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. FABAD J. Pharm. Sci., (37), 9-16. 2014 (Yayın No: 1330379)
11. Pirasa, A. Rosab, B. Marongiu, S. Porcedda, D. Falconieri, M.A. Dessìb, B. Ozcelik, Koca U, ‘Chemical composition and in vitro bioactivity of the volatile and fixed oils of Nigella sativa L. extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide’Industrial Crops and Products 46 317–323, 2013.
12. Özçelik B., Koca U, Kaya DA, Şekeroğlu N., ‘Evaluation Of The In vitro Bioactivities Of Mahaleb Cherry (Prunus Mahaleb L.)’ Romanian Biotechnological Letters Vol. 17, No.6, 2012.
13. F. Ozkutlu, N. Sekeroglu, Koca U, ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, Natural Product Communications6(10):1469-1472, 2011.
14. Koca U, Küpeli Akkol E, Sekeroğlu N., ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro biological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis’ Natural Product Communications 6(10):1433-1436, 2011.
15. H. Çölgeçen, Koca U., G. Toker, ‘Influence of different sterilization methods on callus initiation and production of pigmented callus in Arnebia densifloraLedeb.’, Turkish Journal of Biology 35:513-520, 2011
16. F. Ozkutlu, N. Sekeroglu, Koca U., ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, Natural Product Communications6(10):1469-1472, 2011
17. U. Koca, E. Küpeli Akkol, N. Sekeroğlu, ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitrobiological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis’ Natural Product Communications 6(10):1433-1436, 2011
18. Koca U, I Peşin Süntar, Küpeli Akkol E, Yılmazer D, Alper M, “Wound repair potential of Olea europaea L. Leaf Extracts Revealed by in vivo experimental models and comparative evaluation of the extracts’ antioxidant activity”,Journal of Medicinal Food 14(1-2):140-6, 2011
19. Orhan I, Şenol F.S, Koca U, Erçetin T, Toker G, “Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of Arnebia densiflora Ledeb.”Turkish Journal of Biology 35:111-115, 2011
20. Altıntaş A, Koca U, Demirci B, Başer KHC, “Essential Oil Composition of Endemic Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & Mey. from Turkey”, Asian journal of chemistry. 22(6):4711-4716, 2010.
21. Peşin Süntar I., Küpeli Akkol E., Yalçın F, Koca U., Keleş H., Yeşilada,E. “Wound healing potential of Sambucus ebulus L. leaves and isolation of an active component, quercetin 3-O-glucoside”, Journal of Ethnopharmacology129:106–114, 2010.
22. Koca U, Özçelik B, Özgen S, “Comparative in vitro activity of medicinal plantsArnebia densiflora and Ecballium elaterium against isolated strains ofKlebsiella pneumoniae” Turkish J. Pharm. 7 (3), 197-204, 2010
23. Koca U., Küpeli-Akkol E., Peşin I., Yılmazer D., Alper M., Yeşilada E., “In vivoantiinflammatory and wound healing activities of Centaurea iberica trev. ex spreng”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126: 551-556, 2009.
24. Koca U, Toker G, Küpeli-Akkol E., “Assessment of the ethanol leaf, flower and stem extracts of Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fischer (Asteraceae) for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities by use of animal models” Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 8 (3): 193-200, 2009.
25. Küpeli-Akkol E, Koca U, Peşin I., Yılmazer D., “Evaluation of the wound healing potential of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. (Asteraceae) by in vivoExcision and İncision Models”. Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM), doi:10.1093/ecam/nep039, 2009.
26. Peşin I., Koca U., Keleş H., Küpeli Akkol E., “Wound healing activity of Rubus sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae): preclinical study in animal models”. Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) doi:10.1093/ecam/nep137 2009.
27. Küpeli Akkol E., Koca U., Peşin I., Yılmazer D., Toker G. and Yeşilada E.“Exploring the wound healing activity of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. by in vivo models ” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 124 (1), 137-141, 2009.
28. Koca U., Berhow M., Febres VJ, Champ K.I, Carrillo-Mendoza O., Moore GA, “Decreasing unpalatable flavonoid components in Citrus: the effect of transformation construct” Physiologia Plantarum 137: 101–114, 2009.
29. Koca U., H Cölgeçen., Erçetin T., Toker G., “In vitro Seed Germination and Callus Production from Ecballium elaterium Rich. As a Source for Cucurbitacin B”, Biomed, 4 (4):350-359, 2009.
30. Koca U., Özçelik B. “Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities ofCentaurea tchihatcheffii extracts”, Turk J. of Pharm. Sci. 6 (2):125-134, 2009.
31. Koca U., Özkutlu F., Şekeroğlu N., “Mineral Composition of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. An Endemic Medicinal Plant from Turkey”Biomed, 4 (1):51-56, 2009.
32. Kan Y., Orhan I., Koca U., Özçelik B., Aslan S., Kartal M., Küsmenoğlu Ş., “Fatty acid profile and antimicrobial effect of the seed oils of Urtica dioicaand U. Pilulifera” Turk. J. Pharm. Sci. 6 (1):21-30, 2009.
33. Orhan I., Koca U., S. Aslan, M. Kartal, Ş. Küsmenoğlu, “Fatty acid analysis of some Turkish apricot seed oils by GC-MS techniques”, Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 5 (1):29-34, 2008.
34. Koca U., “Elevation of the flavonoid content in grapefruit by introducing chalcone isomerase gene via biotechnological methods”. Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 4 (3):115-124, 2007.
35. Orhan I., Koca U., M. Kartal, B. Şener, “Hydrophobic components fromLycopodium complanatum L. Ssp. Chamaecyparissus (A. Br.) Döll” Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine-Letter 10: 82-83, 2007.
36. Peşin Süntar I., Koca U., E. Küpeli Akkol, D. Yılmazer, M. Alper, “Assesment of Wound-healing activity of the Aqueous extracts of Colutea cilicica Boiss. & Bal. Fruits and Leaves”, (Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine) eCAM doi:10.1093/ecam/nep19009-0512, 2009.
37. Koca U, B. Rathinasabapathi, G.A. Moore, “Distribution of flavonoid glycosides, polyphenolics and antioxidant potentials in different tissues ofCitrus X paradisi, C. grandis, and C. sinensis” Florida State Horticultural Society, Orlando, Florida/ABD, 2003.
38. Türköz S, Küsmenoğlu S, Koca U, Studies on the seeds of Cydonia oblongaMiller” Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 1: 39-42, 1998.
39. Küsmenoğlu S, Toker G, K Başer K, Koca U, Composition of the fruit oils ofCapparis species’. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 2: 55-57, 1997.
40. Küsmenoğlu S, Türköz S, Koca U (1995) Constituents of the seed oil ofPeganum harmala L. J. Fac. Pharm. Gazi 12: 141-144.
1. KOCA-ÇALIŞKAN, U., Tıbbi Bitkilerin ve Doğal İlaç Hammadddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi’ Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, Bilecik, May 20-23, 2015
2. KOCA-ÇALIŞKAN, U. ‘Ergogenic Supports in Natural Nutrition’, Ist.Multidiciplinary International Congress on Sports Education and Health Sciences 1st ICSEH -2015, Sakarya, May 1-3, 2015.
3. Koca, U, Şekeroğlu N, Özkutlu F, “Mineral Composition of Gentiana olivieriGriseb. (Gentianaceae): A Traditional Remedy for Diabetes in Turkey” 5th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (CAMAPSEEC), Brno-Czech Republic, p. 23-27, 2008.
4. Koca U, Toker G, Toker MC, “The production of drug active constituents through biotechnological methods” 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries (CAMAPSEEC), Section I, Iasi-Romania s. 137-141, 2006.
5. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Moore GA, “Distribution of flavonoid glycosides, polyphenolics and antioxidant potentials in different tissues ofCitrus X paradisi, C. grandis, and C. Sinensis”, Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society Orlando, Florida/USA, p. 116:197-200, 2003.
6. Moore GA, Kaplan F, Koca U, Luth D, Berhow M, “Genetic transformation to alter naringin content in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.)” Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture, Orlando, Florida/ USA s. 78-81, 2003.
1. Yaldiz, G., Aka, C., Koca Çalişkan, U., In vitro Screening of Natural Drug Potentials For Mass Production, 1st GPSS (International Gazi Pharma Symposium Series). November 12-15, 2015, Antalya-Turkey.
2. Bağci, Ö., Aka, C., Koca Çalişkan, U., Pre-Monograph Analysis of Nigella sativa, 11thInternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS11), June 9-12, 2015, Ankara-Turkey.
3. Aka, C., Baykara, F., Koca Çalişkan, U., Pharmacopoeia Analysis of of Citrus aurantium Grown in Turkey, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
4. Aka, C., Yalçin, F.N., Koca Çalişkan, U., Şekeroğlu, N., Pre-Phytochemical Analysis and Radical Scavenging Activity of Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. Methanolic Extract, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
5. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Korkmaz, G., Kulak, M., Şekeroğlu, N., Chemical Profile Relation Between Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. And Its Hosts, 2ndMediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
6. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., MELATONin PLANTS, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
7. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Performans Artırıcı Doğal Besinler, IstMultidiciplinary International Congress on Sports Education and Health Sciences 1st ICSEH -2015, May 1-3, 2015, Sakarya.
8. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Doğal Performans Artırıcılar, Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik.
9. Koca Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Melatonin ve Besinlerimizdeki Varlığı, Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik.
10. Koca-Caliskan Ufuk1, Aka Ceylan1, Yalcin Funda N.2 Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis And Radıcal Scavengıng Activity Of The Cuscuta Arvensis Extracts 8th CAMAPSEEC (Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of South European Countries, Durres-Albania, 18-22 Mayıs 2014,
11. H. Çölgeçen, U Koca, M. Kartal, H.N. Büyükkartal, ‘Effects of different elicitors in cell suspension culture of Trifolium pratense L. (Elçi red clover) and determination of isoflavonoids in the cultures’ Medicorps 11-Medicinal Crops (Plants & Mushrooms) Int. Conference, sayfa 74, Nov. 9-12, 2011, Athenes, Greece
12. H. Çölgeçen, U Koca, M. Kartal, H.N. Büyükkartal, ‘Effects of different elicitors in cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa cv. Elçi and determination of isoflavonoids in the cultures’ Medicorps 11-Medicinal Crops (Plants & Mushrooms) Int. Conference, sayfa 75, Nov. 9-12, 2011, Athenes, Greece
13. Koca U, Küpeli Akkol E, Sekeroğlu N, ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro biological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. (Convolvulaceae) 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.48, April, 2011.
14. Ozkutlu F, Sekeroglu N, Koca U, ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.133, April, 2011.
15. Kadıoğlu-Dalkılıç L, Figura N, Guzeldag G., Santucci Annalisa, Sekeroglu N.,Koca U., ‘Investigation of Antibacterial effect of Some Medicinal Plant Extracts on Helicobacter pylori’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.229, April, 2011.
16. Koca U, Akgunlu B, Sekeroglu N, ‘Selected herbal resins and plant secretions used as traditional medicine in Turkey’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.323, April, 2011
17. Sekeroğlu N, Koca U, Güzeldağ G, Mercimek HA. “Antimicrobial activity of Şüdüt, a traditional herbal mixture”. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6 (22), s69, Apr-June 2010.
18. Çölgeçen H, Kartal M, Akbaş S. Koca U, H Büyükkartal.N., Establishing callus culture of natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. (Elçi red clover) and determination of isoflavonoid production in field samples and callus cultures, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6 (22), s.167, Apr-June 2010.
19. Koca U, Peşin I, Küpeli Akkol E, Yılmazer D., Alper M., Pharmacological evaluation of the wound healing potential of Olea europaea L. Leaf extracts by in vivo experimental models, CAMAPSEEC (Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of South European Countries, Antalya, 18-22 April 2010.
20. Peşin I, Koca U, Yeşilada E, Keleş H., Küpeli Akkol E., Wound healing activity and anti-inflammatory activities of C. iberica Trev. Ex SPRENG. By in vivomodels, 8th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Eskişehir, 15-17 June 2009.
21. Pesin I, Küpeli Akkol E, Yalçın F, Koca U., Wound healing activity ofSambucus ebulus L. extracts and Bioguided assay of methanol extract, International synposium on pharmaceutical sciences (ISOPS) P-190, Ankara, 23-27 July 2009.
22. Koca U, I. Pesin, Keleş H, Küpeli Akkol E, Effects of Rubus Sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae) on wound healing activity: Preclinical study in animal models. ISOPS, P-213 Ankara, July 2009.
23. Koca U, Bardakcı H, Kırmızıbekmez H, Erçetin T, Toker G, Toker M.C, Yeşilada E, Identification of shikonin derivatives and rosmarinic acid inArnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb Plant and Callus. ISOPS, P-214, Ankara, July 2009.
24. Koca U. and. Moore GA Effects of Transformation on the Flavonoid Pathway Genes of Grapefruit. Plants for human health in the post genome era. PSE congress Helsinki, Finland August 26th –29th 2007.
25. Koca U, Çolgeçen H, and Toker MC, Production of Shikonin and Derivatives via Callus and Suspension Culture of Arnebia densiflora L. Plants for human health in the post genome era PSE congr Helsinki August 26th –29th, Finland, 2007.
26. Koca U, Ercetin T, Toker G, Production and Increase of Cucurbitacin B inEcballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. Cell Suspension Culture by Using Elicitors.Plants for human health in the post genome era PSE congress Helsinki, Finland August 26th –29th 2007.
27. Koca U, Toker G and Toker CM ‘ The production of secondary metabolites through biotecjnologıcal methods as a base for production of active drug constituents’ 48th Ann Mtg Am Society of Pharmacognosy, Natural Products-Research, Development and Use. Portland ME/ USA july 14th-18th2007.
28. Altintas A, Demirci B, Koca U, Baser KH, Composition of the Essential oils of Centaurea tchihatcheffi Fisch. and MEY. The 7th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, (Ploswa) Eskişehir, Turkey, June 25th -29th , 2007
29. Koca U., Çölgeçen H, Toker G, ‘Seed germination and in vitro callus initiation from wild grown Ecballıum elaterıum’ The 7th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, (Ploswa), p11, Eskişehir, Turkey, June 25th -29th, 2007
30. Koca U, Moore GA, ‘Alteration of flavonoid composition via biotechnological methods’ 8th İnternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences p.250 ISOPS Ankara/Turkey June 13-16 2006.
31. Orhan I., Koca U., Özçelik B., Aslan,S. Kartal M., Kan Y., Küsmenoğlu Ş., ‘Antimicrobial actions and fatty acid profiles of the seed oils of three Urticaspecies. 8th İnternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences p.103 ISOPS Ankara/Turkey, June 13-16 2006.
32. Koca U., Toker G. Toker MC, ‘The production of drug active constituents through biotechnological methods’ 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries, Section I, p 137-141,Iasi/Romania, May, 2006.
33. Koca U, Hatice Çölgeçen, Gülnur Toker and M. Cihat Toker ‘Establishing Callus Culture of Arnebia densiflora in order to produce shikonin derivatives via biotechnological methods’ XV 13- Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology pTEC01-002 FESPB, Lyon /France July17-21, 2006.
34. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, Frydman A and Gloria A. Moore, “Evaluation of grapefruit plants transformed with genes from the flavonoid pathway” American Soc of Plant Biolog p.634 Seattle, WA/USA, 2005.
35. Koca U, Mark Berhow, Yoram Eyal, Ahuva Frydman and, “Analysis of Citrus Plants transformed with Flavonoid Pathway Genes” American Society of Plant Biologist p.250 Orlando, FL/USA, 2004.
36. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, Frydman A, and Moore GA, “Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus to have decreased the bitter taste& increased flavonoid content”, Ame Soc of Plant Biol Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 2003.
37. Koca U., Berhow M., Eyal Y. and Moore G. A., ‘Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus to have better acceptability of fruits” University of Florida, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Workshop (Paramutation, Structural Biology) Daytona Beach, Florida/ USA, 10-11 May, 2002.
38. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, and Moore GA., “Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus for better fruit acceptibility”, International Association for Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology p.1258 Orlando, FL/USA 2001.
39. Koca U, Luth D, Berhow M and G.A. Moore, “Manipulation of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in citrus to decrease bitter taste and/or increase the flavanoid content,” International Soc of Citriculture Congress p.12 Orlando, FL/USA, 2000.
40. Koca U, Xia Zhi-Qiang, Davin L.B. and. Lewis N.G, “Defining the biochemical pathway to the antitumor lignin podophyllotoxin,” Phytochemical Society of North America, Pullman, WA/USA, 1998.
41. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Erdoğan I, Koca U, Şener B, “Fatty Acids of Maclura pomifera oil” 4th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 1995.
42. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Toker G, Koca U, “The fruit oils of Capparis L. species” 4thInternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 1995.
PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS in National Meetings
1. Koca-Çalişkan, U., ÇÖLGEÇEN, H., AKA, C., Bitkiden İlaca Giden Yolda Biyoteknolojinin Yeri, 18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 18-19 Aralık 2015, Konya.
2. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Tıbbi Bitkilerin ve Doğal İlaç Hammadddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi’ Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik-Turkey.
3. U. Koca, T. Erçetin, G. Toker, C. Toker, “Farklı besi yerlerinin A. densiflora(Nordm.) Ledeb kallus kültürlerinde naftakinon üretimi üzerine etkileri” XVIII. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı BİHAT, s.29, İstanbul, Ekim, 2008
4. U. Koca, H. Çölgeçen, G. Toker, C. Toker “Bitkisel Kaynaklı İlaç Etken Maddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi Üzerinde Çalışmalar” XVII. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı BİHAT, s.9, Kuşadası, Aydın, Ekim, 2007.
5. U. Koca, A. Sazlı, Y. Kan, G. Çoksarı, Foeniculum vulgare Koca U, A.Sazlı, Y. Kan, G. Çoksarı, Foeniculum Vulgare MILL. Meyvelerinin kültür ve aktar örneklerinin karşılaştırmalı Farmakope analizleri. XIX BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents), Mersin, 27-30 Ekim 2010.
6. Şekeroğlu N., Yaldız G. Koca U. Tatil Mekânlarının Peyzaj Tasarımına Entelektüel Bir Bakış: "Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitki Bahçeleri". IV. Süs Bitkileri Kongresi Erdemli – Mersin, 20-22 Ekim 2010
7. Çölgeçen H., Koca U, Kartal M., “Slylibum Marianum’un in vitroçimlendirilmesi”, 19. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi p286, Trabzon, 23-27 Haziran 2008.
8. Koca U, Erçetin T., Çölgeçen H., Kartal M., Toker M.C., Kan Y. “Aseptik Ortamda Yetiştirilen Echinacea purpurea ve Echinacea pallida Fidelerinin Kallus Oluşturma Potansiyellerinin Karşılaştırılması” XVIII BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents), İstanbul, 16-18 Ekim 2008.
9. Koca U, Çolgeçen H, and Toker MC, Studies on the production of plant active drug constituenst via biotechnological methods, XVII BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p, Kusadasi, Turkey, October 26th-30th2007.
10. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Increase of flavonoid content in plants by using molecular techniques. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) Erzurum, Turkey, June 28th-30th 2006.
11. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Effects of flavonoids on growth of plant. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p86, Erzurum, Turkey, June 28th-30th 2006.
12. Orhan I, Koca U, Aslan S, Kartal M, Küsmenoğlu Ş, Fatty acid analysis of apricot samples grown in Turkey. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p, Erzurum Turkey June 28th-30th 2006.
13. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Türköz S, Koca U, “Constituents of the seed oil of Peganum harmala L.. 10th National Chemistry Congress, Bursa, Turkey 1994.
1. Aka C, Koca-Çalışkan U. ‘Alpinia officinarum Havlıcan Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
2. Koca-Çalışkan U., Aka C., Morinda citrifolia Hint dutu, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
3. Koca-Çalışkan U, ‘Eleutherococcus senticosus (Sibirya Ginsengi)’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
4. Koca-Çalışkan U, ‘Passiflora incarnata’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer.(Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
5. Çölgeçen H., Koca U., Büyükkartal H.N. (2011). Use of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seeds in human therapeutics. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, V. B. Patel (Editors), Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (1st ed.) (pp 975-980). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.
6. Koca U., Çölgeçen H., Reheman Nueraniye “Progress in Biotechnological Applications of Diverse Species in Boraginaceae Juss.” ”Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites’’ İlkay Orhan (Ed). E-Book,Department of Bentham Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 2011 DOI: 10.2174/97816080511441120101 eISBN: 978-1-60805-114-4 ISBN: 978-1-60805-410 7ttp://
7. İ. Orhan, Koca U., B. Şener: “Advances in Biotechnological Applications of Various Amaryllidaceae Plants’’ Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition, Volume 5), Teixeira da Silva JA (Ed), Global Science Books, Isleworth, UK, pp 548-554 (Print ISBN 978-4-903313-12-2), May, 2008.
8. Koca U., ‘Passiflora incarnata’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer.(Ed). 1st Edition, Özyurt Press Ankara, page 197-204, ISBN 975-567-045-4 (National), 2007.
Teaching Experience (classes thought)
Phytotherapeutics used for central nervous system disease, cancer
Plant tissue culture techniques
Natural cosmetics
New developments in cosmetics
Pharmacognosy II
Pharmacognosy III
Pharmaceutical Botany
General concepts in biotechnology
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Koca is at the Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy Prg. Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University ANKARA-TURKEY. She has a Master degree in Biochemistry; PhD in Plant Molecular Biology.
She graduated from the School of Pharmacy, Gazi University in 1993. While she was working on her Master’s degree in Pharmacognosy, she was honored with a scholarship from the ‘The Ministry of Education’ to study in the USA for a Master’s and PhD degrees. She studied the production and enhancing anticancer compound podophyllotoxin derivatives in linum flavum and L. usitatissimum callus and suspension cultures. After her Master’s degree from the Washington State Univ., department of biochemistry, she was accepted by the Plant Molecular and Cell Biology (PMCB) Prg. at the University of Florida. She moved to Gainesville, Florida, where she worked on a project dealing with the decreasing bitter taste of grapefruit via manipulation of the flavonoid pathway by means of gene transfer. Upon completing her PhD, she went back to Gazi University Faculty of Pharmacy to serve in her country Turkey.
She obtained grants and established a plant tissue culture laboratory. Some of the classes that she teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels are Pharmaceutical biotechnology, General concepts in biotechnology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Botany, Natural Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Phytotherapy and Homeopathy. She has PhD and Master students working on a degree at Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
Professor Koca- Caliskan works in plant biotechnology projects, she also works with folk medicine, test their activities to confirm their folcloric usage via in vitro and in vivo experiments. She has more than 50 published papers, about 10 book chapters and many conference presentations. She has certificates in Clinical Aromatherapy, Schüssler Salze Face Diagnosis.
Ufuk Koca-Çalışkan also served as an Administrator at her University as a Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences, where she established nonthesis programs in Nursing and Phytotherapy, and worked on to increase the success and the quality of the education.
Invited Visitor Scientist
Invited as ‘Appointed Visiting Professor’ by Sardegana Island & UNICA for 3 months to give seminars and do scientific research and education, (1 March-1 June 2012) Cagliari-SARDEGNA, ITALY.
1. Aka C, Koca-Çalışkan U. Fatma Baykara, Nazım Şekeroğlu Pharmacopoeia Analysis of Citrus aurantium L. Ssp. Amara engl. And it’s fixed oil content.Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. Vol 51, Issue 3, Jul-Sep, 2017
2. Koca-Caliskan U, Aka C and Oz MG, Plants Used in Anatolian Traditional Medicine for the Treatment of Hemorrhoid. Rec. Nat. Prod. 11:3: 235-250. 2017 (Review).
3. Balaban YH, Aka C, Koca-Caliskan U. Liver Immunlogy and Herbal Treatment. World J Hepatol. 18;9(17):757-770. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i17.757. 2017 (Review).
4. Koca-Çalışkan U, Aka C, Bor E, Melatonin in Edible and Non-Edible Plants. DOI: 10.4274/tjps.33043 Turk J Pharm Sci. 14(1):75-83, 2017 (Review)
5. Yaldız, G; Koca Çalışkan U; Aka, C. In Vitro Screening of Natural Drug Potentials for Mass Production. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca 45.1 2017.
6. Semiye Burcin Akgunlu, Nazim Sekeroglu, Ufuk Koca-Caliskan, Faruk Ozkutlu, Berrin Ozcelik, Muhittin Kulak and Sevgi Gezici. Research on selected wild edible vegetables: Mineral content and antimicrobial potentialsAnnals of Phytomedicine 5(2): 50-57, 2016
7. Çölgeçen Hatice, Büyükkartal Hatice Nurhan, Koca-Çalışkan Ufuk. Ultrastructural observations in somatic embryogenesis of natural tetraploidTrifolium pratense L.. Turkish Journal of Botany, 40(5), 496-505. 2016, Doi: 10.3906/bot-1511-22 (Yayın No: 2846491)
8. Şenol Fatma Sezer, Erdoğan Orhan İlkay, Özgen Ufuk, Renda Gülin, Bulut Gökhan, Güven Leyla, Sezen Karaoğlan Esen, Sevindik Handan Gökben, Skalicka Woniak Krystyna, Koca-Çalışkan Ufuk, Şekeroğlu Nazım. Memory-vitalizing effect of twenty-five medicinal and edible plants and their isolated compounds. South African Journal of Botany 2016 (Yayın No: 1849801)
9. Çölgeçen H., Koca-Çalişkan U, Kartal M., Büyükkartal H. N. Comprehensive evaluation of phytoestrogen accumulation in plants and in vitro cultures of Medicago sativa L. ‘Elçi’ and natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. Turk J Biol 38: 619-627, 2014. TÜBİTAK doi:10.3906/biy-1310-17
10. Çölgeçen H., Koca U, Yağcı C, Toker G., Toker M. C., Vural M.. Callus induction and secondary metabolite production studies in Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. FABAD J. Pharm. Sci., (37), 9-16. 2014 (Yayın No: 1330379)
11. Pirasa, A. Rosab, B. Marongiu, S. Porcedda, D. Falconieri, M.A. Dessìb, B. Ozcelik, Koca U, ‘Chemical composition and in vitro bioactivity of the volatile and fixed oils of Nigella sativa L. extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide’Industrial Crops and Products 46 317–323, 2013.
12. Özçelik B., Koca U, Kaya DA, Şekeroğlu N., ‘Evaluation Of The In vitro Bioactivities Of Mahaleb Cherry (Prunus Mahaleb L.)’ Romanian Biotechnological Letters Vol. 17, No.6, 2012.
13. F. Ozkutlu, N. Sekeroglu, Koca U, ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, Natural Product Communications6(10):1469-1472, 2011.
14. Koca U, Küpeli Akkol E, Sekeroğlu N., ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro biological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis’ Natural Product Communications 6(10):1433-1436, 2011.
15. H. Çölgeçen, Koca U., G. Toker, ‘Influence of different sterilization methods on callus initiation and production of pigmented callus in Arnebia densifloraLedeb.’, Turkish Journal of Biology 35:513-520, 2011
16. F. Ozkutlu, N. Sekeroglu, Koca U., ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, Natural Product Communications6(10):1469-1472, 2011
17. U. Koca, E. Küpeli Akkol, N. Sekeroğlu, ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitrobiological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis’ Natural Product Communications 6(10):1433-1436, 2011
18. Koca U, I Peşin Süntar, Küpeli Akkol E, Yılmazer D, Alper M, “Wound repair potential of Olea europaea L. Leaf Extracts Revealed by in vivo experimental models and comparative evaluation of the extracts’ antioxidant activity”,Journal of Medicinal Food 14(1-2):140-6, 2011
19. Orhan I, Şenol F.S, Koca U, Erçetin T, Toker G, “Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of Arnebia densiflora Ledeb.”Turkish Journal of Biology 35:111-115, 2011
20. Altıntaş A, Koca U, Demirci B, Başer KHC, “Essential Oil Composition of Endemic Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fisch. & Mey. from Turkey”, Asian journal of chemistry. 22(6):4711-4716, 2010.
21. Peşin Süntar I., Küpeli Akkol E., Yalçın F, Koca U., Keleş H., Yeşilada,E. “Wound healing potential of Sambucus ebulus L. leaves and isolation of an active component, quercetin 3-O-glucoside”, Journal of Ethnopharmacology129:106–114, 2010.
22. Koca U, Özçelik B, Özgen S, “Comparative in vitro activity of medicinal plantsArnebia densiflora and Ecballium elaterium against isolated strains ofKlebsiella pneumoniae” Turkish J. Pharm. 7 (3), 197-204, 2010
23. Koca U., Küpeli-Akkol E., Peşin I., Yılmazer D., Alper M., Yeşilada E., “In vivoantiinflammatory and wound healing activities of Centaurea iberica trev. ex spreng”. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126: 551-556, 2009.
24. Koca U, Toker G, Küpeli-Akkol E., “Assessment of the ethanol leaf, flower and stem extracts of Centaurea tchihatcheffii Fischer (Asteraceae) for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities by use of animal models” Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 8 (3): 193-200, 2009.
25. Küpeli-Akkol E, Koca U, Peşin I., Yılmazer D., “Evaluation of the wound healing potential of Achillea biebersteinii Afan. (Asteraceae) by in vivoExcision and İncision Models”. Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM), doi:10.1093/ecam/nep039, 2009.
26. Peşin I., Koca U., Keleş H., Küpeli Akkol E., “Wound healing activity of Rubus sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae): preclinical study in animal models”. Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) doi:10.1093/ecam/nep137 2009.
27. Küpeli Akkol E., Koca U., Peşin I., Yılmazer D., Toker G. and Yeşilada E.“Exploring the wound healing activity of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. by in vivo models ” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 124 (1), 137-141, 2009.
28. Koca U., Berhow M., Febres VJ, Champ K.I, Carrillo-Mendoza O., Moore GA, “Decreasing unpalatable flavonoid components in Citrus: the effect of transformation construct” Physiologia Plantarum 137: 101–114, 2009.
29. Koca U., H Cölgeçen., Erçetin T., Toker G., “In vitro Seed Germination and Callus Production from Ecballium elaterium Rich. As a Source for Cucurbitacin B”, Biomed, 4 (4):350-359, 2009.
30. Koca U., Özçelik B. “Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities ofCentaurea tchihatcheffii extracts”, Turk J. of Pharm. Sci. 6 (2):125-134, 2009.
31. Koca U., Özkutlu F., Şekeroğlu N., “Mineral Composition of Arnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb. An Endemic Medicinal Plant from Turkey”Biomed, 4 (1):51-56, 2009.
32. Kan Y., Orhan I., Koca U., Özçelik B., Aslan S., Kartal M., Küsmenoğlu Ş., “Fatty acid profile and antimicrobial effect of the seed oils of Urtica dioicaand U. Pilulifera” Turk. J. Pharm. Sci. 6 (1):21-30, 2009.
33. Orhan I., Koca U., S. Aslan, M. Kartal, Ş. Küsmenoğlu, “Fatty acid analysis of some Turkish apricot seed oils by GC-MS techniques”, Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 5 (1):29-34, 2008.
34. Koca U., “Elevation of the flavonoid content in grapefruit by introducing chalcone isomerase gene via biotechnological methods”. Turk J. Pharm. Sci. 4 (3):115-124, 2007.
35. Orhan I., Koca U., M. Kartal, B. Şener, “Hydrophobic components fromLycopodium complanatum L. Ssp. Chamaecyparissus (A. Br.) Döll” Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine-Letter 10: 82-83, 2007.
36. Peşin Süntar I., Koca U., E. Küpeli Akkol, D. Yılmazer, M. Alper, “Assesment of Wound-healing activity of the Aqueous extracts of Colutea cilicica Boiss. & Bal. Fruits and Leaves”, (Evidence Based Complemantary and Alternative Medicine) eCAM doi:10.1093/ecam/nep19009-0512, 2009.
37. Koca U, B. Rathinasabapathi, G.A. Moore, “Distribution of flavonoid glycosides, polyphenolics and antioxidant potentials in different tissues ofCitrus X paradisi, C. grandis, and C. sinensis” Florida State Horticultural Society, Orlando, Florida/ABD, 2003.
38. Türköz S, Küsmenoğlu S, Koca U, Studies on the seeds of Cydonia oblongaMiller” Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 1: 39-42, 1998.
39. Küsmenoğlu S, Toker G, K Başer K, Koca U, Composition of the fruit oils ofCapparis species’. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 2: 55-57, 1997.
40. Küsmenoğlu S, Türköz S, Koca U (1995) Constituents of the seed oil ofPeganum harmala L. J. Fac. Pharm. Gazi 12: 141-144.
1. KOCA-ÇALIŞKAN, U., Tıbbi Bitkilerin ve Doğal İlaç Hammadddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi’ Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, Bilecik, May 20-23, 2015
2. KOCA-ÇALIŞKAN, U. ‘Ergogenic Supports in Natural Nutrition’, Ist.Multidiciplinary International Congress on Sports Education and Health Sciences 1st ICSEH -2015, Sakarya, May 1-3, 2015.
3. Koca, U, Şekeroğlu N, Özkutlu F, “Mineral Composition of Gentiana olivieriGriseb. (Gentianaceae): A Traditional Remedy for Diabetes in Turkey” 5th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (CAMAPSEEC), Brno-Czech Republic, p. 23-27, 2008.
4. Koca U, Toker G, Toker MC, “The production of drug active constituents through biotechnological methods” 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries (CAMAPSEEC), Section I, Iasi-Romania s. 137-141, 2006.
5. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Moore GA, “Distribution of flavonoid glycosides, polyphenolics and antioxidant potentials in different tissues ofCitrus X paradisi, C. grandis, and C. Sinensis”, Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society Orlando, Florida/USA, p. 116:197-200, 2003.
6. Moore GA, Kaplan F, Koca U, Luth D, Berhow M, “Genetic transformation to alter naringin content in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.)” Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture, Orlando, Florida/ USA s. 78-81, 2003.
1. Yaldiz, G., Aka, C., Koca Çalişkan, U., In vitro Screening of Natural Drug Potentials For Mass Production, 1st GPSS (International Gazi Pharma Symposium Series). November 12-15, 2015, Antalya-Turkey.
2. Bağci, Ö., Aka, C., Koca Çalişkan, U., Pre-Monograph Analysis of Nigella sativa, 11thInternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS11), June 9-12, 2015, Ankara-Turkey.
3. Aka, C., Baykara, F., Koca Çalişkan, U., Pharmacopoeia Analysis of of Citrus aurantium Grown in Turkey, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
4. Aka, C., Yalçin, F.N., Koca Çalişkan, U., Şekeroğlu, N., Pre-Phytochemical Analysis and Radical Scavenging Activity of Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. Methanolic Extract, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
5. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Korkmaz, G., Kulak, M., Şekeroğlu, N., Chemical Profile Relation Between Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. And Its Hosts, 2ndMediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
6. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., MELATONin PLANTS, 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- MESMAP-2015, April 22-25, 2015, Antalya.
7. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Performans Artırıcı Doğal Besinler, IstMultidiciplinary International Congress on Sports Education and Health Sciences 1st ICSEH -2015, May 1-3, 2015, Sakarya.
8. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Doğal Performans Artırıcılar, Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik.
9. Koca Çalişkan, U., Aka, C., Melatonin ve Besinlerimizdeki Varlığı, Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik.
10. Koca-Caliskan Ufuk1, Aka Ceylan1, Yalcin Funda N.2 Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis And Radıcal Scavengıng Activity Of The Cuscuta Arvensis Extracts 8th CAMAPSEEC (Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of South European Countries, Durres-Albania, 18-22 Mayıs 2014,
11. H. Çölgeçen, U Koca, M. Kartal, H.N. Büyükkartal, ‘Effects of different elicitors in cell suspension culture of Trifolium pratense L. (Elçi red clover) and determination of isoflavonoids in the cultures’ Medicorps 11-Medicinal Crops (Plants & Mushrooms) Int. Conference, sayfa 74, Nov. 9-12, 2011, Athenes, Greece
12. H. Çölgeçen, U Koca, M. Kartal, H.N. Büyükkartal, ‘Effects of different elicitors in cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa cv. Elçi and determination of isoflavonoids in the cultures’ Medicorps 11-Medicinal Crops (Plants & Mushrooms) Int. Conference, sayfa 75, Nov. 9-12, 2011, Athenes, Greece
13. Koca U, Küpeli Akkol E, Sekeroğlu N, ‘Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro biological activities of different extracts from Cuscuta arvensis Beyr. (Convolvulaceae) 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.48, April, 2011.
14. Ozkutlu F, Sekeroglu N, Koca U, ‘Selenium Concentrations of Selected Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Turkey’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.133, April, 2011.
15. Kadıoğlu-Dalkılıç L, Figura N, Guzeldag G., Santucci Annalisa, Sekeroglu N.,Koca U., ‘Investigation of Antibacterial effect of Some Medicinal Plant Extracts on Helicobacter pylori’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.229, April, 2011.
16. Koca U, Akgunlu B, Sekeroglu N, ‘Selected herbal resins and plant secretions used as traditional medicine in Turkey’’, 3th International Congress on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM) Cagliari-Italy, s.323, April, 2011
17. Sekeroğlu N, Koca U, Güzeldağ G, Mercimek HA. “Antimicrobial activity of Şüdüt, a traditional herbal mixture”. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6 (22), s69, Apr-June 2010.
18. Çölgeçen H, Kartal M, Akbaş S. Koca U, H Büyükkartal.N., Establishing callus culture of natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. (Elçi red clover) and determination of isoflavonoid production in field samples and callus cultures, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 6 (22), s.167, Apr-June 2010.
19. Koca U, Peşin I, Küpeli Akkol E, Yılmazer D., Alper M., Pharmacological evaluation of the wound healing potential of Olea europaea L. Leaf extracts by in vivo experimental models, CAMAPSEEC (Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of South European Countries, Antalya, 18-22 April 2010.
20. Peşin I, Koca U, Yeşilada E, Keleş H., Küpeli Akkol E., Wound healing activity and anti-inflammatory activities of C. iberica Trev. Ex SPRENG. By in vivomodels, 8th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Eskişehir, 15-17 June 2009.
21. Pesin I, Küpeli Akkol E, Yalçın F, Koca U., Wound healing activity ofSambucus ebulus L. extracts and Bioguided assay of methanol extract, International synposium on pharmaceutical sciences (ISOPS) P-190, Ankara, 23-27 July 2009.
22. Koca U, I. Pesin, Keleş H, Küpeli Akkol E, Effects of Rubus Sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae) on wound healing activity: Preclinical study in animal models. ISOPS, P-213 Ankara, July 2009.
23. Koca U, Bardakcı H, Kırmızıbekmez H, Erçetin T, Toker G, Toker M.C, Yeşilada E, Identification of shikonin derivatives and rosmarinic acid inArnebia densiflora (Nordm.) Ledeb Plant and Callus. ISOPS, P-214, Ankara, July 2009.
24. Koca U. and. Moore GA Effects of Transformation on the Flavonoid Pathway Genes of Grapefruit. Plants for human health in the post genome era. PSE congress Helsinki, Finland August 26th –29th 2007.
25. Koca U, Çolgeçen H, and Toker MC, Production of Shikonin and Derivatives via Callus and Suspension Culture of Arnebia densiflora L. Plants for human health in the post genome era PSE congr Helsinki August 26th –29th, Finland, 2007.
26. Koca U, Ercetin T, Toker G, Production and Increase of Cucurbitacin B inEcballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. Cell Suspension Culture by Using Elicitors.Plants for human health in the post genome era PSE congress Helsinki, Finland August 26th –29th 2007.
27. Koca U, Toker G and Toker CM ‘ The production of secondary metabolites through biotecjnologıcal methods as a base for production of active drug constituents’ 48th Ann Mtg Am Society of Pharmacognosy, Natural Products-Research, Development and Use. Portland ME/ USA july 14th-18th2007.
28. Altintas A, Demirci B, Koca U, Baser KH, Composition of the Essential oils of Centaurea tchihatcheffi Fisch. and MEY. The 7th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, (Ploswa) Eskişehir, Turkey, June 25th -29th , 2007
29. Koca U., Çölgeçen H, Toker G, ‘Seed germination and in vitro callus initiation from wild grown Ecballıum elaterıum’ The 7th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium, (Ploswa), p11, Eskişehir, Turkey, June 25th -29th, 2007
30. Koca U, Moore GA, ‘Alteration of flavonoid composition via biotechnological methods’ 8th İnternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences p.250 ISOPS Ankara/Turkey June 13-16 2006.
31. Orhan I., Koca U., Özçelik B., Aslan,S. Kartal M., Kan Y., Küsmenoğlu Ş., ‘Antimicrobial actions and fatty acid profiles of the seed oils of three Urticaspecies. 8th İnternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences p.103 ISOPS Ankara/Turkey, June 13-16 2006.
32. Koca U., Toker G. Toker MC, ‘The production of drug active constituents through biotechnological methods’ 4th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South-East European Countries, Section I, p 137-141,Iasi/Romania, May, 2006.
33. Koca U, Hatice Çölgeçen, Gülnur Toker and M. Cihat Toker ‘Establishing Callus Culture of Arnebia densiflora in order to produce shikonin derivatives via biotechnological methods’ XV 13- Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology pTEC01-002 FESPB, Lyon /France July17-21, 2006.
34. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, Frydman A and Gloria A. Moore, “Evaluation of grapefruit plants transformed with genes from the flavonoid pathway” American Soc of Plant Biolog p.634 Seattle, WA/USA, 2005.
35. Koca U, Mark Berhow, Yoram Eyal, Ahuva Frydman and, “Analysis of Citrus Plants transformed with Flavonoid Pathway Genes” American Society of Plant Biologist p.250 Orlando, FL/USA, 2004.
36. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, Frydman A, and Moore GA, “Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus to have decreased the bitter taste& increased flavonoid content”, Ame Soc of Plant Biol Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 2003.
37. Koca U., Berhow M., Eyal Y. and Moore G. A., ‘Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus to have better acceptability of fruits” University of Florida, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Workshop (Paramutation, Structural Biology) Daytona Beach, Florida/ USA, 10-11 May, 2002.
38. Koca U, Berhow M, Eyal Y, and Moore GA., “Manipulations of the flavonoid pathway in citrus for better fruit acceptibility”, International Association for Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology p.1258 Orlando, FL/USA 2001.
39. Koca U, Luth D, Berhow M and G.A. Moore, “Manipulation of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in citrus to decrease bitter taste and/or increase the flavanoid content,” International Soc of Citriculture Congress p.12 Orlando, FL/USA, 2000.
40. Koca U, Xia Zhi-Qiang, Davin L.B. and. Lewis N.G, “Defining the biochemical pathway to the antitumor lignin podophyllotoxin,” Phytochemical Society of North America, Pullman, WA/USA, 1998.
41. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Erdoğan I, Koca U, Şener B, “Fatty Acids of Maclura pomifera oil” 4th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 1995.
42. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Toker G, Koca U, “The fruit oils of Capparis L. species” 4thInternational Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 1995.
PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS in National Meetings
1. Koca-Çalişkan, U., ÇÖLGEÇEN, H., AKA, C., Bitkiden İlaca Giden Yolda Biyoteknolojinin Yeri, 18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 18-19 Aralık 2015, Konya.
2. Koca-Çalişkan, U., Tıbbi Bitkilerin ve Doğal İlaç Hammadddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi’ Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Zirvesi’2015- DOĞAL2015, May 20-23, 2015, Bilecik-Turkey.
3. U. Koca, T. Erçetin, G. Toker, C. Toker, “Farklı besi yerlerinin A. densiflora(Nordm.) Ledeb kallus kültürlerinde naftakinon üretimi üzerine etkileri” XVIII. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı BİHAT, s.29, İstanbul, Ekim, 2008
4. U. Koca, H. Çölgeçen, G. Toker, C. Toker “Bitkisel Kaynaklı İlaç Etken Maddelerinin Biyoteknolojik Yöntemlerle Üretilmesi Üzerinde Çalışmalar” XVII. Bitkisel İlaç Hammaddeleri Toplantısı BİHAT, s.9, Kuşadası, Aydın, Ekim, 2007.
5. U. Koca, A. Sazlı, Y. Kan, G. Çoksarı, Foeniculum vulgare Koca U, A.Sazlı, Y. Kan, G. Çoksarı, Foeniculum Vulgare MILL. Meyvelerinin kültür ve aktar örneklerinin karşılaştırmalı Farmakope analizleri. XIX BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents), Mersin, 27-30 Ekim 2010.
6. Şekeroğlu N., Yaldız G. Koca U. Tatil Mekânlarının Peyzaj Tasarımına Entelektüel Bir Bakış: "Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitki Bahçeleri". IV. Süs Bitkileri Kongresi Erdemli – Mersin, 20-22 Ekim 2010
7. Çölgeçen H., Koca U, Kartal M., “Slylibum Marianum’un in vitroçimlendirilmesi”, 19. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi p286, Trabzon, 23-27 Haziran 2008.
8. Koca U, Erçetin T., Çölgeçen H., Kartal M., Toker M.C., Kan Y. “Aseptik Ortamda Yetiştirilen Echinacea purpurea ve Echinacea pallida Fidelerinin Kallus Oluşturma Potansiyellerinin Karşılaştırılması” XVIII BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents), İstanbul, 16-18 Ekim 2008.
9. Koca U, Çolgeçen H, and Toker MC, Studies on the production of plant active drug constituenst via biotechnological methods, XVII BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p, Kusadasi, Turkey, October 26th-30th2007.
10. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Increase of flavonoid content in plants by using molecular techniques. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) Erzurum, Turkey, June 28th-30th 2006.
11. Koca U, Rathinasabapathi B, Effects of flavonoids on growth of plant. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p86, Erzurum, Turkey, June 28th-30th 2006.
12. Orhan I, Koca U, Aslan S, Kartal M, Küsmenoğlu Ş, Fatty acid analysis of apricot samples grown in Turkey. XVI BIHAT (Meetings on Plant drug active constituents) p, Erzurum Turkey June 28th-30th 2006.
13. Küsmenoğlu Ş, Türköz S, Koca U, “Constituents of the seed oil of Peganum harmala L.. 10th National Chemistry Congress, Bursa, Turkey 1994.
1. Aka C, Koca-Çalışkan U. ‘Alpinia officinarum Havlıcan Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
2. Koca-Çalışkan U., Aka C., Morinda citrifolia Hint dutu, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
3. Koca-Çalışkan U, ‘Eleutherococcus senticosus (Sibirya Ginsengi)’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer. (Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
4. Koca-Çalışkan U, ‘Passiflora incarnata’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer.(Ed) 2nd Edition, Nobel Press, Ankara, (National) 2017. (in press)
5. Çölgeçen H., Koca U., Büyükkartal H.N. (2011). Use of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seeds in human therapeutics. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, V. B. Patel (Editors), Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (1st ed.) (pp 975-980). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.
6. Koca U., Çölgeçen H., Reheman Nueraniye “Progress in Biotechnological Applications of Diverse Species in Boraginaceae Juss.” ”Biotechnological Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites’’ İlkay Orhan (Ed). E-Book,Department of Bentham Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 2011 DOI: 10.2174/97816080511441120101 eISBN: 978-1-60805-114-4 ISBN: 978-1-60805-410 7ttp://
7. İ. Orhan, Koca U., B. Şener: “Advances in Biotechnological Applications of Various Amaryllidaceae Plants’’ Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition, Volume 5), Teixeira da Silva JA (Ed), Global Science Books, Isleworth, UK, pp 548-554 (Print ISBN 978-4-903313-12-2), May, 2008.
8. Koca U., ‘Passiflora incarnata’’, Tedavide kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”, L. Ömür Demirezer.(Ed). 1st Edition, Özyurt Press Ankara, page 197-204, ISBN 975-567-045-4 (National), 2007.
Teaching Experience (classes thought)
Phytotherapeutics used for central nervous system disease, cancer
Plant tissue culture techniques
Natural cosmetics
New developments in cosmetics
Pharmacognosy II
Pharmacognosy III
Pharmaceutical Botany
General concepts in biotechnology
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Dr Moddaresi is a regulatory expert and director of at Personal care Regulatory Ltd. ( She is a pharmacist in training (PharmD) with a PhD in cosmetic science. She is a multidisciplinary scientist with experience in different formulation and regulatory roles in the cosmetic, pharma and biopharma industries. She is a Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), and a chartered biologist (CBiol), a full member of British society of toxicologists, and the society of cosmetic scientists, UK (SCS). She is sitting on the scientific committee of, UK and also the honorary treasurer of the SCS. She has several publications in formulations and cosmetics regulatory fields in peer viewed and technical journals. At Personal Care Regulatory Ltd, she overseas helping brands for EU/UK compliance prior to launching on the market.
Specialties: Safety assessment of cosmetic products, Cosmetic regulations, Cosmetovigilance, Natural cosmetics standards, claims substantiation of cosmetic products
Dr Moddaresi is a regulatory expert and director of at Personal care Regulatory Ltd. ( She is a pharmacist in training (PharmD) with a PhD in cosmetic science. She is a multidisciplinary scientist with experience in different formulation and regulatory roles in the cosmetic, pharma and biopharma industries. She is a Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), and a chartered biologist (CBiol), a full member of British society of toxicologists, and the society of cosmetic scientists, UK (SCS). She is sitting on the scientific committee of, UK and also the honorary treasurer of the SCS. She has several publications in formulations and cosmetics regulatory fields in peer viewed and technical journals. At Personal Care Regulatory Ltd, she overseas helping brands for EU/UK compliance prior to launching on the market.
Specialties: Safety assessment of cosmetic products, Cosmetic regulations, Cosmetovigilance, Natural cosmetics standards, claims substantiation of cosmetic products
Dr. Yann-Olivier Hay has a PhD of Science of matter (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France) focused on natural preservatives for 100% Natural health and well being products. He’s although biochemist (Msc), Engineer of agro-forestry-pastoral management in tropical area and an Applied Ethnopharmacology specialization.
He’s Founder and General Manager of FARMAVERDE CTA, a small Colombian cooperative that cultivates and produces 100% natural products for health. He has a wide experience in knowledge transfer to community and doctors about medicinal plant and essential oil uses, formulation and execution of research and development projects with ethical and environmental values (100% natural products for health and ecologic agriculture). Additionally, he has skills and experience in sustainable bio-enterprises, especially in development and implementation of high-potential chains, implementation and monitoring biotrade principles and criteria Dr. Hay has conducted research in development of Aromatherapeutic products; antimicrobial, antioxidant, and explored clinical fields for use of the products in a clinical setting for treatments. Dr. Yann-Olivier Hay has a PhD of Science of matter (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France) focused on natural preservatives for 100% Natural health and well being products. He’s although biochemist (Msc), Engineer of agro-forestry-pastoral management in tropical area and an Applied Ethnopharmacology specialization.
He’s Founder and General Manager of FARMAVERDE CTA, a small Colombian cooperative that cultivates and produces 100% natural products for health. He has a wide experience in knowledge transfer to community and doctors about medicinal plant and essential oil uses, formulation and execution of research and development projects with ethical and environmental values (100% natural products for health and ecologic agriculture). Additionally, he has skills and experience in sustainable bio-enterprises, especially in development and implementation of high-potential chains, implementation and monitoring biotrade principles and criteria Dr. Hay has conducted research in development of Aromatherapeutic products; antimicrobial, antioxidant, and explored clinical fields for use of the products in a clinical setting for treatments. Prof. Mona Hetta, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Fayoum University, 2015 – till now. She established this Faculty; She worked as Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, 2014-2015; Head of Pharmacognosy Department from 2008–2014; Program-Coordinator for Clinical Pharmacy Program, 2008–2015; Vice Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Faculty of Graduate Studies, 2011 – 2014, Beni-Suef University. She started her career in National Research Centre (NRC) till 2005; She got her Ph.D., Helwan University, 2001(Channel system – DAAD); Master degree, Cairo University, 1996, in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacognosy; Bachelor from Cairo University, 1984; She has contributed in 8 research projects, attended more than 40 international and national conferences, supervised and still supervising 25 Master and Ph.D. theses in the area of natural products. She has 66 publications and contributed in 2 books, awarded from "The Arabic Company for Medicinal Plants" for the best Master Thesis in 1994, University Award of “Scientific Excellence”, 2011, from Beni – Suef University; University Award for Scientific publications in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 from Fayoum University, Member in several committees, recently “Specialized Scientific Committee for Herbal Medicines” 9/ 2017.Her research work focuses on the isolation, purification, and identification of bioactive constituents from natural products and drug discovery interest from natural and medicinal sources. Prof. Mona Hetta, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Fayoum University, 2015 – till now. She established this Faculty; She worked as Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University, 2014-2015; Head of Pharmacognosy Department from 2008–2014; Program-Coordinator for Clinical Pharmacy Program, 2008–2015; Vice Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Faculty of Graduate Studies, 2011 – 2014, Beni-Suef University. She started her career in National Research Centre (NRC) till 2005; She got her Ph.D., Helwan University, 2001(Channel system – DAAD); Master degree, Cairo University, 1996, in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacognosy; Bachelor from Cairo University, 1984; She has contributed in 8 research projects, attended more than 40 international and national conferences, supervised and still supervising 25 Master and Ph.D. theses in the area of natural products. She has 66 publications and contributed in 2 books, awarded from "The Arabic Company for Medicinal Plants" for the best Master Thesis in 1994, University Award of “Scientific Excellence”, 2011, from Beni – Suef University; University Award for Scientific publications in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 from Fayoum University, Member in several committees, recently “Specialized Scientific Committee for Herbal Medicines” 9/ 2017. Her research work focuses on the isolation, purification, and identification of bioactive constituents from natural products and drug discovery interest from natural and medicinal sources. Medical surgeon, graduated in Public Health, Epidemiology from Universidad Mayor de San Andres
(UMSA) La Paz, Bolivia. I have completed several complementary medical studies such as Neural Theraphy (Eva Peron Hospital, San Martin. Argentina), Post degree in Phytomedicine (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Fitomedicina, Buenos Aries, Argentina) Post degree in Phytotherapy (FLACSAN, Chile) Medicinal Plants (Pinard del Rio, Cuba) Master in Dermopharmacy and Natural Cosmetics (Barcelona, España) Pos degree in Phytocosmetics (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Plantas Medicinales) Executive Director of the Centre for Complementary Medicine, Healing Vibrations, Main researcher of the natural laboratory Fitolab. Work experience with European companies as SES (Senior Experts Service) Other studies: Homeopathy (Homeopathic Medical Association in Bolivia) I have taken courses of continuous professional development at the Argentine Medical Homeopathic Association (AMHA.) Bach Flower Remedies, Usui Reiki Master.
I have also conducted several research projects as the main researcher as: “Effectiveness of Hypericum perforatum for depression”, (randomized clinical trial, Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Xanthium spinosum and Eritroxilam coca for high altitude pathological Erythrocytosis disease”, (pilot study, Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia)) “Effectiveness of Xanthium spinosum for the treatment of dysliídemia” (observational study. Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia)) “Effectiveness of Thymus vulgaris vs Equinacea purpurea” (clinical trial, private medical centres. La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Camelia sinensis (L.) Kuntze for treatment of Acne vulgaris stages 0, I and II (Hospital La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Reiki for the neuropatic pain” (clinical trial, Neurology Unit, Hospital de Clínicas, La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Reiki for anxiety and depression” (Observational study, Neurology Unit, Hospital de Clínicas, La Paz, Bolivia) AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST
- Phytocosmetics
- Phytotherapy
- Active ingredients from medicinal plants
- Essential oils
- Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Medical surgeon, graduated in Public Health, Epidemiology from Universidad Mayor de San Andres
(UMSA) La Paz, Bolivia. I have completed several complementary medical studies such as Neural Theraphy (Eva Peron Hospital, San Martin. Argentina), Post degree in Phytomedicine (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Fitomedicina, Buenos Aries, Argentina) Post degree in Phytotherapy (FLACSAN, Chile) Medicinal Plants (Pinard del Rio, Cuba) Master in Dermopharmacy and Natural Cosmetics (Barcelona, España) Pos degree in Phytocosmetics (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Plantas Medicinales) Executive Director of the Centre for Complementary Medicine, Healing Vibrations, Main researcher of the natural laboratory Fitolab. Work experience with European companies as SES (Senior Experts Service) Other studies: Homeopathy (Homeopathic Medical Association in Bolivia) I have taken courses of continuous professional development at the Argentine Medical Homeopathic Association (AMHA.) Bach Flower Remedies, Usui Reiki Master.
I have also conducted several research projects as the main researcher as: “Effectiveness of Hypericum perforatum for depression”, (randomized clinical trial, Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Xanthium spinosum and Eritroxilam coca for high altitude pathological Erythrocytosis disease”, (pilot study, Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia)) “Effectiveness of Xanthium spinosum for the treatment of dysliídemia” (observational study. Policlínico Central, Caja Nacional de Salud. La Paz, Bolivia)) “Effectiveness of Thymus vulgaris vs Equinacea purpurea” (clinical trial, private medical centres. La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Camelia sinensis (L.) Kuntze for treatment of Acne vulgaris stages 0, I and II (Hospital La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Reiki for the neuropatic pain” (clinical trial, Neurology Unit, Hospital de Clínicas, La Paz, Bolivia) “Effectiveness of Reiki for anxiety and depression” (Observational study, Neurology Unit, Hospital de Clínicas, La Paz, Bolivia) AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST
- Phytocosmetics
- Phytotherapy
- Active ingredients from medicinal plants
- Essential oils
- Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Uma completed her undergraduate and master degree in Biochemistry from University of Malaya. She pursued her PhD at Cambridge on a project designing affinity ligands for the selective binding of the glycoprotein pharmaceuticals. Prior to Monash, she worked in SIRIM, Malaysia’s Industrial Research Institute, and established the natural product research group to aid local cosmeceutical and nutraceutical industries. She has to her name a number of innovation awards, patents, publications and actively collaborates with industry. She is an editorial board member of several reputable journals and is an international and national grant evaluator.She has more than 20 years of experience in research related to biomedical science with particular focus on the use of natural products in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical research. She has also been trained in natural product drug discovery at a Japanese pharmaceutical company focusing on the isolation, characterization and purification of anti-fungals and anti-inflammatory agents from microbial sources. While on sabbatical at the Dept. of Nutrition, Uni. of Toronto, she has had hands-on experience on RCT’s studying the effect of dietary modification on glycemic control and CVD risk factors in Type 2 Diabetes patients. Her current interest is in investigating the mechanism of action of natural bioactives’ in modulating metabolic syndrome parameters, particularly the role played by gut microbs Uma completed her undergraduate and master degree in Biochemistry from University of Malaya. She pursued her PhD at Cambridge on a project designing affinity ligands for the selective binding of the glycoprotein pharmaceuticals. Prior to Monash, she worked in SIRIM, Malaysia’s Industrial Research Institute, and established the natural product research group to aid local cosmeceutical and nutraceutical industries. She has to her name a number of innovation awards, patents, publications and actively collaborates with industry. She is an editorial board member of several reputable journals and is an international and national grant evaluator. She has more than 20 years of experience in research related to biomedical science with particular focus on the use of natural products in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical research. She has also been trained in natural product drug discovery at a Japanese pharmaceutical company focusing on the isolation, characterization and purification of anti-fungals and anti-inflammatory agents from microbial sources. While on sabbatical at the Dept. of Nutrition, Uni. of Toronto, she has had hands-on experience on RCT’s studying the effect of dietary modification on glycemic control and CVD risk factors in Type 2 Diabetes patients. Her current interest is in investigating the mechanism of action of natural bioactives’ in modulating metabolic syndrome parameters, particularly the role played by gut microbs Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of San Carlos, Guatemala Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of San Carlos, Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala Director of Research at LIPRONAT, Guatemala Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala Director of Research at LIPRONAT, Guatemala |